Wednesday 16 April 2014

Never Underestimate Seniors

Recently, a friend of ours turned 60 and was distressed to receive a letter from her bank referring to her as a "senior." People! It's time to reclaim this word from its unfairly negative connotations. Many seniors lead fun, rich, rewarding, vibrant lives! Turn those stereotypes on their heads!

And to all you young whippersnappers out there who can't relate to this post . . . . well, just you wait, kiddos.


  1. i keep telling my kids i am going to get full sleeves to hide my age marks!

  2. I try to tell people to pick tattoo locations carefully.

  3. Aging, if accompanied by rfather good health can be enjoyable too :) In fact, many people start living for themselves finally. I liked the last pic - i still want to make a tattoo...

  4. As a senior citizen I can honestly attest that seniorhood can be fun...although I will admit when I received my half price fare card and saw the words senior citizen, it did throw me for a loop...but only for a short while. I enjoy it now.

  5. The last one is really fun. Really, really fun.

  6. These are all hilarious!
    We sometimes talk about what our generation will look like as older; none of us know how to dance (with someone), most of us have tattoos and we're the last to remember a time without cellphones and home computers.
    But most of all I see myself doing exactly what I do now; drinking red wine surrounded by cats :)

  7. I want to watch elderly fencing. Oh how I want to watch that. Being a Senior in high school was cool, why isn't being a senior in life cool?

  8. I'm not sure what a better term for us old fogies would be. Anyone? Anyone have the answer?

    Ya, I wonder about all those heavily tattooed young whipper snappers.... guess like us at that age, they simply trust that they will never grow old and sag here and there.

  9. When I think of my grade 8 teacher who was the same age as I am now when she retired I have a great deal of trouble thinking of myself as a senior. She was a senior, looked and acted like it. Somehow the boomers have changed the face of old age. Thanks for the smiles!

  10. that one with the flag is a hoot!!!!!

    Mennonite brownies, lol, just the name, came from the Mennonite cookbook, I just always say that when I say brownies, they are the ones i make, have the best day, I think its a bit warmer out your way, minus 14 here this morning, isn't that lovely!!!

  11. A talk show host I listen to calls them "seasoned citizens" - I love that. That's totally gonna be me: tats and weapons! C'mon grandma let's go get some ink and hit up the range!!!

  12. Hubby had his first encounter with "Senior Discount" a few years back at the age of 50. At first it was a bit disconcerting to him then the frugal in him came out & he's been soaking it up ever since!
    I do love the last cartoon!

  13. we do like it when Picard and Gandalf go out with Professor X and Magneto and they all play together

  14. They say 40 is the new 30, so by my thinking that means that 50 is the new 40... and 60 the new 50. We've all just gained a decade!

  15. Happy birthday to your friend! Age is a state of mind and all those other cliches.

  16. hahahaha - "whippersnappers" :)

    I don't know when it happened, but at some point I began finding groups teenagers intimidating. That's clearly a sign of old-fogey-dom.

  17. Never underestimate seniors. Our canes can really hurt.

  18. THe last funny is what I say to GK and Ry all the time.......just you wait as they die in hystercial puddles when I do something typically "old school".
    Inside every "oldster" is a twenty something looking out into the mirror and wondering who in the hell the old person is looking back at them.

  19. David is already practicing by yelling,"you kids get off my lawn!"
    I'm just wondering where I can sign up for senior fencing classes.

  20. I feel like that already and I'm not even forty :) Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Very busy.

  21. Lol! Great as always. My upper arms flap a little. Time for a flag tat! :)

  22. What a wonderful post. Very powerful. Thank you for posting it. Seniors ROCK! Youngsters today better wish they would live to such an age. Cheers!!

  23. LOL! that's right Debra, there is life after 60! Ask me!!
    These were hilarious!! Oh yes, and true!

  24. I'm 70, anyone calls me a senior will be righteously bipped...and hard.

  25. When I was younger (my early 20s) I was in a theatre group that my grandparents actually belonged many of my friends have always been older than me...seniors even! They know how to have a good time.

    And bingo can suck it!

  26. Hi Debra! I've been catching up on your last few posts, and I'm so glad I did! Because of you, I'm going to have to start watching X-Men movies! I am intrigued by the young old concept, and with two of my favorite actors (Stewart and McKellen) in the
    upcoming movie how can I lose? The Easter bunny jokes were very funny! The Kim Jong-Un one was hysterical. I wish I had the kind of mind that came up with that one! Brilliant! I'm a senior too! But I'm trying to break some of the old stereotypes! Have a good one!

  27. Very funny post ;o) Love it! The flag tattoo is excellent!

  28. So funny! I like that idea of Old Glory on my upper arm! :-)

  29. The post was fun to read as well as the comments. I, too turned 60 and cringe every time I am referred to as a "senior" There is a negative connotation to that label. Aging is a tricky business, we often feel younger than we look...or perhaps we look older than we feel.

    In most cases it's hard to handle when someone refers to their parents or someone they know as being old and you realize the person they are talking about is 5 years younger than you.

  30. Hahahaha.... I love these! Yes, those years can be a lot of fun.

    There is a motorcycle club that my husband is interested in joining made up of older guys. It's called the 'Old Bastards Vintage Motorcycle Club'. It just kills me. I can't even think about the name 'Old Bastards' without keeling over.

  31. The first one reminds me of the Futurama episode where Fry (who was frozen in time for a thousand years) fails a 20th century history class despite living in it.

  32. Great post. I'm afraid I am one of those who miss being an irresponsible teenager......things have gone downhill since then! I like the pic with Picard, Spock and Gandalf - what an odd and wonderful gathering. That last pic also shows something that I always wondered about will those cool tattoos look when the canvas wrinkles?

  33. Now that I have friends in their sixties and seventies, I'm more confused by the term "senior." And my arm flappage started flapping around a decade or so ago.

    On another note, thanks so much for your cheery comment on my article. I love and appreciate it. It's nice to be on the, mend. Both, actually. Wink.


  34. Hey being a senor isn't so bad. Well, except for that moment every morning when I can't identify that person in my bathroom mirror.

  35. My husband and I crossed over into senior status a few years ago and we love it. We are very much into all the special perks we seniors get and love the Early Bird specials and sun-downers when we visit Florida. Most of our friends are older than we are too, and still very active, so it helps!

  36. These are great! I think it will be fun to be old. My parents love getting their senior citizens discounts at restaurants and such.

  37. Coincidentally, I hate bingo. Okay, I kinda' like strip bingo.

    I just happen to be sixty. I party, I rock and I can skateboard with the best of them. Although, I might just enjoy being an "old rage pensioner!" Oh yeah!

    Gary :)

  38. I love the 'corrects history professor!'pic

    Yes I agree.. reclaim and make it hot!

  39. That last one is fucking hilarious! I think fencing is my favorite.

  40. Those youngin's don't know what's gonna hit 'em!!


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