Sunday 1 June 2014

A Quick Update

Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for your kind words and good wishes that you left on my last post. Your comments mean a lot to me.

Here's a quick update. No, I am not living in this box in some back alley! I have found a great apartment in downtown Edmonton that I am about 75% moved into. The relocation should be complete by mid-June. I have always loved living centrally in urban hustle and bustle! Odd for an introvert perhaps, but so long as my apartment itself is quiet, that's all I need.

Speaking both for My Rare One and myself, our spirits are good, I think, all things considered. A bit of roller-coasteriness on occasion perhaps, largely due to me. Of course, we're both disappointed that the Montreal Canadiens have now been eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs. What? HOCKEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING!


  1. Welcome to urban living. I complain often that I yearn for a country life, but in reality, after living in the city for over 40 years what would I do? Glad you are finally settling in. Moving and setting up a new apartment are not easy, but decorating and enjoying the finished product are quite enjoyable.

  2. glad to hear things are progressing and all is calm! my friend in BC is miffed about the habs! he thought they would do it this year. syd ended up being a bit of a dud for us this year too!

  3. I have been worried about you, I'm so glad you are settling in, about the hockey, there's always next year!

  4. I've been a bit of a recluse blogwise lately - long very boring story and missed your May 1. I'm sorry to hear about the parting of the ways - we do what is best for ourselves and the people we love. It is inevitable that there will be hurt along the way.

    Wishing you happiness in your new digs ... big hugs


  5. Glad things are going well...and that you are liking your move to the urban world. <>

  6. It's so nice to hear from you, Debra! You've been missed. I'm glad things are going well, and that you've found a really great place to relocate to. When relationships end, it's never easy; there are always hurt feelings, but we do the best we can. I wish you much happiness on this new journey.

  7. so happy to hear you've settled down in a new place, Debs dear! And we do love the quiet of the suburbs but we also love what the centre of a city can offer! Hope you will be back on full track soon!

  8. We don't have a real hockey team where I live :(

  9. Sorry I had not seen any of your postings on the changes in your life. Best wishes to you both.

  10. If you ever need someone to talk to/go shopping with, I have a truck and I'm only 45 minutes away! (Seriously.)

  11. So good to hear from you! And happy that you are liking your new abode. I hope many wondrous, joyous moments are in your future. :0)
    I can relate to enjoying living in the midst of it all. There's something about the energy of an urban hub......
    As yes....{{le sigh}} hockey. Hope will spring eternal again this September.

  12. An apartment in the midst of it all sounds quite exciting! I don't know if the rental situation is as bad in Edmonton as it is in Calgary, but I'm glad you found something you like. :)

  13. It's good that you found a new place that you will be happy in. I'm sure it hasn't been easy making this transition and with time it will get easier.

    Thank you for posting to let us know you are okay. We are all quite fond of you, you know.

  14. I'll be moving mid-June as well. But in my case it'll be just outside of the centre of Brussels ;-)

  15. Glad life is moving along for you. Perhaps one day, we'll share a coffee in down town Edmonton. :)

    Speaking of Edmonton, my hockey season ended when the Oil Kings brought home the Memorial Cup. City of Champions! :)

  16. :)))))) its never easy but I love how you honor that and still charge ahead.

  17. Hey new beginnings are sometimes a balancing act of emotions but I'm sure that you will be fine and prosper in life. Sending you Cuckoo love, Oma Linda

  18. I was wondering when we would hear from you. I always dreamed of living in a downtown loft apartment when I was young, never happened. I'm wishing you all the happiness in the world sweetie.

  19. I'm glad to hear your transition is moving along. Big life changes are never easy but make you stronger in the end! It was devastating for the Boston Bruins fans in my area too when they were eliminated. I always wondered which team has more ridiculous fans since we have always had that team rivalry and passion. LOL

  20. Thanks for the update. Thinking of you and wishing you well. Will you post any pictures of your new digs?

  21. Hi Happy Whisk -- Yes, I'll post some photos in due course, once things get settled in a bit. Will probably not be until the end of summer though.

  22. Hey, I've been thinking about you - thanks for the update. Sending you good thoughts.

  23. I was thinking about you too. See all these people thinking about you, just don't let it go to your head! Glad you are getting settled into your new home.

  24. Downtown Edmonton has evolved into one of my favourite places. Enjoy it!

  25. I was just thinking about you the other day! Glad to hear things are settling in and down for you. Downtown living eh? I wish the best for you. Sorry to say I follow football but there's lots of conversations at work about hockey. Lots of sad fans too!

  26. I'm an introvert who loves urban living as well--which is how I somehow ended up on a farm in the middle of rural Manitoba! And it doesn't look like I'll be moving anytime soon, so enjoy your new place for me too!
    So sad about Montreal. Having a hard time staying interested now!

  27. Love you introvert to another.
    Be well.
    Rare one too

  28. Glad to know you settling in some other routine now, in a new place. Take care!
    And what? Me and husband watched X-Men :)

  29. Happy you found a place you like.

    Feeling really bad the Montreal Canadiens didn't make it. Yes, hockey is rather important. *cough*

  30. Nice to see you here and moving forward.
    Montreal Canadieans ... hmm are they besties with our Boston Bruins :)) heh

  31. Glad you found a new place and it's (so far) working out well. Also, hockey definitely takes emotional precedence over anything else. I'm still not over the Avs getting kicked out of the playoffs.

  32. Glad to know you're settling in! Can't wait to hear about some of your new adventures in the "city"!

  33. move, moved, moving - ah, life in progress. i love it! so happy for you. i agree, as long as my home is peaceful all hell can break lose outside - would not affect me (too much). that first line was very funny - hahahaha.

    are you going to bless your new home to get rid of the negative spirits which might be lurking there? do you know the history of the people who lived there before you? ringing bells and burning incense would help clear bad vibes. good luck! cheers!!

  34. Glad to read something on your blog again and see things are going well, I am happy that you found a new place too. Getting into a new home, however difficult circumstances may be, is always exciting. Is a house warming party in order?

    I am not as sad as I thought I'd about the Habs losing, as they pulled off a good fight and I didn't expect them to do so well to begin with.

  35. So good to 'see' you Debra! As you can see, we have missed you!
    Big changes are difficult but in time it will get better.
    Montreal Canadiens are out of it?
    Outta what? lol

  36. So happy to hear from you ;o) Glad everything is going well ;o)
    I'm upset about the Montreal Canadiens too!
    Take Care, Hugs ;o)

  37. Did you hear our football might be going on strike?

  38. hugs and my love to you both...I wish you both happiness..think you should plan to come to West for Labor Day weekend and our westfest..get some Tex/Czech food and lots of pivo..throw in a skunk egg and you'll be as good as new.
    love you sweet girl.

  39. I'm glad you have the bulk of the work on relocating behind you, Debra. I'm sorry the Montreal Canadiens have been sent home.

    Edmonton, eh? I've been there and have relatives from Edmonton. Nice city.

  40. I popped in to check.. !.. glad you're doing okay Debra and it's good to hear from you

  41. I am trying from my cell phone now! I hope you'll get this!!!
    I wish peace and happiness to both you and your rare one! And to feel settled in your new home really quick!!
    Lots and lots of love!!

  42. New exciting adventures ahead: welcome back.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  43. you were in my dream too, watching the hockey game and cursing like a sailor, lol!!!!!

  44. I was thinking about you today and how the loss of HRH seemed to foreshadow more change and loss so I'm glad to hear that you are managing. That creaky old wheel of life, eh? Never stops turning.

  45. how the hell can they have hockey playoffs and no Canaderian teams..this sucks.

  46. Nah ... football is more important than anything !

  47. You should move in with The Spare in her new apartment. They're having a Gay Pride block party tonight ... Center City, Philly. Kind of takes the sting out of having a sucky hockey team.

  48. June is a great month to move. So much better than February. Hope your new digs, will bring much happiness to it's door.

  49. I feel just like you Debra. Like a quiet apartment but love to know there is a crazy world out there :)

  50. I personally prefer field hockey :-)

  51. tap tap tap strum strum strum dum dee dum!!

    Just waiting patiently!!

  52. Understandable about the pictures. Hope you're having a productive week. I just made chocolate cream cheese frosting. I don't know if that falls under productive or just yummy.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  53. Congrats on the move, glad it's almost over. It's so stressful to move, ugh.
    Sorry about the hockey, our Blackhawks were eventually knocked out, too, but we don't take it AS seriously here. Cubs fans (baseball) have to, because the Cubs STINK! :)

  54. Good luck in your new place!

    Not that I care for sports, but I can somehow relate to your hockey issues because Sweden didn't make the World Soccer Cup (that just kicked off in Brazil) for the first time in modern time - and many seem a little lost because of it.

  55. I'd love to live in an apartment downtown. But I don't think I could afford that.

  56. Hi my friend: Hope you are all moved in. Sending blessings your way. Martha

  57. Welcome to your new home. Hope all is well. My teams have lost in every sport I follow... except for the USA win over Ghana! Beating Ghana, sounds bad, beating up on a little country and being happy about it. Anyway.. I'm catching up on blogs and wanted to offer you words of happiness and support as I have noticed that's what you have done for me and others. May this season of change bring happiness to you and all. (Yeah, I'm trying to get a gig writing Hallmark cards.) But truth is I hope only the best for you.

  58. Hi Debra....
    I have missed your witty comments and posts....
    Get settled, then come visit!

  59. just checking on you, hope all is well, come back soon OK?

  60. Happy to hear you are well and almost unpacked. Moving is such a process, both physically and mentally! Blessings to you on this next chapter! I rather enjoyed downtown Edmonton when I was there several years ago. It's a fab place!

  61. I wish you well in your new life. It is always a stressful time packing, and unpacking. I positively hate it!

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Most kind of you. Take care and all the best.

  62. So, are you a great decorator? Can we see? Or will you just be using that empty cardboard box as your new kitchen table for a while?


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