Thursday 19 June 2014

Hamlet's Soliloquy, Updated

Want a good laugh? Here's a hilarious version of Hamlet's famous speech "to be or not to be" as performed by the talented impressionist Jim Meskimen --

Watching this reminded me of a post I did a few years ago (back in the days before anyone actually read this blog, LOL) about a modern poem which paraphrases the same soliloquy. So what the hell, I'm into recycling -- here's that post again:

                               BBRNT2B? 2BORNOT 2BEE?
                               BBRNO2B? BBORNOT BEBE?
                               2BRNT2B? 2BRNTOB?
                               2BORWAT? CNTDCYD.
                               NDCISV. SLINGS. ARROWZ.
                               SEA OF TROUBLZ.
                               TODIE. PRCHNCE 2DREEEM.
                               YACKITY YACKYAK.
                               ITHINK 2MUCH. SHOULDI
                               MAYYBEE JSTDOIT?

                                                --Daniel Nussbaum,
                                                   from PL8SPK (HarperCollins, 1994)

Isn't this a great 20th century reinterpretation? Each of the poems in PL8SPK were written entirely from words and phrases contained on registered vanity plates in California. When I first read this poem 20 years ago, it seemed extraordinarily weird (if fascinating). It took me some major deciphering to be able to read it. But now in a culture of texting and even (dare I say it?) lolspeak, it looks pretty darn normal and hardly unusual. In fact, now it's easy to read! And it's still funny!


  1. Welcome back. Your daily dose of humor has been missed.

  2. That video was weird for me. It was like watching Patrick Stewart's brother do a Morgan Freeman impression.

  3. this is so cool!! i just love it!

  4. This is great...scary how we've adapted to reading things that look nothing like real words. I was surprised to read about the big changes in your life...and happy to read that all is well :)

  5. I wonder if anyone has 2BORNOT2B car plates on their car?

  6. Isn't it amazing how the human brain works? Being able to decipher sheer garbage! Oops! that's the tv I was thinking of....

  7. oh my gosh you are right, its amazing isn't it, we are a changing breed, we are being conditioned to look at things differently,
    that is cool,

  8. You and your sense of humor has been greatly missed. I loved this piece. Isn't it funny what we get accustomed to in this crazy world??

  9. 1) welcome back
    2) funny stuff
    3) missed you
    4) I love bumper stumpers
    5) and lists

  10. I think Shakespeare would LOVE this!! Don't you?


  11. i love it this...missed you...glad your back.

  12. hahaha I'm a nerd, used to love L33T SP34K but it's been awhile! I didn't think I was going to see that today, thank you!

  13. Ok this is hilarious on several dozen levels :) I loved it!

  14. I'm slightly embarrassed to say that quite a few of the actors I didn't know. Sigh, but he was great on the ones I did! :D

  15. Hahaha...too funny!

    Perhaps if Shakespeare lived in this day and age, this is how he would have done things :)

  16. Bummer. I cannot watch the video from here.

  17. Welcome back! It's cool!

  18. How AWESOME is this. I really had the impression I heard the real people talking here. Imitated to perfection.

    Welcome back, by the way :-)

  19. Nice 2 C U :)

    This was very weird and a fit of fun was just the tonic I needed.

    Have a nice weekend, eh.

    Gary :)

  20. welcome home !!
    shocked how easy that all is to read x

  21. Welcome back ;o) Missed you and your humour ;o)
    I can't believe I could read this list! Crazy! Take Care ;o)

  22. Very funny. And we can't really have enough Shakespeare.

  23. Good to hear from you! The plates are hilarious...


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