Wednesday 25 June 2014

Ride Him Cowboy!

Last night I went to our local art film theatre to see Brokeback Mountain again on the big screen. Oh, that gorgeous Alberta scenery masquerading as Wyoming! Oh, that heartbreaking, tragic story of love and oppression . . . .  It's one of my favourite movies, not least because of that explosively passionate kiss between Ennis and Jack. Yowza!

Alright, giddyup then, here's some queer cowboy LOLs!

Okay, that last one is probably photoshopped but it's still funny!

And if all this is just too, too much for anyone, here's an alternate Christian edition of the movie instead. Don't never say I ain't sensitive to opposing viewpoints.


  1. Good morning. It's always nice to wake up to your humor. You were missed during your move.

  2. brokeback mountain is one of my all time favorite movies!

  3. Such a great movie... and 'hey there, cowboy'..funny!

  4. ahahahahahaaahahahaaa! I love that Christian parody.

  5. you are soooo bad, lol!!!!!!!

  6. everybody needs a nice lil' bear to cuddle with!

  7. One of the greatest love stories! It made me cry as much as Bridges of. Madison County!

  8. Ha Ha Ha! Love the video! And I could really see that movie being produced!
    I recently watched the series Torchwood (a Dr. Who knock-off) on Netflix. The Hero of the series is Gay and I love how his romantic involvements are written into the story.

  9. I absolutely loved that movie. And giggled at my desk, while I avoid work. :) L

  10. My favorite is the "hey there cowboy!" photo...too funny!

  11. Brokeback Mountain HUMOR? You nailed it. I never heard of the Christian edition, too funny! And brokeBEAR Mountain made LOL, literally.
    So glad you're back.

  12. I loved that movie..made me cry..and that hey cowboy one cracked me the hell up..

  13. This is the best post I've seen all day. lol

  14. Christian edition hilarious! Hadn't seen that before. Sadly, it would probably play well here in West Texas.

  15. The second cartoon made me laugh. Good stuff. And thanks for the supportive words. I wasn't taking a blogging break, it was just the end of the day and I had a fever. So I was out of gas. Anyway, I changed the post title to eliminate further confusion. But wanted to say thanks, just the same.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  16. You always make me smile ;o) Thanks Debra ;o) Too funny!

  17. That was filmed in Alberta too? Alberta's been doing a beautiful job of posing as Wyoming in Longmire.

  18. Bahahahaha...OHMYGOSH... That second video had me laughing out loud. That is hilarious. Where in the world do you find these things?

  19. BWAHAHAHA! The bear may have lived in TX, but I have limits ;)

  20. That "fine line" is great!

    I wasn't getting your updates but I've fixed it now :)

  21. I want nothing more than to understand the context for the man kissing the bear and how the photographer explained how to pose to the cowboy.

  22. I still stand my ground: gay and cowboy don't mix. Sorry. I grew up in an area populated with cowboys. My grandfather was a TRUE cowboy and rancher. I'm just sayin'.

  23. Beautiful movie. I've only seen it once when it was released. Loving those little arthouse cinemas as well.

  24. You are a sensitive gal! Have you got a clip of the Muslim version too??? :)

  25. never saw the movie, but i so love your humor. great post. cheers!!

  26. Yes, "on so many levels"! These are all hilarious.

  27. I can't think of anything to say.

    Which for me is a first. :D

  28. Totally one of my favourite movies of all time. Love to read in your Comments how many feel the same, don't think I've ever met anyone else who loved this movie as much as we do. Love story extraordinaire, and beautiful to watch.

  29. I needed that laugh so very much Debra, not to mention the sexual tension between Jake and Heath...yowsers cowboys!!

  30. "The only man that's okay for another man to love is Jesus," LOL!


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