Monday 23 June 2014

Mini Translesbigayapalooza!

Alas, my recent blog hiatus put the kibosh on a full-scale celebration of Translesbigayapalooza this year but there's still time for three Pride posts before June ends. So here's the first one -- an eclectic selection of LGBTQ funnies! Happy Pride, everyone!


  1. these are just great!!! i am sitting here by myself laughing my ass off.

  2. These are fantastic. I love the Bible quote about being stoned.

  3. LOL!! I love these! The bible quote referencing slavery really makes a point. Ricky Gervais always cracks me up.

  4. Love these, Debra!! Is it me or does Barbie look like Ellen? =P

    I really love Schiller's quote. So true!

  5. the last one is fantabulous! We still haven't had pride in my country. When they try to organize it, sports fans usually gather in riots and beat people on the streets.....

  6. "He's no Freddy Mercury!"
    The best!

  7. Bi curious George? I think that what started it for me!

  8. you have not lost your touch, lol, so glad you are back!

  9. Too funny. I guess you spend too much time on the Internet. Where do you find all these? :-)

  10. These are great. Also, Ken looks creepy. The package is called "a fairy secret." Is that secret Ken?

  11. This morning my blog again lost all but the most current blog on my reading list....My fix didn't last.
    Good luck. If you find a fix please let me know.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  12. Religion is bigotry - and you can't fix stupid. Gays are great - actually just like everyone else; it is religious people I don't like being around.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  13. It's good to enjoy your humor again, Debra! The Hamlet soliloquy was hysterical. And living in Colorado, I got a big laugh out of the stoned joke! I'm glad that you are almost into a new apartment and enjoying it. Major transitions are always tough. Take care!

  14. I love these! My daughter is going to Pride in Toronto, she is so excited.

  15. Haha, all hysterical. My favorite is Bi-Curious George. Ellen and Portia, who resembles Barbie) are my favorite lesbian couple too.

  16. Ricky Gervais, always spot on.

  17. Love these, Debra....especially the Michael Schiller quote!!

  18. Funny and interesting (and this from a person whose views you know so well).

    Father Nature's Corner

  19. BAHAHAHA! These were great! The 'Getting Wed & Stoned' and the 'How Did You Hear About The YMCA' were my favourites!

    Oh, you are so going to hell, girl! Ain't it great? Bahahahaha

  20. Oh my, my, my but I love it when you gather wisdom like this.....thanks for a very lovely compilation of humorous truths.

  21. God damn I LOVE Freddy Mercury. I love opera, but Freddy Mercury puts those voices to shame. The YMCA one was friggin perfect. Good times, glad you're back.

  22. How fun! So many great memes! Happy LGBTQ month! :0)

  23. I told someone about the bible's many slave verses. She was like "well maybe it means mentally a slave". I said to her "I know that makes you feel better, but when you read it, it's pretty literal."

  24. i love the Freddie Mercury meme. Hahahahahahaaa!
    I'm happy to be back. I posted a lame joke this morning. Sorry about that.

  25. Always glad to see a post from you! Happy June, Debra!

  26. Oh, these are wonderful! Made me laugh out loud ... as did your comment on my blog today. Thanks for that!! xoxo Silke

  27. Barbie. A fairy secret! lololol

  28. Excellent post ;o) I am with Magaly, I love the Village people one! My mom and I had a chance to go see the Village people in the 80's ;o) Mom and I really wanted to go! We loved them and still do! Unfortunately, it was one of her friend's "at that time", who talked her out of it from going. I wish we had of gone!
    The big World Pride is in Toronto this weekend. Actually the festivities go on for 10 days! It started last week.
    Thanks for telling me about bloglovin. I have to see, if I can understand it! LOL! I am not a tech person! Right now, I am going through everyone's comments!
    Big Hugs ;o) Thanks for the comment for my mom ;o) Can't wait to print them all off for her! She is going to love it!!

  29. These are fantastic! I love Ricky's quote! LOL

  30. All of these are awesome! Freddie Mercury is better than God! I feel lucky to have had the privilege to see him perform before he left us.

  31. These are freaking great!!! Ricky Gervais was already cool, but now even cooler in my book.

  32. so damn funny and so true. love the slavery one. fantastic post. cheers!!

  33. oh yeah, welcome back. cheers!!

  34. Funny stuff Debra! And Ken does look like Ellen!

  35. Great post! love the last one about Freddie Mercury! funny!


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