Monday 21 July 2014

Monday Morning Coffee Kickstarter

Always start your day with a strong cuppa joe and a laugh!

Have a great day, everyone! You're good to go now!


  1. Love some coffee. But those people who say, "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee," are really just loudly declaring that they can't manage politeness without chemical enhancement. Yeah, I'm tired too but I can manage to not be a monster. It's kind of like people who get drunk and are jerks. It's not that the sleepiness/alcohol makes that person a jerk, it just exposes their true nature.

  2. Ha ha--I giggled at this post while having my first cup of the morning. It really does make life more bearable!

  3. That second picture had me rolling. I feel the same way about Coke. The soda…not the drug. ;P

  4. I have got to where I need my morning coffee, if the power is out, I will build a fire in the rain to make coffee!

  5. I'm having my morning coffee as I read these :)

  6. I'm on my second cup.

  7. There were some awful good ones there! LOL Excuse me while I go get another cup o'joe!
    Mornin'! :0)

  8. love that cup with the coffee guide

  9. I drink tea. Caffeine can give you a jump start and the cat can smooth over the rough edges.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  10. i hardly ever drink coffee but i got a cup after i saw this. i am so impressionable!

  11. believe it or not, I've never had coffee

  12. Yes these are all gems and apply to me!!!!!! I love that sign at the coffeehouse. O wonder if they actually do it? Nice way to get people to be pleasant and remember manners.

  13. That mug in the second picture is amazing. I wish I had it. I've drank so much coffee in my life (and still do) that I'm amazed my teeth aren't jet black. How long will they stay white? Stay tuned!

  14. I enjoyed this very much, along with my coffee,

  15. Haha! Yes that's me. Completely unable to function without a proper amount of stimulants in my system.

    I laughed so hard at your comment! The incredible sloth! I find staying still incredible difficult! But, superpowers are never easy!
    I hope you are happy and well!
    Lots and lots of love!

  16. The last one is perfect. They should have that everywhere. Thanks for the laugh :)

  17. This used to be true of me, but I gave up coffee 15 years ago. But the only reason I gave it up was in protest of the increasing prices.

  18. I usually have David crank start me by hooking up my nipples to his truck battery and then ... um ... never mind. I just need my coffee and lots of it.

  19. Please, send me some real coffee. Tim Hortons, eh! Drinking this British coffee does make my eyebrows stick to the top of my forehead. However, it's also one hell of a good laxative!

    Time to go for coffee....

    Take care, eh.


  20. Please, send me some real coffee. Tim Hortons, eh! Drinking this British coffee does make my eyebrows stick to the top of my forehead. However, it's also one hell of a good laxative!

    Time to go for coffee....

    Take care, eh.


  21. Wow, a double comment. Must be too much caffeine in my comment!

  22. hahaha! Love coffee - wish i could drink more of it but one cup is my limit! And I'm totally wired for the day!! :)

  23. Oh you coffee drinkers are all alike!! I know, I live with one! But I find you all amusing!!

    Hey Debra, maybe if I drank coffee in the morning I wouldn't mind people talking to me? What do you think?

  24. I think I woke up my roommate when I saw the second one. It made me laugh so loud. Thank you!

    I had a cup of decaff the other morning. I later wondered why I was still so tired. DUH!

  25. BAHAHAHAHA! I loved these, especially the penitentiary one! Best way to start the day, if you ask me; coffee and that order. Before coffee, there is no humour...

  26. I'm not a big morning coffee drinker, I am instead, one of those annoyingly awake, let me get to my writing bakes, kinda gal. For me, the last one was the best. Loved that.

  27. I love them all, but that first one with the cat made me giggle out loud! That look! I truly hope that you are surviving and thriving with your losses and life changes. Big Love to you, my friend. ♥Deb♥

  28. Those are FANSTASTIC. I would love to have a mug that reads "I'll fucking cut you." My goal is to one day have a job where I can walk around with that and it's okay. And also I get paid, because that is my #1 dream :)

  29. There is nothing better than coffee. Nothing. I challenge you to think of anything better. And if you think of it, I'll punch you in the throat cause there is nothing better than coffee. And wine. Wine is also important.

  30. I completely relate to these!!! I saw that coffee shop on the news with the different prices to promote politeness! I guess people can be really rude before having that morning cup. LOL

  31. Unfortunately....I have to add BRAN CEREAL to my morning as well to help "kickstart" my day.


  32. These are so hilarious and so true!
    I have to admit, I don't drink coffee, but my brother does and he is crazy! LOL!
    I hope your leg is better ;o) It looks like it might be 6 weeks for me! Yuck!! LOL!
    Take Care ;o)

  33. I MUST HAVE that first mug you show here!!

  34. "...because crack is bad for you." Hahaha!

  35. That "shaking" one makes me think of my parents generation. Older Swedes make VERY strong coffee and then they drink it all through the day.

  36. All hilarious photos: my favorite was "a yawn is a silent scream for coffee"!

  37. Coffee is one thing I cannot drink. Except in Italy.

  38. Hey Debra. I don't know if you saw my comment on Suzie's perogie post but they call it lazy here too. I don't though, my friend's mom who made it for me first does. She used powered mash and box pasta.

    Not so much for me, as it's all homemade so I can't use the word, lazy in the title. Easy, yes. Lazy, never.

  39. I like the guide for talking the best. I like mine black unless it's ice coffee. Hey I just did a coffee related post yesterday.


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