Wednesday 23 July 2014


Don't mess with the lionesses, LOL!

However, even if you DON'T say something offensive about reproductive rights, everyone knows that the Beast Within Women comes out once a month, amiright ladies?

Yes, during that lovely time connected to the sacred cycle of the moon when nothing will appease us but CHOCOLATE . . . .

One of the many blessings of being gay is that I never had to sweat it out concerning birth control or praying that my period would come. You have my sympathy, straight sisters.

And you poor hetero gals also have my sympathy because men are SUCH SCAREDY CATS when it comes to dealing with anything to do with your menstrual periods, aren't they?

So may I just say, ladies, that the big advantage of having a LESBIAN friend in your life is that we are ALL just SO helpful on this or any other related issue!

Yes, indeed. Helpful, that's what we are.


  1. Hahaha! A helping hand is always appreciated! Have a great day!

  2. you know, i never thought about being a lesbian and never worrying about your period being late. if only i could do it all over again!

  3. LOL!!! I was looking at those Oreos. Yummy. They have the new dipping kind now. So good. Have a wonderful day and thanks for being a regular part of my morning.

  4. I really hope the thing about the boy dressed in red is real. Oh how I hope it's real. I think dudes who are still all freaked out by periods need to grow up or hang around with more women. It's not that freaky, dudes, but menopause is. Embrace the period, fear the menopause.

  5. Oh, this entry makes me think so many things!

    1. I love seeing woman traveling in packs, working together and kicking ass.

    2. Yes, many men (thankfully not many Swedes) have issues with women bleeding, because we've never forced them to learn about it. So...

    3. ...Gotta love that kid!

    4. I heard from one of my lesbian friends that she is still asked what kind of contraception she uses and when she says "none" they start in on "the talk" with her. A 35-year-old woman. Hello, Heteronormativity.

  6. Hahaha...loved this! Don't mess with women during the 'menstrual cycle'!

  7. I'm pro-choice, that lion gif made me laugh hard. I also loved the tampon flash drive. I need to go find where to buy that so David will leave my flash drive alone. He's always taking it to work with him.

  8. Lizzy the Lezzy LOL and LOL again!

  9. LOL! And a good morning to you, too!

  10. Gotta get me one of them flash drives, there's no way anyone in this house would 'accidentally' take it :)

    Thanks for the laugh!

  11. LOVE this post"

  12. oh my dear....thank goodness for you on a very boring Wednesday morning.....thanks....tee hee

  13. Tampon flash drive. Creative!!

  14. I have definitely found out first hand a time or two about the monthly visitor and to always tread lightly during those times lol.

  15. I get so angry on my period.

    Guys who try and use the "are you PMSing!?" in an argument amuse me. It gives me the excuse to lean in close and whisper "I started my day by waking up in a pool of my own blood. Is that how you'd like me to end yours?"

  16. That is the best Halloween story ever!

  17. "I may not be a gynecologist, but I'll take a look"! Hahahaha! Priceless. ;-D

  18. I had my fallopian tubes removed so the change of getting pregnant is ZERO. I love that.

    And chocolate. Come to Mama!

  19. That GIP cracked me up and I adore the Lizzy the Lezzy. It's great being post menopausal. I don't miss my periods, but I do miss all that collagen I lost.

  20. LOL! And what's up with people calling lady parts vaginas? You can't see a vagina cause that's whats inside the body. But you can see a vulva, it's called a VULVA people! And don't forget it. Sheesh

  21. love this post! powerful message and FUNNY as HELL!!!!!!!!! however, you left out women and menopause (or shall i say men-on-pause). thank heavens i no longer have to worry about that sichiation anymore. by the way, i asked my gay girlfriend if i was gay. and she said, "nope. you are not part of the family." how disappointing - LOL!!

  22. Ah, are we taking about what I think were taking about?

  23. I needed a menses laugh, as my own cycle has become cruel and unjust. Early in July I had a BEAST of a menses, and low and behold, 2 weeks later, on the eve of a few days away at a resort.... It returned with gusto. :( Two tampons left...

  24. Yeah, that fella should be tossed to the lionesses. I mean, if he's stupid enough to open his mouth and say something like that. . .

  25. Well it's the first time I've come here and can't find anything to say! :D

  26. living in the bible belt there are lot of men like that boy in the abortion debate picture. Most pro-life leaders are men, zero of them will get pregnant.

    I also find it funny when pro-life people say God is pro-life. Did they ever read the Bible? In the Old Testament alone, he personally kills more than once from old to young.

  27. There's some good ones there! Where ever do you find these? :0)

  28. That is something I never thought about. You really do not have to worry about a late period. Although, two women on the same cycle, could be scary.

  29. "Dumb enough to get herself pregnant..."
    No wonder bitches give stitches!

  30. I'm laughing! Being a woman comes with it's share of challenges. I love that flash drive disguised as a tampon. Fantastic!

  31. damn... I should have declared myself a lesbian and my life would have been so much different..except those GG's...I'd never trade them for a stress free life..

  32. I always say for my next marriage I am going to take a wife. That should sum it all up! :)

  33. Just got your comment. But yeah, I can totally see how it's called lazy when using store-bought and instant mash.

    But you know what? It was still good. It was that crappy good, is the best way to explain it.

    Hope your day rocked. I made a coffee cake but it came out so bad, the entire bake, went into the bin.

    What a shame, but it was that bad.

    How goes the move? When do we get to see pictures?

  34. OMG, I need that flash drive!

  35. Lol!! yes indeed I can relate. Funny how squeamish men can become about women's periods.. whoever invented that USB is quite genius. For some reason I never realise why I'm moody until weeks after.. then i'm like.. oh yeah.. maybe that's what it was

  36. Oh man...I remember times waiting for my period and freaking out if it was late! Seriously, cannot wait for menopause! (almost there!)

  37. This made me laugh so hard I almost chocked on my wine. It's probably not a good thing to admit at 3 in the afternoon; but hey, it's summer.



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