Friday 4 July 2014

The Glorious Fourth

Hello, Americans! Canada and the USA have been good friends forever (not counting your unsuccessful invasion attempts during the War of 1812) so we Canadians would like to wish you all a Happy Independence Day, eh?

We like you so much we're throwing you a party! Guess what? We made you a pizza -- mmm, bacon. And not Canadian back bacon either. Real American bacon.

And we baked you an awesome cake for dessert too!

We even laid in a supply of American beer, just because it's your special day.

So what time is it, America? No, it's not Miller Time. It's . . .

And sho, old buddy, old pal, *hic* to cap off the feshtivities, may we just shay:


  1. oh you always make me laugh out loud, sitting here all alone, laughing, yes you do!

  2. and every single one of those drunks will be right in front of my house all day watching boats and fireworks...ugh!

  3. Thanks for the morning chuckle. That is a rather interesting pizza, I must say.

  4. LOL! Happy Happy to us all!

  5. bitch yes, sexy not so much.....

  6. America, fuck yeah! :)

    My man says he doesn't want to celebrate his home country but he did sing 'Star Spangled Banner' this morning :)

  7. Thank you Debra! Love the last two! :0)

  8. I'll be spending the day hiding behind the couch just in case one these drunken hillbillies over here decide to play "let's lynch the foreigner" as part of their celebration. Jaysus, they might even tie me to a pole and stick a firecracker up my arse while they sing "The Star Spangled Banner"

  9. Lol - that made me giggle at my desk. :) You have an incredible sense of humour, love it.

  10. You never cease to make me laugh... now pass that bacon cake, will ya...

  11. Deliciously funny, Debra! Thank you!

  12. Hilarious. I will never again think of my neighbour to the south as anything but a sexy bitch!

  13. AHAHAHAAHahahaahahaaa!
    Yeah, let's drunk dial England. I love these! So funny!

  14. We are like England's children. Except we never call and often make a scene.

  15. thank you for the birthday wishes...I do love our Canaderians..tits up Canada...we loves the shit out of you.

  16. Hahahaha...these are great! I especially love the drunk dial England one!

  17. In my part of Canada we call Canadian bacon, ham. We call the strips bacon. Is it just a marketing ploy that they sell ham and call it bacon?

  18. :))))))))) that was fun! now, I want bacon.

  19. love, love, love our Canadian cousins....sharing the brewskis, grilling the dogs, prank calling England.....yep, works for me

  20. Thanks for the chuckle, although the blue stuff on the pizza frightens me.

    Father Nature's Corner

  21. Haha!!! What was that blue thing on the pizza though?

  22. Haha. I like the bulldog and the sentiment.......but American beer? No thanks.

  23. Yeah, I'm with greekwitch, what are those blue things, potatoes? Also, if you're going to offer American beer, please, no Budweiser. Ick.

  24. I've been wondering what those blue things are too. My guess would be squished blueberries? Whatever they are, they sure don't look very appetizing. Good thing there's bacon!

  25. WOW I didn't know we appeared so alcoholic. Don't believe what you see on reality TV or my brother's FB page.

  26. Of all the American stereotypes (most of which we richly deserve) the one that really bugs me is the idea that our beer is all like Bud Light or Coors or whatever. There is some damn fine beer made in the good old USofA. You should try Anchor Steam from San Francisco, or Terrapin Rye Ale from Athens, GA. Or anything from Sierra Nevada, Monday Night Brewing, or Red Hook. Seriously, we make some of the best beer you'll ever find.

    Sadly, yes, Bud Light is way more popular than any of those, because most of us are idiots.

  27. Oh, but I'll have a slice of that bacon pizza, please!

  28. Nice one, eh! Always good to note your gosh, darn, "have a nice day" noisy neighbours. Evidently, the UK has a "special relationship" with America. Well, what about that, eh. Canada is gonna' wish America a peaceful Fourth of July, y'all.

    Great stuff, Debra.

    Gary :)

  29. Dezzy: That's not very nice.

    Debra: Hope your move is going well and things are moving along nicely for you.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  30. Why do I have the Team America: World Police's theme song in my head? LOL!

  31. Awww! Thank you! Those look like blue potatoes on the pizza. Yup, we have those. I buy the blue potato chips sometimes. Mmm!

  32. That was a pretty awesome tribute!

  33. Hahaha!
    Always something funny over here!
    Linda :o)

  34. I hope the Yanks had real beers to celebrate Independence Day, not some lousy Bud Light or Budweiser.

  35. HA! Love the cake. What the fuck is the blackish blue stuff on the French toast?

  36. Very nice except you forgot to send us one of those beer vending machines that opens when you sing to it.

  37. Thanks for the hilarious well wishes!! HaHa!

  38. Hahahahah -love the cake, and the pizza but not the beer! :)

  39. How did I miss this???? I love the pizza bacon flag!! You find the best stuff!


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