Wednesday 2 July 2014

P.S. to Yesterday's Post

So, okay, those of you who POINTED IT OUT, we must admit that there IS ONE Canadian activity in which politeness plays NO role whatsoever . . . .

And just one more thing while I'm here. What do Canadians love almost as much as hockey? That's right. BEER! So here's a fitting tribute to both Canadian patriotism and beer -- "The Beer Fridge." Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the morning chuckle. I'd woken up feeling quite out of it, but this turned my morning around. Thanks again.

  2. Ha ha! How about curling, same passion for that? And there is always one Canadian who will ruin the perception of all others, shattering the illusion of, not William Shatner (though I hear he's a bit surly)...Rob friggin Ford.

  3. Actually before 911 when Canadian border guards weren't armed at Niagara Falls and the Americans were the big joke was that they probably had hockey sticks behind the doors in their little booths. :)

  4. That beer fridge is fantastic! I wonder if we Americans will get our chance one day. And, how many people would actually get it to open.


  5. hope you didn't get too much beer celebrating the day yesterday :)

  6. I bet somewhere this a drunk hockey tournament

  7. That was awesome. Happy Canada Day :)

  8. Awesome fridge! In America you'd probably have to sing some crummy country patriotic song and when the fridge opens it would only have crappy beer in it. And no bottle opener.

  9. Oh Canada! Like a fridge over troubled waters. Happy belated Canada Day, eh!

    Gary :)

  10. Love!

    Hope your holiday was amazing!

  11. Sometimes, he's pretty funny.

    Cheers and Happy Weekend! Oh wait, it's only Wednesday. Eh. Close enough.

  12. Nice.

    I think you would like the movie "Goon". Great hockey movie filmed entirely in Canada.

    Father Nature's Corner

  13. BAHAHAHA....ohmygosh...this was great! I love the expression on some faces when they get buzzed for the wrong lyrics. And the ending was so cool! Loved this!

  14. say what? they sure do love beer...polite beer that is!

  15. omfg>...I make fun of myself because I can't get thru the entire anthem for USA..I'm usually crying by the end..well, i'm such a schmuck..I was crying when they all finished..I loves ya sonsabitches..

  16. It has been a while since I sang, "Oh, Canada" but I did last week and remembered all of it. I even teared up.

  17. This is a riot! Happy belated Canada Day!!!

  18. damn it! i cant hear the damn thing. however, i know it was funny as all get out. great fridge, though. wish i had one. cheers!!

  19. Excellent post ;o) I love that commercial ;o) I hope you had a great beer drinking day on July 1st ;o)

  20. I've been seeing you on all the blogs I love to visit so I'm so glad to finally *meet* you. :) I have seriously been laughing out loud over your Canada Day posts. Being a nation known for its politeness is no bad thing at all! And the idea of letting your hockey players loose on the Taliban is utterly brilliant! ;D

  21. I saw that routine by Craig Ferguson - priceless!

  22. Did I ever enjoy this! Thanks, Debra!


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