Tuesday 26 August 2014

I Always Suspected As Much

On his blog, Dan Piraro, the genius creator of Bizarro Comics, revealed his thought process behind this recent cartoon:

My Superwoman cartoon came to me as I was thinking about all the hot, supermodel-types who play female superheroes in the movies and on TV. If my life was on the line, Personally, I’d prefer a beefy lesbian show up to help me out of a tough spot.

Me too, Dan, me too!

P.S. -- Many of the commenters on Dan's blog didn't understand why Superwoman is calling the bad guy "Mary" so in case anyone reading my post is wondering too -- "Mary" is a nickname used way back in the day between gay men to essentially call each other "you silly sissy." Slang terms like this, used by ourselves within our own community, are not considered slurs. Superwoman's use of the term is what identifies her as being lesbian, not just a chunky non-supermodel in sensible shoes.


  1. My private dream has always been to be Superman saving women in distress. Not sure if that's good or bad or even politically correct.

    As for nicknames, I quite often call myself a tranny, but God help anyone else who does. ;p

  2. I don't care who is saving me as long as someone is saving me. It would only be after I was completely safe that I'd have time to process, "Is she wearing underwear on the outside? And why does that underwear also have a belt?"

  3. I don't care who jumps in too save me or what they look like...just jump in to save me.

  4. well I never knew that!!!

    I want the beefy one behind me too, or in front, as long as she's got my back!!!

  5. I would prefer beefy to save my life too! Interesting story behind Mary.

  6. he he didn't know about 'Mary' ... it's delightful

  7. hahahaha. Now that you mention it I guess a big strong lesbian would be the superhero I would want to rescue me too. hhahahahaa. Thankful for creative thinkers. They light the darkness!

  8. Dan Piraro is a clever guy

  9. I learned something new. Didn't know that about the nickname Mary.

  10. Great comic. Very spot on. And hey, if I'm unconscious and need someone to carry me out of a burning building, I'd rather have the beefy lesbian do it. She could probably carry the two of us both without breaking a sweat. Little pencil-thin Wonder Woman sure couldn't do that.

  11. I second the notion! :0)

    I have heard the term 'Mary' used before but had no idea what it meant. Thanks for the insight!

  12. I sure as hell wouldn't want someone worried about their manicure.

  13. i would prefer a tall, hot, beefy male save my ass, but i guess "if" i ever needed saving - i suppose any old mary, jane, bob, ted or alice would do. very funny post debra. cheers!!

  14. I will take the beefy lesbian as well. I don't want someone who is afraid of breaking her nails or messing up her hair.

  15. I'd take the beefy lesbian too. get stuck in superhero style.. sort em out no messin'

  16. Hahahaha! This is great. And yes, I'll take the beefy lesbian anytime over the skinny model who would worry more about breaking a nail!

  17. If I need saving, I want a rescuer that looks like Big Boo!

  18. Funny. Thanks for the explanation too.

  19. I had rather she come to my aide than one of the local cops in military SWAT gear.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  20. I love it!!!
    I always wondered how those female superheroes could save anyone with all those nipples sticking out everywhere. You'd be more apt to lose an eye. Anyway.
    I've heard the term "friends of Dorothy" but never the Mary one.

  21. You taught me something today Debra! Excellent carton ;o) I'd prefer a beefy lesbian too ;o)

  22. Ah.

    The explanation now makes an episode of MASH in which Klinger used the term "Mary" sense.

    Father Nature's Corner


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