Wednesday 27 August 2014

Belated Gloating

I must apologize to you, dear American cousins, for missing an important War of 1812 Bicentennial date earlier this week. Yes, 200 years ago on August 24, 1814, British troops came down from Canada to Washington and burned your White House to the ground.

Now I KNOW we shouldn't gloat about this. And generally speaking, Canadians are NOT big gloaters. But JEEZ, give us this one little crumb of passive-aggressive schadenfreude, willya? After all, you guys came to York (Toronto) in 1813 and burned down OUR Legislative Assembly FIRST. You HAD to expect SOME kind of small tit-for-tat, didn't you?

So in honour of this momentous historical anniversary, I thought I'd post this jaunty little commemorative song --

Oh MY.

Well, THAT video doesn't seem very politely Canadian AT ALL, does it? Plus it has all these weird historical anachronisms and inaccuracies in it.  Like, even if he WAS an ass-kisser while Prime Minister of Britain, surely that doesn't justify portraying Tony Blair as an actual AMERICAN! Really, it's kinda disturbing.

Catchy little tune though!


  1. Would you consider doing it again? However, this time...make it the capital building...please?

  2. in my country all the people applauded in cinemas when the White House got destroyed by the aliens in INDEPENDENCE DAY

  3. Haha! I love that the video shows George Bush running away crying!

  4. Debra, mom and I want to tell you, we LOVE you ;o) Thanks for making our day ;o)

  5. Funny how they didn't go after Congress, they just made James Madison stay in a hotel

  6. Holy Christ, that was brilliant! I'll be humming that tune all day.

  7. That is the best George Bush video I have seen. Hate to say this but in doing my genealogy I found that he is my 10th cousin.

  8. Would you guys please come and destroy it again?

  9. Harhahrharharhar... This was so darn funny! Love it!

  10. That WILL be stuck in my head for quite some time! Well worth it :)

  11. Why would Canadians take pride in that considering it was British troops and Canada was used like a welcome mat to scrape their feet upon before entering the U.S.? That would be like me gloating because my friend had sex with my neighbor real good.

  12. You make a logical point, Pickleope, but gloating like sex is not subject to logic. Yeah, baby!

  13. I didn't know you Canadians had impoliteness in you! I like the humor though. If we can't laugh at ourselves, what have we got?

  14. YEEHAW!! I've been slapping my knee and jumping up and down to this tune - while laughing hysterically. LOVE IT, especially because I didn't know you Canadians were capable of such snark. Wonderfully amusing. We deserved to get burned.

  15. If someone wanted to burn down our Australian Prime Minister's residence, it wouldn't be too hard. That place is tiny compared to the White House with not nearly as much security.

  16. First y'all burn down the White House and then y'all lure Burger King away with lower tax rates. What's next??? Can we please send Justin Bieber back?

  17. Let's make this our new national anthem!


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