Friday 29 August 2014


Yes, that's right --

And yay, it's a long weekend too! Time for some Asgardian partyin'!

[by mohi1, found at Memebase]

Have fun, everyone!


  1. Lol. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Ah, yes, a long weekend. Even though I am retired I still look forward to these long weekends. Old habits die hard. Have a good one.

  3. I'm pretty excited for the long weekend. So excited, that I'm pretty sure no work will be done today, thus, an even longer weekend.

  4. Happy Freya's Day!
    And why does that 2nd picture remind of "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"?

  5. Yes thank ODin! I'm worried about Ragnar tough. He seems far too interested in the priestly prayers than in honouring Freya and Odin and now i have to wait till 2015 to see what is going to happen!! :(

    Enjoy your long week-end, Debra!

  6. I actually won't have rest until labor day. Though this will be the first labor day in forever where I actually wont have to do any labor.

  7. Oh Yes! :0) I think I shall start using T.O.I.F.D.! Marvelous!
    Have a great weekend! :0)

  8. you have a great weekend too!

  9. Enjoy your weekend. Hope you have some fun.

  10. Have a fabulous long weekend! Only an hour and a half left....

  11. The one on the right is hot. The guy on the left is too, but I'm more drawn to the darker drawn characters.

    Happy weekend, Deb.

  12. Holy Christ, I didn't realize it was Labour Day. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. she looks awesome! have a great weekend - my friend. cheers!!

  14. We'll do our best Debra!
    You too!

  15. Oh Odin is the only reason why I love Wednesdays, and I sure praise him on Friday, or indeed any day of the week!

  16. I need to read more Marvel comics.
    Have a great weekend.

  17. I am working through the whole weekend. meh

  18. Hi Debra! What great posts you've done while I was off-line! Wow! I'll just comment on one series. I really appreciated those on the Princess Pats. It's truly important to remember and honor those who have served our countries. I was sad to hear that your father came home shell-shocked from the war. I have known other vets who have suffered in that way. It seems these days a few people have suffered and sacrificed to serve in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places while the rest of us have gone thoughtlessly on our merry ways. I can't imagine what repeated deployments are doing to the minds and bodies of our brave and dedicated forces ~ let alone their families.
    A complete aside ~ I loved the War of 1812 video! Hysterical. Enjoy the long weekend!

  19. Have a wonderful long weekend, Debra! Get out and have fun!

  20. Happy Weekend!

    I think one of my comments to one of your earlier posts got lost somewhere...

  21. Hi Ms Misantropia -- Yes, Blogger must have eaten it. I checked my spam file but it didn't get diverted there. Sorry!

  22. I think Thor is wearing 3D glasses there...

  23. Hope you are doing well today. It is a lovely rainy Sunday and we love it.

  24. Trying so hard to enjoy the last of my summer break.


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