Thursday 28 August 2014

Ancient Roman Booze Humour

It's not every day that Roman numerals are funny, is it? Actually, this reminds me of that classic joke by Wayne & Shuster which depends on the Latin construction of singular and plural nouns --

Roman:         I'd like a martinus please.
Bartender:    You mean a martini.
Roman:         No, if I want two, I'll order two!

(All Canadians "of a certain age" remember Wayne & Shuster . . . .)


  1. The times, they are new Roman. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to my Pontius Pilates class.

  2. Took me a minute, but I caught on to the first one. LOL!!! Been so long since I used Roman numerals.
    M ary

  3. I remember Wayne and Shuster!!! That's a long time ago......

  4. it took me a minute to get it LOL

  5. Haha! The first one took me a while!!

  6. I believe the Trojan Horse was the first knock knock joke.

  7. Four of them. We don't live far from Canada. One on the top of the mountain, one in town. Another about 15-20 minutes away and another about 30 minutes away.

    So far though, the one in town has the best bagels. The one here on the hill, I often get sick from. So I don't eat there anymore.

  8. Funny as ever... You still got it!

  9. 8 years of Latin and it took me about a minute to get the first joke. I'm pathetic !!

  10. Just looking at their faces makes me laugh and that joke is actually funny!

  11. I never thought I'd hear someone describe a joke as "dependent on the Latin construction of singular and plural nouns" ;)

  12. Never missed an episode of Wayne and Shuster!! They were so quick!

  13. Even if you hadn't said their names, I'd know Wayne & Shuster anywhere! I LOVED that show; never missed it. I even remember their theme song, which was very catchy...

    ♫♪ "Well I see by the clock on the wall. That it's time to bid you one and all.
    Goodbye (Goodbye) So long (So long) Farewell (Farewell) Adieu (Adieu)
    Be good (Stay Well) Bye Bye (Keep Warm) Relax (At Ease) Take Care (Stay Loose)
    Adieu mon vieux. A la prochaine. Goodbye 'til when we meet again!" ♪♫

  14. I'M IMPRESSED, Martha! You've got super recall! I always liked their closing theme too. Very catchy and very Canadian.

  15. Good thing he didn't want zero beers

    there was no zero in Roman math

  16. Excellent! And now for a Canadian joke. My dad saw my cousin, who is studying there, and said, "Canada! Where people are transparently nice!"

  17. It took me longer than it should have to understand that joke.

    It's time to go to bed.

  18. I remember Wayne and Shuster.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  19. Groanus Maximus!
    Whoda thought that Roman Numerals could be funny!

  20. Awesome! I knew 2 years of high school Latin would come in handy some day!

  21. Took a little time but I finally got it. Very funny. Latin was not one of my favorites.

  22. I now have a Roman numeral joke. Thanks

  23. LOL! Very funny!
    Sorry, I don't remember Wayne and Shuster.

  24. I confess I had to sit and think about your Roman joke. And eventually I held up two fingers - then I got the joke. Thanks!

    How embarrassing...

  25. gonna use that roman numeral joke :)


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