Wednesday 17 September 2014

Scotland the Brave

So tomorrow Scotland votes on whether to remain part of the United Kingdom or to become an independent country. Debate has raged on both sides of the issue. But now, here's the definitive opinion on this momentous question --

Good luck tomorrow, Scotland, and remember -- vote early and vote often, och aye!


  1. Good morning. It's always great to make this my first stop of the day. I love that little character. Thanks for the chuckles.

  2. There will always be a Scotland.

  3. I don't know why we have borders at all.

  4. i am all for scotland separating from the UK. but then, i also wish that texas would succeed from the US.

  5. I'm so curious how this vote is going to go. Hopefully it's the best decision for the Scottish people. I didn't see that the Simpsons took this on, really funny.

  6. Hahaha! I loved this. Hilarious. I'm so curious to see how this will go.

  7. I'm curious to see how it goes as well.

  8. My favorite of his quotes was "They get along as well as Englishmen and Scots, or Irishmen and Scots, or Scots and Scots."

  9. I have been following this in the news. The road to independence can be a rough one. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.....

  10. I am very very curious to see the results of the vote...

  11. I love visiting Scotland: England eeeh...they make good TV programs.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  12. Will be very curious indeed. They have been part of Britain since the 1700's I believe, it will be historical, that's for sure.

  13. as Willy says AY OR DIE! Hope you noticed the butterflies at my place :)

  14. I don't want us to separate, it would be like breaking up the family. Although I am not a Scot, I love Scotland and my eldest son was born there and my youngest granddaughter was too. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the vote will be NO.

  15. I am very interested to see the outcome of this election, I have a thing for the Scots.

  16. It's a Catch 22 but I hope Scotland gets independence. They deserve it after 307 years of British rule.

  17. This household is divided on Scotland, being married to an English woman. I am all for Scottish independence. It would be about time.

  18. I was really surprised to see how closely divided Scots are on this issue. I just assumed they would want to be an independent nation. Shows you what I know.

  19. Like our never-ending debate about Quebec separating from Canada. I am so tired that I can make a decision on what to have for dinner. I wish we didn't have boarders. Maybe that would help everyone get along. Not likely though.

  20. I've never seen Willie hold the spotlight for that long!

  21. My heart is with them, but my head isn't. I do wish them them the best though and hope the YES side wins because nobody should have to live through more than one referendum! (like the good old Canadian neverendum, eh?)

  22. lets say they vote to leave the British Empire...what if Great Britian says fuck can't go..>???

  23. I don't know why they voted no. The British have had enough countries under their thumbs over the centuries.

  24. Wonder what my ancestors (MacDonalds and MacIsaacs) would be thinking? I have a feeling that they would want to be their own country.
    Well that didn't happen this time.


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