Monday 15 September 2014

Some Interesting Tattoos

If you're going to have a tattoo, people, try to make it something unique and interesting! The world has enough skulls, roses and butterflies already, okay?

A tattoo like that would make me want to go to big countries really quickly to help fill in all the blank space. And hey, buddy, you haven't been to Canada yet? Get your ass up here, fer chrissakes!

Behold a person with a good sense of humour about life's misfortunes --

And wow, here's a TRUE fan! Something tells me, though, that he'll never be able to have an MRI with all that fluourescent ink under his skin.

Another good example of why tattoos must be chosen wisely --

But look at this clever solution!


  1. I have a Bumble Bee on my arse, is that naff or not? :D

  2. Love the map, but can't believe he didn't go to Sweden while he was visiting both Denmark and Norway! ;)

    I also have something tribal looking on my foot from my early twenties, but I am thinking of having it redone.

  3. I'm a chicken. It took me years to get up the nerve to get my ears pierced.

  4. Lol, I stink at commitment. So I know that I'd probably regret whatever tattoo I got, hence I've always stayed away. *scared*

    My OCD is mad at that map guy for all the blank spots.

  5. Love the idea of a map tattoo! So awesome. I want to get a tattoo that says Namaste :)

  6. I love the Thor's Hammer one, though you shouldn't do something that leaves you unable to get an MRI. They can be kind of important.

  7. If I were that first guy, I wouldn't go to Canada, or more frighteningly, Russia, either. That's a long time and a lot of pain to color those in. And maybe that asterisk guy should be saving up for laser removal. Also, I had no idea about that MRI thing. So much for my glow-in-the-dark tattoo I was going to get above my naughty bits that says "please scream out your own name or I'll forget what it is." I'll just have to try to practice mnemonic devices instead.

  8. I've got three tattoos and one of them I absolutely hate! Never drink then ink!!

  9. that map is amazing!! but Justin ??? oh thats a big boo boo!!!!

  10. Hahaha! A great way to start the day. I especially like the 'one foot in the grave' tattoo.

  11. too funny! i am thinking about getting a bunch of mine redone. i mean...they will cover the age spots won't they?

  12. that first guy didn't even tattoo the map right... my country doesn't even exist on it... and Romania is suddenly at the Adriatic sea in his vision...
    That Bieber lass needs some serious slapping... and her parents some jail time....

  13. Oh my God, I loathe tattoes and not only because my religion forbids them. That poor justinized girl is all the justification I need !!

  14. I love tattoos, especially bad ones. They make for great stories. People should remember how much we change throughout life. At least start small so you can cover it ?

  15. That was cool. I loved that regret tattoo.

  16. This is why I'm too much of a chicken to get a tattoo, because the things that I find cool I usually only find cool for a few months. Then after that... what the hell was I thinking?

  17. whats wrong with butterflies? the 'one foot in the grave' is hilarious! great post. cheers!!

  18. Loved this, Debra! "One foot in the grave..." That's someone with a healthy adjustment to a disability! My niece Sara has Nova Scotia tattooed on her foot because she loves NS so much.
    I've thought about getting a tiny velociraptor tattooed somewhere hidden, because that's what I channel for strength when my back is against the wall ~ like when you're in the hospital for internal bleeding, and the nurse gives you a gigantic container of the foulest tasting GI cleaning fluid to drink every 15 minutes over 6 hours and you're the one who has to watch the clock and keep yourself on schedule. I needed a pack of velociraptors for that one, let me tell you! Have a good day!

  19. I love tatts, but knowing my luck, it would get ruined in a surgery.

  20. I had a 8-ball on my left boob for years..but as I grew older the boob got longer and the 8 ball was starting to look like a pool covered it with a dallas cowboys helmet with 40 on it for bill bates..still ugly..

  21. OMG. Justin Bieber? This is why no one should get drunk and get a tattoo.

  22. The JustinB one cracks me up! The look on that poor girls face!LOL!

  23. Only One for me! got it when I was 30, and for a time wanted more and more.... Luckily we were pretty poor then, me staying home with 4 kids and I couldn't afford more. Now I'm happy with one, no regrets!

  24. That is why I don't like tattoos.

  25. Debra, if you were to get a tattoo, and don't rule that out, what would it be and where would you put it?
    I have two tattoos....little ones down by my ankles. I too was young when I got them.....40 and 45!! lol

  26. I don't get the Justin thing. But I don't understand why he is popular either.

    Is it true that you guys have to play him on the radio all the flippin' time, there? Or is that just a horrible lie?

    Either way, Happy Almost Halloween and Boogie Boogie :-)

  27. I would love to meet the man with the artificial leg. Must be a really amazing person. And I am so glad they weren't popular when i was young because right now I would be a fully inked senior citizen!

  28. I'm glad I have no tatoos. Though the map one is awesome

  29. Oh, the Justin Bieber one just makes me sad.

  30. I'd actually want a tattoo too, except I have no idea what would be good or where to even get it.

  31. Maybe map guy can't afford the cost of ink to go to Canada.

  32. These are awesome! I love the filling in of the countries. That is an amazing idea and a great way to make yourself travel! One foot in the grave is priceless!!!

  33. I'm not a tattoo person, but I have to admit I'm digging the UV ink one!

  34. Love the disclaimer on that last one. lol

  35. Yours is brilliant. Just brilliant.

  36. Not a tatoo lady, however I have seen some pretty awesome ones. The map is a great idea. Gotta love the guy with 1 leg and his chosen saying.

  37. That's a lot of ink for my liking in the first shot, but have to hand it to him, very creative, I must say.

  38. Haha. You kept the best for last!!
    I have a triquetra on my wrist and i love it, but from time to time i think i would prefer it if it was a bit more girly.
    But i do not think about it much. Although i see it all the time i rarely notice it!

  39. Maybe he has been to Canada and it's just colored in white. Great White North and all.

  40. LOL at the face of regret. What a shame. She's likely one of hundreds or thousands. The map one is very cool too.

  41. That fluorescent tattoo is definitely original. I also love tattoos of one's pet (always better than ones of Justin Bieber, I guess).

  42. I have a faded purple unicorn on my shoulder that I'd love to cover up.i hate it.

  43. I sympathize with the "foot tattoo" but I regret seeing the girl's arm ugh I'm not gonna sleep well after seeing it :)))


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