Friday 3 October 2014

Bats . . . So Misunderstood

What is Halloween without bats, I ask ya. Nuttin! NUTTIN!

And yet bats are the Rodney Dangerfields of the animal world. They just don't get no respect. Except here on She Who Seeks blog. Because --- yes -- today is:

                                        Na-na na-na na-na na-na,
                                        na-na na-na na-na na-na
                                       BAT DAY!

No, not BATMAN -- BAT DAY! Oh, too late, now we're caught up in the whole Batman and Robin thang . . . .

By the way, who WOULDN'T want these cool Batman specs? Elegant for ANY occasion! But I digress.

Many people think bats are scary but really, they are just poor vulnerable little creatures, the same as us. They too have their special fears and nightmares . . . .

And of course, to regular mice, bats have a whole different significance . . . .

So just think of THAT the next time you run screaming from their presence.


  1. Yes! I'd love those batman specs!

  2. I occasionally see bats but usually they remain unseen unless a rabid one makes the news. It is one of the few animals that has the same name as the device that you whack them with.

  3. I remember when I was growing up, especially during my late teen years when I was allowed out at night, you had to hold your hands over your hair or wear a hat because there were so many. Scary.

  4. Bats are pretty cool. The main thing I remember about them is that you will never, ever, get a bat in your hair. Their echolocation and reflexes are so good that they never hit anything. I've always wanted to stand in a gathering of bats to see if I can remember that when they're around me.

    Also the Ozzy thing is totally a misunderstanding too. Yes he bit the head off a bat but he thought it was a plastic one. Everyone was throwing plastic bats at him and he accidentally picked up the real one that happened to fly on the stage.

    Jeez the more I say that the less I believe it.

  5. Oh gosh-
    I'm afraid I'm a runner (from their presence!).

    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog.

    I laughed Out Loud.

    White Spray Paint

  6. I LOVE bats! Sadly they are disappearing around here due to a fungal disease of some sort. Haven't seen any for a few years now. They eat a LOT of insects and that accounts I thinks for the large number of mosquitoes lately.
    Funny post Debra, thanks.

  7. bats are so mice like and I am beholden to flee from them too. But I do think both are cute when pictured just not in real life. Gosh, what a wanker I am.

  8. all bats really do fear Ozzy, don't they?

  9. Love Bats! They are such powerhouses of the Animal Kingdom. Eating insects like they were going out of style!

  10. I love bats too, anything that eats their weight in mosquitoes are friends of mine, that last photo I will remember all day ,lol!!!!

  11. i love bats too! when my pool is open, i watch them swoop in for a drink at night.

  12. Bats eat bugs. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  13. I remember as kids swimming in the base pool at Kelly AFB and when it got dark the bats would come out to eat the bugs and they'd get in our hair..really really freaky..eeek

  14. In Austin Texas there is a Bat Festival every August. Everyone goes batty for bats and they have the annual bat watch where the bats emerge from under the Congress Ave. Bridge. It's pretty cool.

  15. Great post! I love that last image! We have nice bats here, late in the evening, just around dusk I see them flitting around. I had never seen them in real life until we moved here. It must be the many trees, the lake and the abundance of bugs! They are now fighting White-nose syndrome,a disease that is killing off many of them in North America. It's always something....

  16. Add me to the people who love bats. I remember how swarms of tiny bats took care of bothersome flies in the African lodges we stayed at. The place was more bug-free than my suburban neighbourhood.
    Good to touch base with you again...

  17. Awesome post! Bats rock.

    On a semi-related note, there's the cutest little black cat on Facebook named Batgirl. Her mom sometimes puts her in bat costumes...check her out if you get a chance!

  18. So I had to find a picture of Batgirl in costume:

    Why the hell won't MY cats let me dress them up? Jerks...

  19. I used to see bats when I lived in this big old Victorian era house. We used to sit out in the yard and watch them fly around.

  20. I am a big fan of bats! They eat mosquitoes! Smart people put up bat houses here so as to help get rid of them pesky mozzies, as my husband calls them.
    Wish I still had my Batman lunchbox from 3rd know my mother threw it out!

  21. I love bats. They are cool and shy.

  22. The one thing I love about bats is that the Bible's Leviticus 11:13-19 says they're birds. I also think of it when someone says the bible is infallible.

  23. Bats are wonderful! I love them and always have. :)

  24. I love bats! So fun! Look at all these!!!!! Halloween ROCKS!

  25. Facts be damned, they still scare me. You can't prove that they won't ever turn into Dracula.

  26. Did you know that fruit bats provide oral pleasure for their mates?
    I am full of useful knowledge like that!

  27. Well, now I have that "na-na na-na na-na na-na" tune stuck in my head! Took me all the way back to the cheesy 70s Batman TV series.

    I LOVE bats. They are beautiful creatures and extremely beneficial!

  28. Bats are so cool. I don't really want to come in contact with one but they are neat to watch flying! Dog bats are ridiculously cute.

  29. I dressed like Robin for Halloween. While walking around trick-or-treating (and getting loads of candy, cuz people thought I was a kid), one cute little boy dressed as Robin said, "Look Mommy, another Robin." I was inclined to give him some candy but, no, I wasn't really.

    Happy weekend~

  30. Ha! The Ozzy nightmare is the best!
    I think bats are cute. And I'm super glad they eat some of the TONS of mosquitos we have around here.
    I also am a big supporter of SNAKES. They also get a bad rap, just for being snakey.

  31. *grin* it's so funny... I love bats... they're so sweet and killed all the little mosquitos in our Italy Holiday...

  32. Why wouldn't you be scared of bats? They turn into vampires and eat you!

  33. Debs, that post was full of hilarity!!!!! I love the OMG, it an angel!!!!!! Still, when outside , and see them whiz by, I duct, thinking I don't need this sucker stuck in my coiffure.

  34. Once I learn how useful bats are for us, I admire bats. Just this summer while visiting my brother's place in the middle of nowhere Missouri, I got to see his latest house guest. Yes a bat has taken up residence on his porch. He is very pleased. I was tempted to touch it while it was sleeping during the day. Probably a good thing I didn't.

  35. I used to be afraid of them when I was small.

    I prefer seeing as "angels :)

  36. Bats are adorable! I wish I could have one as a pet.

  37. Actually I love bats. They eat mosquitoes, and they are freaking cute! The dominant species here is called the "little brown bat." I kid you not.

  38. Bats are cool! At our previous house in central Texas, we used to watch them approach at dusk and watch them dip and dive eating bugs. Highlight of the day; (yes, life was pretty boring at the time).


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