Monday 27 October 2014

It's Pumpkin Carving Time!

Don't you just love pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns at Halloween? There's something so ancient and eerie about how their flickering lights glow and dance in the darkness of our favourite October night . . . .

This pumpkin looks like it would gladly take a bite right out of you.

And this one must be the Great Pumpkin -- come quickly, Linus!

Now this jack-o-lantern has either a baby or a wart. Or maybe a wart-baby.

This one gets by with a little help from its friends . . . .

We always think that jack-o-lanterns must be made out of pumpkins or, in our modern society, at least out of plastic. But here's a few JOLs made from other materials --

I love the jaunty caps on these next ones!

How about a steampunk version?

However, this alternative JOL just goes too far . . .

[captioning courtesy of

Finally, how does a pumpkin decide which kind of face it should have?

Pumpkins give us so much pleasure and yet they know that, at heart, we humans are all sick and sadistic bastards.


  1. That steampunk one is just terrifying. I love steampunk, why does it do these things to me?

  2. These are great! I especially love the last one; made me laugh out loud. I'll never be able to make a pumpkin pie without thinking of that. Pumpkin brains...oh boy...

  3. I ADORE jack-o-lanterns! The orange Halloweenie ones have to be imported to Australia for Halloween and cost a fortune, but it's just not the same without one.

  4. i got my JOL fix for the day! thanks! i used to carve turnips...what a job!

  5. Oh no, that last one gave me the sads. I don't want to make pie out of brains. I'm sorry lil' Jack. But your brains are really delicious.

  6. I absolutely adore pumpkins. Unfortunately here in the city we don't see them. The older kids come out at night and smash them. So sad for the youngsters who have to miss out on so much.

  7. It certainly is! What a great collection, put me right in the mood..again.. :)

  8. I love the steampunk jack-o-lantern, but what really has me stumped are the turnip ones. I just cut up a turnip for dinner last night. If I had been trying to carve it like a pumpkin, I'm pretty sure I would have been at the ER waiting to have a finger reattached - those things are hard!

  9. These are great! I've must say I have never seen acorns carved like a pumpkin before!

  10. Those are all awesome. I especially like the bunny lantern. Muy cute!

  11. I do love carving pumpkins... this year I will be away for Halloween so I think we will carve up our buddies on Thursday. :)

  12. The first ' Pumpkins' scared me and loved all the others.

  13. Surprise me! Oh, Yes! I love pumpkin time.

  14. ooo, that steam punk one is an amazing creation

  15. love the bunny one, the bunpkin!

  16. I love Jack O Lanterns carved from fruit. One year I carved, limes, oranges, and peppers. This year I'm carving pineapples and sweet peppers, maybe some jalapeƱo peppers too. I love that steampunk one too. Thanks for getting me back in the spirit of the season!

  17. These are all so great. Love the acorn ones, never seen that before. We will carve ours tonight so that we can enjoy them for a few nights before the great spooky ooky fest.

  18. I can't bring myself to make jack-o-lanterns simply because pumpkin pie is so good.

    "Let's take this giant fruit that makes delicious dessert but instead of eating it, let's carve it up to look like something, then let it rot on our front step."

    As a foodie, I just can't let that happen.

  19. Love these! Especially the acorn one! Now that is fine work!

  20. This is wonderful, Debra! The rabbit one was so cute, and I enjoyed the first one for its movement and color! Have a great day!

  21. Big belly laughs! These are all great. Surprise me, he says. Lol

  22. We just carved our pumpkins last night. And by WE I mean I because the kids just want to play with the guts and so I must take over all their carving responsibilities.
    Pics might be posted soon!

  23. Turnips? Amazingly scary! Ooh, eat the pumpkin's brains -that just killed my desire for pumpkin pie - for now.

  24. Funny that you should post the turnip jack-0-lanterns. The first real jack-o-lanterns were carved from turnips.
    Love the post, dear. Made me smile on a bad day.

  25. people sure do get creative with them

  26. the Rabbit one is so cute!..
    they are fun, think i'll pick up two tomorrow:)

  27. I love this!!! The steampunk one is my favorite! Can't wait to start the carving festivities!

  28. I love Halloween and the pumpkin is my favorite symbol. I LOVE the acorn pumpkins! How cute.

  29. I'm still laughing at "Surprise me." The acorn pumpkins are adorably clever.

  30. Love the acorns and the turnips!

  31. Oh I LOVE all of these pictures! I will start carving pumpkins on the 29th of the 30th.

  32. Love it. Love it. Love it.

    Love it.

  33. I love the steampunk one! I don't remember the last time I tried to carve one. Too messy for OCD girl. I just buy little pumpkins for decoration.

  34. Tis the season of the pumpkin
    Make a pie
    then create something

    the Ol'Buzzard

  35. Fabulous post my Dear!! Love it!

  36. I love favorite holiday..going to carve mine tonight..

  37. I like the barber cartoon. The turnip ones are freaky. I didn't know turnips got big enough to carve but then I don't know much.

  38. I love ALL of them, especially the giant pumpkin and the steampunk one. Such a great selection. Weren't turnips the predecessors of Halloween pumpkins, by the way?

  39. Each year i try and each year i fail! But once again the carving will be tried! This year it will be a family- group attempt. So, perhaps our poor pumpkin stands a chance!
    By the way, i face the same difficulties when i try(emphasis on try) to shape my eyebrows... Maybe i should turn that also into a family thing!

  40. LOL! Fantastic!!! I am still laughing about the wart-baby! LOL!

  41. The steampunk one is the coolest! And yes, this is such an ancient act, carving out pumpkins on Halloween night. Reg and I bought two this year. Our neighbourhood is not super keen on Halloween so I think we are going to go with one cute and one scary.

  42. Ewww brain pie hehe isn't it a great treat. Turnips weren't bad, just like old times eh.


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