Wednesday 29 October 2014

Halloween Image Dump

So this post just unloads all my leftover Halloween images (apart from the ones being saved for Friday's Samhain post) in one big glorious witch's brew! A few I will comment on, but most I won't. Giving you a break today from my incessant nattering, LOL!

What a lovely ghoul . . .

. . . and this must be her baby!

How skeletons are really created!

Awesome skelly horse --

Okay, shutting up for awhile.

Hey, doesn't this look like a kitty Dr. Frankenstein?

Some last minute costume ideas for you procrastinators out there --

And finally, a couple of LOLs for you foodies out there --


  1. Hahaha! I had a good laugh with some of these. The cemetery pic is a hoot! I would have photographed that and shared it on an 'Interesting Sightings' post. And McDonald's image....hahaha...

  2. I love the croc one. Some great images here, and a good laugh. Thanks!

  3. Oh good grief. Just when I thought I'd seen it all.....I'm gonna have to make those "caramel apples", no doubt...hehehehehe. Love these. Happy Hallowoooooooonie to you.

  4. Great laughs! It will be difficult to get the Edgar Allen Hoe picture out of my mind. The horse is awesome!

  5. thanks for the segway hunk... send him into my direction!

  6. Oh, I've got the crocs - so all I need is the mask. Ready! Good stuff Debra!

  7. I have a chest cold and my chest is very sore from all the coughing. It hurts when I laugh so this post has caused me pain.

  8. These are great, Debra! You have me laughing ~ and I'll bet there will be a number of "Bad Ass Canadian" Halloweeners this weekend. Happy Hump Day!

  9. edgar allen hoe and the crocs really cracked me up!

  10. Great post Deb...Thanks for the laugh!

  11. the horse is amazing! The onions, well,,,,, thats just plain mean, lol!!!!

  12. love the picture of the horse.. !

  13. Thanks for the good laugh :-)!

  14. Love these. My fav was the onion/candy apple one...hahaha

  15. These are GREAT!!!! Thanks for the smile...

  16. Stopped fighting my demons .... *snorts water through nose*

  17. Oh My! You really have some good ones!!!! Hard to choose a fav!

    Hubby and I watched a show last nite with the Headless Horseman in it. We both agreed that he needed to be riding a horse like the one you show! And wouldn't it be a hoot if the paint was glow in the dark and the horse was in a pasture?

  18. I loved the Edgar Allen Hoe fellow!

  19. LOVE these! Thanks for chuckle! Best of litter? The Taffy Onions!!!!

  20. those are so awesome! I heart Edgar Allen Poe, he should wear MORE clothes, never more. NEVERMORE.

  21. More fabulousness! You are just having too much fun here! Love the onion trick!!

  22. Those candy apples are just evil. hee hee

  23. I just happen to love a good photo post dump!

  24. Love them all! You out did yourself Debra! That horse is amazing and I love the candied onions! LOL!

  25. Oh no, not the caramelized onion pops. I'd like to see the part right after the massive bite into the onion-pop when the victim realizes the lengths the victimizer went to in order to get the victim to just take a bite or half-bite then spit out the contents. Were those hours worth that half-second of disgust? Really. In reality, the amount of work that it takes to create the caramelized onion pop equals about 2 percent recognition that something is disgusting and gets spit out.
    I've put way too much thought into this.
    Thank you for being my first subscriber to

  26. These are super fun. The candy apple trick, oh man.

  27. You don't see anything, keep scrolling.

    Sure thing Mr Hockey-Masked Stranger...

  28. I love the one of the body being dragged by the atv LOL

  29. My favorites are the Jason and the baby :-)

  30. Oh man, I want to see video of the cat with thd plasma ball!

  31. The Jason one nearly murdered me with laughter!!!

  32. Canadian Bad Ass (Devin Vickers)
    Never take a Canadian for granted -even when he is dressed like a like a hold over from the Elizabethan court.

    Armed and Dangerous; a real cowboy!

    Of course this may ruin the image of 'the mild mannered Canadian.'
    the Ol'Buzzard

  33. OMG I started with a grin and ended up laughing hard. You've got such a great collection on this theme. I don't know which one I love the most. I think I love them all.

  34. Fab selection of spooky photos!

  35. The one time we made caramel apples when I was a kid, I got too tired to eat mine and went to bed. The next morning, my mother said, "Sorry, a roach ate a hole through yours." It was quite awhile before I found out she ate it.

  36. We got a "Laugh" from the Graveyard "join the fun"... and the Onion idea...LOL....
    You have a wonderful sense of humor , dear Lady...


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