Monday 20 October 2014

Superheroes Assemble!

Of all the kids who come to the door trick-or-treating on Halloween, I think the cutest are the ones dressed up as superheroes. Here's some especially adorable examples from the internet --

Now I know that these next two aren't technically superheroes, but they're just so darn cute I have to include them!


  1. I do enjoy the little R2. I can't see any eye holes though so I hope the little person inside there can see alright.

  2. I have since realised that the picture is from behind.

  3. So cute! Kids that dress up as super heroes are the best!

  4. How precious! I love the one of the kid who wants to be all the superheroes!

  5. The best part of Halloween is being able to see some of these little critters coming to the door. Can't wait.

  6. Those are all SO adorable! I love Clark Kent! Grandson #3 loves Batman's costume but he really likes Superman & I totally get the combined costume!

  7. I'm still trying to decide what I want to be for Halloween this year :)

  8. If I was a kid right now I would be Spiderman!! I just know it!!

  9. It's true, Thor IS pretty. My wife's even told me she would kill for hair like his.

  10. So cute it's unbearable!! How can you not give them candy???

  11. I'm much like Karen Walker, and have no clue what to do with kids, but must admit they are cute!

  12. Thor is THO PRETTY!
    Those were all adorable. We have 2 little girls and they are in costumes ALL YEAR LONG. One has a Superman costume, and the other has a Flash costume, though the Flash one is pretty girly with sparkles and a tutu. They also have Buzz & Woody from Toy Story, and we went to a fair last weekend and a lady called my daughter "Lady Woody." We laughed so hard the kids were trying to figure out what was so funny. Nevermind kids.

  13. All so adorable! And I say awesome for the little girl who wants to be Thor!

  14. These are super cute! I love Lea and R2D2. That is the best!!!

  15. Little Clark Kent is my favorite. He looks like he means business. So cute!

  16. I wish the kids came to my house. It is so different here in the city. Most kids are out as soon as they get out of school and safely in their homes before dark. I've not handed out Halloween candy in about 20 years. I still buy a bag, though, just in case.

  17. For a time when I was five, I would only answer to the name Peter Pan. I knew he was a boy. I wanted to be a boy.

  18. Haha..So sweet!!
    Which superhero do you want to be??... all of them! lol.. (That would have been me)
    Princess Leia and R2 look so cute

  19. Batman has always been my favourite.

  20. Don't you think Thor is beautiful? I do :)

    And yeah to be "all superhero" I guess must win the best costume award...the more the merrier :)

  21. Ooooh... so cute... I love the little Superman! Awwwww....

  22. Ohhh, I want to swoop up that first little Superman and bring him home and feed him and squish him with hugs and watch him fly home. Or keep him. I'd rather keep him.

  23. I think my favourite is the Batman and Robin in tutus. Followed by the combined mega-superhero.

  24. There just aren't enough ways to express how much this geek mom loves those costumes.

  25. the GG's want to be Elsa from Frozen..Jennifer is obsessed with the idea that Olivia should wear a wig.I am pretty sure Olivia has something to say about no..and Abby is dedicated to kicking my cane out from under me..

  26. So true! Costumes were crap when I was a kid so I preferred to dress up as a gypsy but now? I would totally go as a superhero and love that there are so many choices for kids and the costumes aren't plastic masks with two holes in it so you can barely stay conscious on Halloween.

  27. Just darling, especially the last!

  28. Well, she's right! Thor *is* pretty.

  29. Adorable. It's nice when they use some imagination.

  30. What kind of a parent would say "no, you must be princesses" to little girls who want to be superheroes? That just makes me feel sad. Same with the one that tried to talk the little girl out of being Thor. But the adorableness cheered me right back up.

  31. I loved these and the Thor one cracked me up. Mind if I snag it for my blog?

  32. Kids...No! But if cats came to the door I would be excited...

    Halloween is not a time for kids - they are just candy grabbers. Halloween is a time of witches, and warlocks and things that go bump in the night.

    Put the kids to bed; open a bottle of wine; toke on a joint and watch a scary movie.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  33. I found you via 'next blog' button.
    Just had to say that top picture of the little boy melted my heart!
    Loved reading your blog, funny and thought provoking as well.


  34. Thor has always been pretty! Tiny superman is so cute. And R2D2 - what did it take to assemble that? Great post!
    First visit here, via Pickleope's blog - blame him! (No, she did not say that.)


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