Friday 17 October 2014

Important Public Service Announcement

And you know what that means! Yes, my sisters, our deliverance from the tyranny of the razor is near! All spring and summer, our minds have been consumed by a single onerous thought --

Of course, there are ways around any social rule or convention. Many of us just skate by and do the absolute bare minimum. "Guilty as charged!"

But in winter -- glorious winter! -- we can wear pants all the time and never, ever have to shave our legs until spring and warmer weather arrive again! But that first spring shave is pretty gruesome, isn't it ladies? We need a heavy duty razor for that one. A veritable weed whacker.

So enjoy your soon-to-be luxuriously furry female appendages! Not having to shave is the only good thing about winter.


  1. I've heard several girls say they go without shaving for winter but I never know how serious any of them are. Thankfully I don't grow body hair very well. I only have to shave my face like once a fortnight and I don't have much body hair to speak of elsewhere.

  2. same as me. i have never had to shave my legs.

  3. Just please do me this favor, should it get long enough, try not to shower, just for a couple of days, and try to give your legs dreadlocks. You'd be so popular Reggae concerts.

  4. I've always shaved, but now that I am in my 60's, I grow very little hair on my legs. I've decided to just let it be. Have a great weekend.

  5. Once pants season rolls around I only shave if the leg hair is getting caught in my pants. Otherwise I wear socks to my knees under my pants and who would ever know?

  6. Hahaha! I love this post. And I love these upcoming months. No regular shaving! WOOT WOOT! By spring, though, I need a machete to get through the hairy jungle...LOL...

  7. Too funny! I don't have the winter excuse ... may still be wearing shorts in December!

  8. thats so funny , and soooo true, for some reason I have hardly any hair on my arms or legs, I must be a mutant!

  9. Oh yeah, that's what I was gonna do...three weeks ago...

  10. you mean our dear lesbifriends don't like hairy legs? I thought they do... sometimes... at least....

  11. I hear tell if you braid the overgrown winter leg hair down to the ankles, using the leg as the middle strand ~ you save a mint of leggings !

  12. The only time I might shave my legs after September is at Christmas if I want to wear a skirt. Usually I just wear pants because I don't want to shave my legs.

  13. too funny and oh so true. Thanks for the giggles

  14. Thankfully, as a middle-aged lesbian, I don't feel pressured to shave anything. Anything at all. That's right, not even the pits! It's awesome!

  15. Funny post - I shave everything accept my head.. all year round lol!!.
    But who knows.. as it gets colder... and if I find myself in permanent jeans mode...

  16. Hilarious! I love the white fur on those cat legs! Cute! And you're right best thing about winter!

  17. Yaay for silk-épil: ladies, it rips out the roots! Less and less hair the more you use it! Gentlemen: don't use it if your have very hairy legs, it will be painful! I hate hair on my legs, it has to go, winter & summer :-).

  18. My favorite funny picture is the cat one

  19. So funny..The older I get the less there is to shave..The few I do have must be 4 inches long...Have a good weekend..

  20. Don't shave - they will keep you warm

  21. There is one other good thing about winter. Whenever it snows here in Atlanta, we get a couple of days off work. The city is just not set up to handle the lightest snowfall. Snow Days!!!

  22. Woohoo! Let that hair grow wild and free! I really love that grid for deciding when/how much to shave.

  23. I hate not feeling smooth, but my leg hair is sparse, so I don't notice it for a while.

    But, rock on and all my non-shaving sisters! Do what makes *you* happy.

  24. I suppose I have my OCD to thank for the fact that I shave constantly? I love the cat one!

  25. I have 2 hairs approximately under each arm and maybe 7 on my legs..they are about 3 inches long but are so blond you can't see them..I pluck..ha

  26. Not sure what to say here, if anything.
    Too bad though that the mores of our culture is for women to be free of hair every where except their head! One way to change that!

  27. Dayum!!
    I haven't shaved my legs (srsly) since 2008. I have my reasons.
    David likes to braid my leg hairs while we watch tv in the evening.

  28. So true! LOL! But, I have to shave my hair under my arms! Can't let that grow long! LOL! Thanks for the laughs ;o)

  29. Haha. I hope you didn't need a weed wacker. I'm very lucky my leg hairs - of which there are many - are blond.

  30. I'm so pleased I don't need to shave. :)

  31. Omg I am so ashamed admitting to this hahaha. But it does get uncomfortable when I feel hair as I moisturize my leg, so I still end up shaving even in winter, just less than often 😊

  32. Gotta keep those legs warm in the winter some kind of way. :o)


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