Wednesday 8 October 2014

The Old, Old Story

Mr. Bones is a dapper chap. He's been around since time immemorial and has always been a stylish trendsetter.

But that doesn't keep him from being a fighter, right from day one. You don't mess with Mr. Bones.

And the ladies just love him to death! However, he seems curiously disengaged and immune to their many charms.

Here's a photo of Mr. Bones with a few of his pals. Mystery solved!

And please, no jokes in the comments section about the sticks up their ass. That would just be crude. Sheesh, you guys!


  1. Love it. Perfect for this time of year.

  2. Hahaha! I love it. We actually have a Mr. Bones in our home. For the longest time, we kept him on the couch year round; even dressed him in seasonal clothing. Even greeted him every time we passed by. We're weird like that. But alas, he's been retired to the basement amongst all the other stored items. Poor Mr. Bones... I should consider bringing him back into the house.

  3. Mr. Bones, Mr. Bones! YeeHaw!

  4. {{chuckle}} A great way to start the day!
    p.s. Hubby has a Mr. Bones in the passenger seat of his commuter car. I told him not to try driving in the HOV lane!

  5. he knows how to strike a pose

  6. I need rainbow skeletons!

  7. welllll, if we can't talk about the sticks up their asses, can we comment on the "clubs" they're gripping in their fists? If I can't be crude, I tend to struggle to make a comment. Probably should see someone about that.

  8. Don't forget his favorite hangout place, the science classroom

  9. I wouldn't even have seen the sticks had you not pointed them out :)

    I would love that purple one for my garden - but I guess they come as a team.

  10. I've always had a thing for older men! No bones about it. Ok, I'll stop now.

  11. What sticks up whos ass? I thought those were . . . oh never mind. I thought I was seeing . . . just never mind.
    I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

  12. sticks up their asses not withstanding....Mr Bones is a stunner

  13. Hahaha .. Give em stick Mr bones.!!.

  14. I want to meet the person who put up the rainbow of skeletons.

  15. You're on a funny roll, Debra! Tee Hee!

  16. Too funny! What a strange and unusual mind you have! hahahahaha!

  17. No boner jokes? Cmon' we would feel like 8th graders again.
    I did see the one on the couch over on FB. I suspect the first one with the dogs would be a PETA problem.

  18. LOL! You got me laughing before I go to bed! LOL! I guess I will be having some fun dreams tonight! LOL!

  19. O my God, the little baby karate skeleton! So cute!

  20. I want to be skinny but not THAT skinny.

  21. Honest to pumpkins, I didn't notice the sticks up the bum until you mentioned it at the end.

  22. I think I used to date that guy. All talk, no substance. (I knew it was time to leave when I sat naked beside him and couldn't get a rise out of him.)

  23. LOL, this reminded me of Mr. Skullhead in the old Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs cartoons.

  24. Hey Honey... thank you for your coment below my post about the Halloween - Giveaway - Contest... but what do you mean with "My hat is now in the ring!"... I dont' understand... sorry...

  25. Hi Honey... I got your message... but... to enter my Giveaway contest you must leave your e-mail - adress in your comment and your Nickname below my Contest-Blogpost... so I can contact you if you would maybe win... and there's a little task: Show me your Halloween or Autumn Decoration or your costume of this or last year (make a Post with it)... and post the link to your blogpost in your comment, too... then you get a ticket for the contest... sorry, but this are the rules... but you can correct your post... Hugs & Kisses, MK

  26. ... I'm so sorry... so... you don't want to enter?

  27. Totally brightened my day! Love the rainbow guys! :)

  28. I love the dog skeletons. Even Mr. Bones can get so lonely that he needs a new puppy.

  29. I want that t-shirt. I don't care if I'm not really interested in being pregnant. I just want the t-shirt, lol!

  30. Why are skeletons so funny? They always make me laugh and I can't figure out why. LOL.

  31. Hahaha! Now it feels like haloween is here!

  32. The one with the woman is actually somewhat scary, or at least disturbing.

  33. HAHA OMG on that last one! I didn't even notice that. I was too distracted by the brilliant rainbow.

    And at first I thought the opening line said "transgender", so go figure ;)

  34. "Mr. Bones".... cool...
    We have had a "Mr. Bones" around here for many years....
    He often gives us a "Smile"....


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