Friday 10 October 2014

Getting the Last Word

In the spirit (so to speak) of this week's theme of death and skeletons, here's a few tombstones and other memorials for your consideration.


  1. These are so good, thanks for sharing!

  2. I had to have someone explain the fudge recipe to me because I thought that their gravestone was made of fudge.

  3. I came back as a bench - hilarious!

    I'd be a little nervous visiting the guy who keeps getting hit by lightening - don't stand too close to that grave!


  4. oh my gosh those are sooooo, good, I would be hard pressed to choose a favorite from that line up, but the lighten strike one is amazing, is that true, ( I am so gullible), lol

  5. This is very interesting for me as I'm in the process of writing the epitaph (more of a eulogy really) for my soon-to-be-lost URL.

  6. I fancy putting a recipe on me tombstone....

  7. Good ones! Hard to pick a Fav! Though I do think the bench is Great!!! :o)

  8. Good stuff. I'm going to put that first email one in the next chain mail I send.

  9. Jeesh - that's pretty creepy about the poor guy who was a lightning magnet. Otherwise i agree the fudge recipe was the best one ever! hahahaha

  10. That lightning gentlemen story is great! The bench-reincarnation too, he must have a lot of fun now listening to all the conversations going on on top of him LOL.

  11. My hubby and I just had a tombstone talk last week! Now I'm rethinking my position, maybe I want a clever one when I die?!

  12. Re: the first one -- I KNEW people would die if they didn't forward those emails. CRAP. Will never delete a chain email again.

  13. Those are awesome!

    I'm especially impressed by lightening man. Wow!

  14. Oh that chain email, how much it'll bother me more after reading this :)

    That one with lightning - seriously?

    And oh of course "vacancy" was #1 :)

  15. I have a book of tombstones all across Canada. It is one of my favourites!

  16. I want mine to say, "Because buzzards can't eat bones."

  17. These are too funny. I'll have to think twice now about forwarding that email. Thanks for the Friday chuckle.

  18. "I came back as a bench" that one!

    These are terrific. A great way to end the week :)

  19. Love the fudge unique. All the rest are fun too. Having worked a cemetery, not much would surprise me when it comes to things folks will do or say for their loved that's spooky

  20. For a while, I've wanted my tombstone to read "Here lies Michael, who still won't apologize".

  21. LOL! I especially liked the first one. Don't you just hate those email?

  22. They're all funny; but I like the Jesus called one. It's so crazy. I bet she wished he'd put her on hold.

  23. I enjoy these kinds of funny things. Have you ever gone to old graveyards and read the stones? Back in the day when they had little stories. It's neat if you can find them.

    About your loving stuffing cold comment. Yes, there is something magical about stuffing. Tim kept eating it as I was trying to warm it back up. He got a good bit, at that.

    And it was my good stuffing that I wrote a new recipe for, that inspired me to go out and get a bird and make fixins.

    For our house, Thanksgiving is a year-round thing. And state of mine. But it seems like more and more rarely sit these days to enjoy and nice big meal.

    To each their own, I say PASS THE STUFFING!!!!

  24. Is that lightning one true? It's unbelievable, which must mean it's true. I'm in love, of course, with the fudge recipe tombstone. Were I not opting for cremation (it's much cheaper, and though I'll be dead, I don't want my family to have to shell out the bucks), I'd steal it. Stealing and plagiarism are illegal, but I'll be dead, so I wouldn't have to worry about that.

    Happy weekend, Debra.

  25. These are great! If you have to be dead, why not have fun with it! This makes me think about what I would want my headstone to read.

  26. What funny choices, Debra! I can't decide on a favorite, but the last one really works for me!

  27. I want mine to say "your standing on my tits."

  28. I don't need an epitaph: I would like to be put on a funeral pyre while 13 naked witches dance around - preferably at Halloween.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  29. I bet ol' Walter wouldn't have been struck by lightning 3 times if he'd only answered Jesus's call.

  30. I think I would like mine to say: "But wait! There's more!"

    The Inner Sibling

  31. i came back as a bench.... love that.

  32. OMG these are great! A dear friend of mine died this summer, and he always joked that his memorial would say, "I told you I was sick."

  33. You might guess that I like the KAY'S FUDGE the best! HA!

    Funny, I saved an obituary that had a recipe for a 5 Flavor Poundcake, it was for a man who made it for all his family and friends, he was well known for it.
    Never made the poundcake, I just liked the obituary!

  34. These are fantastic! Death, like life, should be celebrated and you should smile ;o)


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