Friday 31 October 2014

The Witching Hour

The Wheel has turned, the Veil is thin, the Special Night has come. Now is that most magickal of sabbats, Samhain. The Ancient Call goes out to all who understand and heed it . . .

The Sacred Hour is upon us, Sisters, and we must assemble in praise and service of She Who Stirs the Great Cauldron-Womb of Life and Death.

Make your way, Wise Ones. Tune up the old broom or purchase a new one for the occasion, if need be.

If you are a Green Witch, come by public transport. It matters not how you arrive, just that you do.

Ride, Daughters of the Moon! We must ride tonight! The New Year is here.

Samhain Blessings to you all.


  1. Hmmm, my mother in law made a pot of brunswick stew last weekend, I may have missed a good photo.

  2. Samhain blessings to you. This is my favorite day of the year.

  3. Samhain Blessings to you, as well, Debra! I LOVE the image of the witch holding the moon. Sooooo cool.

  4. Happy Samhain Debra! I'll be the witch riding the classic crooked broom! :)

  5. Blessings to you too Debra. Enjoy the ride on that rather cheap looking Nimbus.

  6. Happy Samhain, Debra. You are one of two bloggers I think of when this day arrives.

    I hope you have a blessed day.

  7. Samhain Blessings to you!

  8. samhain is finally here!!!!!! Blessing to all! Now, for which broom to go with for this year........

  9. Happy Samhain to you!! Beautiful images!!I'm o to watch my fav Halloween movie Hocus Pocus!

  10. I wonder if more modern witches fly on mops?

  11. Imagine my delight when I scanned down in this Halloween line up and there is my Samhain Park and Ride as one of your photos......yay, you liked my funny. xoxo Oma Linda

  12. Thanks, Oma Linda, for letting me be a little magpie and steal it from you!

  13. Love that witch holding the moon!! Happy Samhain!!

  14. Samhain Blessings to you Debra! Halloween Hugs!

  15. Lovely brooms! I need a new broom. So much faster than the bus... No stinky men too. It is I, Lois, with a new blog. Lovely Laurie is having trouble finding it, changed my settings, here's hoping, crossed fingers. Have a great Witches New Year!

  16. Love the park and ride - tee hee!

  17. and a blessing to you.
    the Ol'Buzzard and his wife the Star Witch of Maine.

  18. Happy Halloween. We don't really celebrate it in Russia but some English schools manage to host parties for kids.

  19. Hi Lois -- I can't find your new blog either because your Google+ profile does not show a link to it. If it did, I'd be there in a flash! If you don't want that info on your profile, just leave me a comment with your new blog's url, okay?

  20. Great pictures!
    I feel the pot being stirred... Now, for a viewing through the veil.

    Samhain Blessings on you, Debra!

  21. Blessed Samhain to you my dear.

  22. Blessed Samhain to you as well! May we ride forever!

  23. Blessed Samhain to you too my friend!

  24. I recently purchased a sonic vacuum - it sucks but I'll be there!

  25. Happy Samhain to you, Debra! My Druid genes are happy! Hope yours are too!

  26. Blessings! Have a Wonderful Evening!

  27. Love the park and ride. That's just good stuff.

    Happy, Happy Day.

  28. The park and ride made me laugh too. I'm wondering about the greenest means of transport for green witches. Really, really long brooms for witch clans, I suppose.

    I love that you're always delivering uniqueness. Great Halloween post. I hope it was a blessed one for you, She Who Seeks.

  29. Most splendid post to celebrate a wonderful turn of the wheel:) blessed be

  30. I hope your Eve was all kinds of magical! I'm hoping all this October bliss will linger a bit into November!

  31. Love the images. Missing Halloween already.

  32. Hey Debra,

    I think I must be under some kind of spell. I have finally managed to get my butt over here. Sorry about my absence.

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, hopes you had a "Happy Howloween!"

    Is is true that beginner witches fly off the handle?

    Gary :)

  33. I think I need to go to that hardware store!

  34. Happy Halloween to you Debra! I love all your Halloween pics.

  35. Beautiful post! Samhain Blessings to you! May the New Year bring joy and love, and abundance of all things good to your household. ♥

  36. Samhain Blessings Debra ;o) I hope you had a wonderful night ;o)


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