Saturday 13 December 2014

Crowns of Light for the Modern Age

Today is the feast day of Sankta Lucia, the superficially Christianized version of the ancient Scandinavian Goddess of the Winter Solstice. She ensures that the Sacred Light returns to the world every year at the very height of darkness.

                                     So ends the longest night
                                     With light that She's bringing.
                                     She is the Queen of Light
                                     Joyfully singing!
                                     Clad in Her garment white,
                                     Wearing Her Crown of Light --
                                     Sankta Lucia! Sankta Lucia!

But you know, just like the alternative Christmas trees and updated nativity scenes in my last couple of posts, Sankta Lucia can move with the times too!

That's right, this year She Who Wears the Crown of Light has gone GOTH, bitchez!

And She's also been dabbling with a PUNK Crown of Light!

Frankly, I'm not quite sure WHAT the hell this look is . . . .

But OMG, Victoria's Secret? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That goes too far! You can't run around in the snow in THOSE outfits!

(Nice tat though, Sankta Lucia on the end!)


  1. I love that we have so many Gods and Goddess's

  2. with all the wax dropping from their heads they probably have no problems with moustaches :)

  3. I like the goth version :-).

  4. That Victoria Secret picture is just wrong.

  5. Nice to see that the Saints are getting with the times - now if only the church that canonized them would!

  6. Love the lesson, never knew about the Goddess. Maybe I'll wear a crown with candles for the day.

  7. My grandmother on my mother's side of the family was from Norway. Every year while at this time one of the eldest of girls (usually me) had to wear the candles and holly. It was cool at first but then pulling wax out of your hair wasn't.

  8. Interesting how things morph over time.

  9. My daughter would love the Punk version. I'm always glad when the longest night is over.

  10. I wouldn't worry about them running about in the snow. I'm sure plenty of folks will welcome them into their homes!

  11. They could ski in Colorado in the warmer months. I've seen bikini skiing in the Rocky Mountains. Only on TV and the internet but enough times that it must be true! I love goth Lucia!

  12. It always seems highly dangerous to me the way the Scandinavians put a crown of lit candles on a young girls head, but no doubt they have a bucket of water handy just in case

  13. I love celebrating each season. So fun. Happy Weekend and boogie boogie.

  14. I stared at the crying blood one and absolutely cannot come up with something to say about it. I personally love the Goth one.

  15. Hairdressing competition meets medieval legends in that Lucia with bleeding eyes. One legend says that Lucia blinded herself and sent her eyes to the man who wanted badly to marry her because of those beautiful eyes. Another legend says that her eyes were removed from her head as part of her tortures. Anyhow Lucia got new, even more beautiful eyes, and became the patron saint of the blind and eye disorders. More bloody details here. Lucia is known also in Finland, thanks to Swedish language and culture teaching in school. One happy Lucia-girl is chosen to bring light to her schoolmates in almost every school.

  16. I don't know that putting candles in your hair is a very good idea.

  17. Saint Lucy is also the patron saint of Sweden.

  18. I think that look is what we call "Horror sci-fi"

  19. I like the goth version. Victoria Secrets....maybe not:)

  20. Hey Debra.....
    Long time no see!
    Love the head with all the candles.....
    Enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)

  21. It is a bit amazing how much Christians stole from pagans.

  22. Once more an original take on a classic subject. Loved it. Have a lovely Sunday.

  23. Your Goth crown is definitely bitchin'.

  24. The Victoria Secret version could work in various situations. I like touch of the red sash and there would be people willing to keep those ladies warm.

  25. " She Who Wears the Crown of Light has gone GOTH, bitchez!"


  26. Modern versions of this goddess are ultra cool!

  27. You always make me laugh! Thank you ;o) Loved your comment on my blog! LOL! Never thought of seals! LOL! Take Care ;o)

  28. I'd call them weird but I imagine many would find the Victoria's Secret ladies extra hot, on fire even...terrible puns, but I'm at a loss for words.

    Hope you're smiling.

  29. Had to stop back and say, I do like the punk but would have preferred pink lights. Can you get it in colors?

  30. That is a lovely verse ~ So ends the longest night! That means so much more in the north. The Christians were very adept at incorporating older religions into theirs ~ really fascinating to learn about. Maybe the V. S. girls wear those in a sauna, dashing out for a quick roll in the snow and then back inside the sauna on those long dark, cold evenings. Happy week to you, Debra!

  31. Ah yes, the only way you're ever going to get me to say "That Victoria's Secret girl looks hot!" is if some of that candle wax drips onto her head and burns her hair off.

  32. Long live Sankta Lucia!!! In whatever form!

  33. I love how the early Christians stole the pagan holidays to gain followers. "Hey, look! We've got holidays and food, too!"

  34. Goth crown is awesome. I would wear that! As long as someone follows me with a fire extinguisher.


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