Monday 8 December 2014

True Confessions (Christmas Tree Version)

Got your tree up yet? I'm not putting up a full-size Christmas tree this year, just a little pre-decorated tabletop thing. But at least I'm not as lazy as THIS bunch --

Or THESE slackers --

I'm sure all you cat lovers will agree -- who wouldn't gladly break one of the Ten Commandments to covet THIS tree?

However, this next photo more accurately represents the cold, hard reality of how cats and Christmas trees really mix. Cats are mighty sinners when it comes to festive trees and other decorations, but do they EVER set one paw inside a confessional? Of course not. They don't give a good goddamn.

And even Christmas trees themselves can have their dirty little secrets --

One year I left my Christmas tree up until June. DON'T YOU JUDGE ME! I was a super busy young professional and had absolutely NO time to take it down. That was a cray-cray year, man.

Leave YOUR true Christmas tree confessions in the comments -- c'mon now, I dares ya.


  1. We only just got our tree up for the first time in a number of years here. My nieces, who visit once a week, insisted on buying one and decorating it themselves.

  2. Put my tree up the day after Thanksgiving. Don't have to worry about Miss Minga anymore. She could care less about the tree, but in her youth, I used to put cow bells on the bottom branches. That kept her away.

  3. Hahaha! I love this post. Just my type. I laughed out loud with the tree that you blow up. Great idea. Although it wouldn't last long in our house. The cats would eventually pierce it with their nails and POOF it would be finished.

    Confession at our place: We didn't take down our Christmas lights after last Christmas came and went. But it came in handy, though. All we had to do this year is switch them on :)

  4. Kitty! At my place, I only have a tiny fiber optic tree. My parents still get a real tree though. Let's hope kitty doesn't climb it when I bring her home for the holidays....

  5. Last year I didn't even buy a tree until 3 days before Christmas. I decorated it the night before Christmas Eve and chucked it out the door before New Years Day. This year with two cats who love to sleep under the tree and a one yr old dog who loves to harass the cats, the Christmas Tree will probably be up for about the same amount of time this year.

  6. No judgement on your or anyone else's tree practices. I put up my Saturnalia tree up December 1, and take it down whenever it sets itself on fire. But I'm militant like that.

  7. I never take down my christmas lights in my royal chambers... I like it sparkly....

  8. i have a really bad case of the martha stewarts and always do everything in a timely fashion. the shame!

  9. Forgive me Father....errr....Mother(?) for I have sinned shamefully!I have not put up a tree but I blame it on Gomez's doppelganger - she's only a year old and loves to climb! So short of putting a tree inside a cage, we opted not to bother. :o)

  10. When our kids were much smaller, we had a fence to keep them from getting tangled up in the tree.

    But, it was a nice fence.

  11. I once bought a Christmas tree at an auction in Toronto when Reg wasn't looking for $4. It was so big that it took up all the space in our car and we had a scary drive back to Ottawa. Reg loathed that tree every second we had it. It was huge but cheap. The first thing he did after he graduated from the military was come home and get a REAL tree (boxed from Canadian Tire).

  12. I wish I had a confession but I don't. Can't think of anything. Boy, talk about boring.

    The Lemon Tart Room (thanks again for the great name you gave it), is now the Christmas Room. I put the tree up right after Halloween.

    Then we have a smallish tree on the coupon station. And lights strung up around our double office.

    If I had more lights, I'd put those up too. I love lights. Down with Halloween lights, right up with Christmas. It's the best.

    Have a great week and boogie boogie.

  13. One year we got so lazy about putting away the Christmas tree, that by the time we set about doing it (around June) we just said, eh, it's closer to Christmas than not, and just left it up for the entire rest of the year. Yeah, I said it.

  14. 2 years ago I didn't set up any tree at all. Nothing. And I had TWO KIDS at the time. FAIL.
    My sister had a small fake tree for years and one year my brother-in-law just put the whole tree, lights and ornaments and garland all still in tact, directly into their basement closet. The following year he took it out and it was ALREADY decorated. They did for like 5 years in a row. GENIUS. I was so jealous I didn't have the closet space to hold a fully-decorated tree all year!

  15. My husband and I got married on Nov 24th. I told him that he never had to buy me an anniversary gift if he would let me put up the tree whenever I wanted to and not bitch about it as my father had my whole life. He being a smart man said sure. I have trees for almost every holiday, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Spring, a Gnome tree, a faery tree, a teddy bear tree, a back to school tree, a St Paddy's tree, a Dia de Los Muertos tree, a Mardi Gras tree as well as 4 different Christmas themed trees. So you see, he thought he had saved himself big bucks by agreeing to my wish......not so much.

    As to the cats.....well I have installed tree savers in the ceiling. A big hook over the spot where we have the trees. That way I can fishing line the trees in place and only have to chase some ornaments around. And besides with so many trees up so much of the ain't no big deal to them.

    I love the first photo....makes me think I need to do that on the front porch to shock the neighbors further...tee to the hee's.

  16. Cute post..I haven't put up a tree for several years..No one sees it..I didn't even move my ornaments when I moved 2 years ago...My cats were always pretty good with my trees..

  17. Kay ~ well I was going to give a far out story but I'll just bore you with the truth instead ... we get a small potted live tree lightly decorated and plant it in the Spring . Technically I guess we keep our tree up until May !

  18. Debra....needed a laugh today.....can always count on you to provide. BTW.......Pre lit fake trees ROCK!!


  19. Tree is up, all through the night we hear the tinkle of ornaments being pulled down. Such a magickal time of year for the cats!

  20. I put up the tree and decorate it. David takes it down on New Years day. I hate taking the tree down, it's always so pretty.

  21. I once decorated a Christmas tree with real candy. It stood on the terrace, and when it had rained, the candy had melted and was very sticky. It was a disaster. :-D.

  22. One year I put up a branch instead of a tree and tried to persuade my daughter that it was the same thing. She wasn't buying it.

    Some years I throw some evergreen boughs on the hearth and run some lights through them... close enough, right? Pretty and fragrant and the cats like it.

    So, yeah, apparently I'm a cheap bastard who tries to get away with not getting a tree... branches rule the yule!

  23. I think one year it was nearly Valentine's Day... and it was a real tree!

  24. I take my tree down smartly after Xmas. Why? Because it's been up for far too long already! I shan't tell you when it went up ...

  25. A great idea about that cage for the tree.

  26. Wendy: I'm raising my hand really high like kids did in school saying, "I know when you put yours up, I know, I know, pick me, pick me."

  27. Not too many confessionals other than we go through cycles between a real semi-dead tree and the living in perpetuity tree.

    Father Nature's Corner

  28. I think we're too lazy to put one up this year.

    Now when I have kids, we'll have to have one every year no exceptions.

  29. I left mine up until well into March. Taking it down is such a drag!

  30. June...hahahaha...if I have to dust it I have a problem!

  31. I love the trees. I can't think of any Christmas confessions, but Christmas is happier with Willy Dunne Wooters.


  32. Those are hilarious trees for sure! I put up a tree once and then tossed it decorations and all. Yes, I'm that lazy.

  33. Hahha! Just got my tree up today. Guy Noir had no interest last year. This year as I was putting the lights on, I heard a crack and turned and he had chomped through a light! And they were plugged in and on! He's OK but I now he's on the Naughty List!
    The cat tree you have pictured is really creepy and I love cats!
    Have a Holly Jolly Week!

  34. It is good to see my Valentines Day Christmas tree was beat by your June tree. A nice post to bring a smile to my face. c

  35. Lights wrapped around the box - great quick thinking.
    I did post a picture of quick short tree I setup once (the post also includes a Christmas story)

  36. Deb, what a funny and creative post. My fave is the unopened box wrapped in lights!(#1) I thought the cat tree would be great for Halloween.

    Confession-hmm? I had a very small mobile home years ago. I took three green wreaths and attached them to the wall in a triangular arrangement. Then I zig-zagged the lights back and forth. The ornaments wouldn't hang right, so I used bows and small teddy bears. (Love Teddy bears!) Turned out fine(smile).

  37. Such a fun and whimsical post. It really makes me smile. The cat tree is too much. Happy Holidays.

  38. Hmm, my Christmas tree confession? I'd have to say it's the section of unlit lights. This year they burned super bright on a couple of branches then *poof* they went out. So, about a foot of the tree in unlit all the way around. hahaha

  39. My father always dug the tree up from the garden on Christmas Eve and we all decorated it in the evening before going to bed - it was magical as a child. I couldn't leave it that late myself, but this year I confess that I am not having a tree as I won't be here. I shall enjoy my daughter-in-laws tree instead.

  40. I have my big tree up and a little white one down in the basement. The cat is in his glory, he loves rubbing up against the lower branches. I love how it looks but I'll probably tear it down on the 27th. I hate the clutter of the holidays the second it's over.

  41. Until JUNE? hahaha alright, you're the winner. Well in the Philippines, we set up Christmas tree as soon as "ber months" begin and some takes them down just before Valentines :) How is that as for a confession.

    Your collection of unconventional trees are great. I like the caged X'mas tree.

  42. The tree is not up. BF decided we needed wood flooring, so I'm in the middle of a mess....ugh!!! Dust, furniture everywhere, equipment where furniture isn't...double ugh!!!

  43. I have a neighbor who keeps the tree until May.

    And the cage around the tree... I totally get that. I had a cat that loved to eat Christmas trees, and I had to put the tree locked up in the bathroom whenever I left the house ;-)

  44. I am so happy you are back together with your rare one! I just read your previous post!
    I loved the Yule tree made out of black cats !

  45. Happy Whisk - I shan't tell if you don't!! :))

  46. Tee Hee ~ cute post, Debra ~ although that black cat tree is a little scary! Yes, my tree is up, all six feet of it. I was dragging my feet until we stood it up. Then I was all in! I'm going to keep it up at least through old Christmas. I have a friend who didn't take her tree down all year! So now she doesn't have to worry about putting it up ~ It's good to go! Have a good one!

  47. Lol! About 20 years ago, my husband and I weren't allowed to have a real or artificial tree in our small apartment. We had one of those huge, wooden, old fashioned clothes drying racks, so we stung some lights on it and put a few ornaments on, and voila! :)

  48. I LOVE the cat tree! But you knew I would. Very clever.

    The worst thing was probably the fake tree I bought because the cats would eat the real ones...and the dumb purebred I inherited, aka the Fluffy White Fuck, ate the fake one. I mean, wtf? It can't taste any good.

  49. Ha love the photos. I have 2 Christmas trees up so far, one to go. We have a tiny tree in the dining room and the big one in the hall but now I have to do the whole arrangement for the porch. The fun never stops in this old people's home we live in.

  50. Where can I get a cat tree?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  51. I want that inflatable tree. We put up a tree and have had no issues with pets except for the stuffed Teddy bears we placed under the tree. One by one they have gone missing only to be found dismembered and/or buried in odd places around the house. That would be the new dog.

  52. It use to take me three days and at the least five attempts to get the lights "right" on the tree. Finally in desperation Laurent made me buy one of those prelit ones - I still want to try and rearrange the lights. But it does save time - now all I need is someone to help polish our silver balls (oh grow up!).

  53. June? LOL! Love the cage around the tree picture ;o) I don't know if I have any Christmas tree confessions? I know where we use to live, (in a forest), we went out one year and chopped down our tree. It was so big and so lop sided, we had to tie it up in all directions. It looked like it was falling, but it didn't! LOL! It was a cool tree ;o)

  54. that one with the black cats freaked the crap out of me..but Dexter loved it.

  55. took down in April one year.....


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