Monday 2 February 2015

Imbolc Cyberspace Poetry Slam

Today is Imbolc, the sacred day of the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Many pagans around the blogosphere celebrate it by participating in a Cyberspace Poetry Slam which has been occurring now for several years. Everyone posts a favourite poem written by themselves or by another. Collectively, this results in a vast internet web of poetry being woven to honour Brigid, the Goddess of Poetry.

This year I am posting a favourite poem written by Bethroot Gwynn, a respected Crone and Elder of the lesbian, feminist and Goddess communities. She is a long-time feminist organizer, activist and women's land pioneer in the USA. And also a beautiful creator of women's culture and feminist spiritual practice. I read this poem many, many years ago in a We'Moon Datebook (of which Bethroot Gwynn has been a Special Editor for two decades). Her joyous and imaginative imagery of the Divine Feminine's sacred creativity inspired me then and it still inspires me today! I hope you enjoy her poem as well. Blessed Imbolc to you all!

I am the Author of All Life.
I scribble the World.
Sometimes I laugh, and galaxies spill out between my teeth.
Sometimes I whisper my secrets to the crystals and they remember -- all rocks are wise.
All fibers of being are encoded with my will, my skill.
I blink, and the light-years stretch out, curl back upon themselves.
I smile, and the universe is a beloved dream.
I am always available.
You may drink the milk of wisdom at any time.
All your thoughts are cells of my body.
All your cells are my thoughts.
You are one pure moment: matter and spirit, flesh and heart.
I am the sea you float on.
I am the air of your inner sky.
Your molecules are my dance.
Your soul is the song I sing.

                                            -- Bethroot Gwynn, 1997


  1. Love this poem. So perfect for today. Wishing you all the best on this special day.

  2. I enjoyed reading that. Many good wishes, your way.

  3. I remember this from last year. It's a lovely initiative. Have a great week.

  4. Nice. Happy Imbolc to you and all.

  5. Your molecules are my dance... lol

  6. Wonderful! Your soul is the song I sing. Happy Imbolc

  7. Wow, fantastic poem! And Blessed Imbolc to you, as well!

  8. That was really good. The idea of everyone getting together to honour a spirit of poetry with a global poetry slam sounds pretty awesome too.

  9. That's a beautiful poem. But can I just say... Bethroot? What a name! I bet you don't meet too many of those in your life.

  10. Beautiful and so calming. I love the idea of this poetry web in the goddess honor. I shall perhaps search out more.

  11. Stunning image and compelling poem! Thk u for sharing! xdebi

  12. Powerful images! I would love to draw some of them. Thanks for sharing this poem and poet and happy Imbolc, Debra!

  13. I must admit, I have never heard of this but what a lovely idea of the poetry weaving all over...........

  14. "All your thoughts are cells of my body." Very nice ~ Great choice.(Smile)

    Enjoy your celebration, my friend!

  15. Beautiful words, thanks for sharing them. Blessed Imbolc

  16. Enjoyed the poem..found it soothing in a way...Have a calm week.

  17. Beautiful, just beautiful! Thank you for sharing and happy Imbolc!!

  18. Wow I had no idea this was all going on today...must be living in a bubble

  19. I like that both power and whimsy is conveyed in this piece. Perfect for today. :)

  20. Now I know the Pagan roots of Candlemas.

  21. ...And Groundhog Day, of course.

  22. That's insanely good. I could never achieve that level of awesomness in poetry.

  23. Thank you for posting your choice of poem. I really like the picture of Brighid Cross made of pages too. So appropriate. Here is my poem for Imbolc.

  24. our love was like a car race and it's taken it's final've gone and found another...I hope she gives you the clap.

  25. Sweet! You must have one hell of a calendar, or an amazing memory, to get all of these dates.

  26. I smile at "respected Crone" - love it!

    Her poem is nothing short of amazing.

  27. Blessed Imbolc to you as well (although I'm a day late...). I LOVE that poem and will have to copy and paste so I can reread it and also pass it on. I wish I had such a way with words... xoxo Silke

  28. Just what I needed today, Debra. Thank you.

  29. Also, I gave you an award :)

  30. Thank you dear Lady Debra for your concern....
    we have 'relaxed' some-what,.... And there will be a Full Moon this Night ("Snow Moon")


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