Wednesday 4 February 2015

Jesus Identity Theft

Jesus identity theft is rampant in the western world. Some days it seems like EVERYBODY is passing himself off as Jesus God Almighty. Here are just a few examples for your edification.

Oh oh. If the name of this guy's Mom is "Mary," he might not actually BE an imposter.

This faker is easy to spot, however. Too goddamn lazy to drag that cross on the ground like the REAL Jesus!

And hey, even I can spot THIS con artist a mile away . . . .

Actually, I think Keanu Reeves CAN make a good case for divinity . . . .

But you know what? Sometimes even a fake Jesus makes the world a BETTER PLACE.

(I love the grin on that cop's face, don't you?)


  1. I LOVE that sign that the guy is holding in the last pic LOL

  2. The eyes on that kitty look divine.

  3. the homodefending Jesus from the last photo steals the show today! Bravo! And the kitten Jesus is cool too

  4. Yes, I DO love the smirk on that cop's face. Aside from the wheel on the bottom of the cross, I can't help but think Jesus wouldn't wear a track suit.

  5. That first dude is just CREEPY looking. Would you let this man wash your feet?

  6. Hahahaha! This is hilarious. Yes, I LOVE the grin on that cop's face. Says it all, doesn't it? And Keanu Reeves gets my vote.

  7. Lol! Hilarious! Especially Keanu. Who knew? And Jesus kitty. I think all kitties have a super self righteous side!

  8. I'd like to learn that water-into-wine thing! The last picture made my day. :)

  9. I love it when people assume Jesus was white! Lol!

  10. It is funny how American Jesus is fat and cannot drag a cross!

  11. how creepy to end up looking like the picture on your wall! i saw jesus in my toast this morning. just kidding!

  12. Keanu could pass for God. He doesn't look like he's aged at all.

  13. I love the grin on that cop's face! It speaks more eloquently than Jesus himself.

    American Jesus. Yes indeed.

  14. So much 'Jesus Envy' going around! I'm sure he would have been amused.

  15. KeaNu Has endured the trials of life and Kid Rocks " Rock n Roll JesuEd, has the the cops soul! xoDebi

  16. water, wine and Keanu. Now that is a Holy Trinity!!

  17. Love it..What a great post!!..Good job..

  18. Fake Jesus doesn't get any respect, does he? I'll have to take your word about #3 though. Looks pretty real to me.

  19. Love the grin, it's brilliant.

    Thanks for the caring comment. Not to worry, I got me a boob mask.

    I'm good to go.

  20. Gotta say - love the Jesus with the sign. Also your comment on the American Jesus. LOL

  21. The last pic is fabulous! And the blue eyed white Jesus is pretty funny too!

  22. The first guy creeps me out. The last guy is the BEST! I love him.

  23. Hope that all is well dear Lady Debra... We are in a better state of mind this day... and you said the you enjoyed "Vampires"... we will look about and see what we can... "Let the Right One In" was a very well done vampire film ... the American re-make "Let Me In" , though an enjoyable film , Not as good as the First non-English version....
    We just saw posted, a "KEN Jesus" doll (in packing )...
    A great day to you and yours dear Lady Debra...

  24. I was just thinking that I love the grin on that cop's face!

  25. The cop is clearly not with those guys either - good on him!

  26. I love that cop! Would like to give him a hug ;o)

  27. Hell yeah - I love that cop's expression! Priceless :)

  28. Jesus took the face of Zeus, he's the identity thief.

  29. LOVE that grin on his face..and that first one is kinda spooky..

  30. I knew a guy that had the look down a bit. Except his hair was too blonde for the typical western art version of Jesus

  31. Where's Haysoos the Mexican gardener? I protest in the name of Haysoos the Mexican gardener!

  32. I always knew Jesus was a very cool cat, lol!

  33. That last pic...fabulous.

  34. Love the last one, Debra! Especially the protester's message and the cop's smile. I enjoy the Bethroot Gwynn poem you shared yesterday. It is beautiful! Have a good one!

  35. Yes, I love his grin. This post reminds me of a Family Guy episode. There's a character who tries to pass himself off as Jesus to get women to sleep with, and thereby supposedly de-virginize, him. Lois almost falls for it, but decides she loves her husband too much. All hilarious stuff.

  36. Bwa-ha-ha-ha! OMG, yes the cop's grin is classic!I would have loved to been there to buy each of them a cup of coffee.

  37. Fantastic! Needed that smile. Thanks Debra! BTW, the first one is particularly uncanny.

  38. According to Discovery Magazine (a scientific journal) Jesus was probably about five feet tall, dark complected with Middle Eastern features.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  39. That sinister smile yesh? Love the moment captured! Why that guy even bothers bringing a cross if with a wheel, oh.

  40. I was about to mention the laughing cop, but you beat me to it ;) It reminds me of a time I was part of a mob and there were cops involved. I'll blog about it in the A-Z challenge ;)

  41. Definitely a grin - that's is too funny.
    I'm inclined to pick the nut with the wheel and jogging suit? Really?

  42. The guy in the last photo is the best! Great candid of the cop too.

  43. Those are great! The smiling cop looks like he has a bit of a Jesus aura as well.


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