Sunday 8 February 2015

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Michael D'Agostino over at A Life Examined blog has so kindly bestowed this "Very Inspiring Blogger Award" on me. Thank you, Michael! It means a lot coming from you because your blog is all about inspiration. Last year, Michael blogged every single week about doing some brand new activity that required him to move out of his comfort zone. (His pole dancing post is a classic!) And this year, he will be blogging every week about confronting some idea or activity that stirs up a fear of failure. How's that for inspiration, eh? And he does it all while writing upside down from Australia!

Michael wrote that he passed this award on to me because he thinks I am "hilarious and engaging. . . . [and have] a great ability to connect with people from all over the world, no matter what their culture." And he said this (with an apparently straight face) even after my post a couple of weeks ago that made fun of all things Australian! Good gawd, man, you have the forgiving nature of a saint!

And quite apart from that, Michael --

So now I must pass on this award as well. And I'm passing it on to everyone who follows this blog because your continued reading of and comments on She Who Seeks are what inspire me to keep blogging! Thanks for everything, youz guys!


  1. While You are winning "Awards"...
    We are still just "digging in the dirt"....
    Congrats , dear Lady Debra.....

  2. Congrats on your award. This is one of my favorite places to visit.

  3. " And he does it all while writing upside down from Australia!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You continually crack me up. How could I not read this blog. You deserve it.

  4. Yes, you have a Great blog , dear Lady Debra......
    ... And A very "interesting" opinion on a lot of topics,....

  5. Congratulations on the award. I agree with everything Michael says about you. Have a lovely Sunday.

  6. I am tickled for you! And I love the award with the feathers in the background, like the way you put the cartoon with the birds with this post. Goes just right with the award. Love ya, gal!

  7. Very well deserved Debra! :)

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Very well deserved! You are an incredible blogger! And an inspiration to us all!

  9. You are the best, Miss Debra! Keep on blogging.

  10. You deserve this award so much, my dear girl. I love reading your blog because you have such refreshing content. I'm learning so much with your travel and history posts. I miss you so much when you aren't posting.

  11. Coming from this Michael, it sounds like a great honor. I always enjoy your blog, not only is it inspirational, but the subjects are across the board, with serious, historical and sometimes funny subject matter, all the time learning a little something.i will have to check out his blog that post sounds a hoot.

  12. To the Fab Debra, your blog is absolutely the best!! I feel we are kindred spirits, and always always love your posts!!! Now don't get a big head, and get back to blogging!

  13. I couldn't wait to re-share your blog, especially the Austrailian Day post with my Aussie friends! They loved it! Congratulations, you are wonderful to visit xoxoDebi

  14. Congrats! And the parrots are cute

  15. Congratulations Debra, it's well deserved. Your posts always are interesting, original and funny :-).

  16. Think I'm going to have a lot of fun around these here parts.

    Michael and pole dancing... not a combination one is likely to forget soon, lol.


  17. Well done, your blog is unique, and you are a very good friend to so many of us.

  18. Congratulations! Very well deserved honor!

  19. Congratulations! you do make me laugh often :)

  20. Plus, you're extremely witty. The beer guys and I are still running with your "beards for hire" joke, though I'm beginning to suspect it's not just a joke. Smiles.

    Congratulations, and I hope you're enjoying the weekend.

  21. OMG, I have you nominated as well but haven''t posted it yet. hhaha.
    Thank yous... now I have two!

  22. Totally deserved award, Debra - your posts always make my day! :D

  23. Congratulation girl - he's right on the money - your great!

  24. Congratulations on the well-deserved award :)

  25. Congratulation dear lady. I would agree with his summation of your talents. It's why I keep coming back for a good read. xoxo Oma Linda

  26. A well-deserved award for sure, Debra! Congrats!

  27. I thanked you on my dcrelief blog today. Come read the good stuff I wrote about you!!! You ARE inspirational!!


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