Monday 9 February 2015

Ask Me Anything!

I've seen this prompt posted around the blogosphere from time to time, most recently over at Heart in Hand's Weblog. And now I'm going to take the plunge myself. So here goes . . .

If you're harbouring any deep, dark curiosity about Debra She Who Seeks, well, this is the time to ask. Yes, you may ASK ME ANYTHING! Subject to the following fine print, of course.

1. Only one question per person, please. So make it a good one.

2. I promise to answer all questions truthfully unless doing so would require me to reveal information which I deliberately keep private on this blog, such as my real name, my occupation, my educational background or similar facts about My Rare One or other people identified by pseudonyms. Otherwise, the sky's the limit.

3. Answers will be given in due course, written in one or more subsequent posts.

Okay, it's up to you now!


  1. Oh good, because I can't stand it any longer. Suspend disbelief at my blatant ignorance but, please...what is the significance of the bee motif over yonder on the side bar?

    I'll bet coming from me, you thought mine was going to be a silly ass question, didn't you?

  2. We're only limited to one? Oh, crap, no, that wasn't my question! Awww dammit. Well, I'm glad jadedj asked the bee question because I done goofed. Maybe I'll use my other pseudonym to ask a real question.

  3. A limit of one question is limiting, but I think I got this despite my above misstep. Have you ever had to poop outside, and/or have you ever had an accident in your pants?
    Of course I went with the juvenile poo-poo wee-wee question! It was either that or I ask you an uncomfortable question about your sex life, and neither of us wants that.

  4. I'm not that great at things like this. Despite being a very curious person I can never really think of anything to ask someone. So here's something simple and a little random; pink or purple?

  5. What's your profession, Debs?

  6. Oh, this is fun! But so hard to choose just one question. But here goes:

    What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

  7. What was the best vacation you ever had?

  8. Hello Debra,

    What exactly are you seeking?

  9. WoW! So many questions.....Hhhhmmm....

    Okay, here goes....

    Is 42 really the answer?

  10. What was your first paying job?

  11. Oh wow. This is great. But daunting. What is the best thing about being a Canadian? I know it's rather on the boring side but I know you can fluff it up and have us in stitches with your witty answer. Can hardly wait. xoxo Oma Linda

  12. What is the question you're dreading being asked?

  13. When you came out, was the news well received by your family or do you wish they'd have handled it differently?

    (Since a poop question was already posed...HA!)

  14. Did you knit the purple gloves yourself?

  15. I'm always bad when it comes with thinking of questions

  16. You should have a warning label here like:

    You didn't allow us three wishes.
    Other than the fine print how old are you?

  17. Boy, you're brave..What is it that you are seeking??

  18. It never occurred to me that Debra might not be your real name! LOL! I'm probably way too open on my blog, but that's my cross to bear! Now that I can ask almost anything, my mind has gone blank! I'll get back on this! LOL!

  19. Have you ever suffered from clinical depression - and/or been suicidal? How did you deal with it?

    (Yes, I have. It's not idle curiosity. )

  20. Can we see a picture of you?
    Linda :o)

  21. What came first, the hive or the honey?

    This question only because someone already asked the significance of the bee....

  22. Gosh, I've thought all day and all the questions have already been asked. So, I'll go along with Linda. What do you look like? Would love to see a pic.

  23. Dang I was going to ask about your occupation. Well, if you knew you could have a book published and not have to worry about selling it, what kind of book would you write?

  24. "Lady Debra of Purple Gloves" your quips are of an extraordinaire flavor, flair and timing.

    I would like to know if a family member's wit influenced you as a child?

  25. One question, eh?

    How 'bout: since you feel so strongly about marriage (notice I didn't add the "G" word, 'cause you know if you want to make something more palatable for the masses you should not specify the difference between the two), when do you plan taking the plunge?

  26. This may be off limits, so feel free to pass on this one - why do you choose to keep your identity secret?

  27. Fun, fun. You are braver than I. My question: Where did your love of the bumble bee come from?

  28. I did one of these before and it took several posts to get them all answered, god love ya. Speaking of which, If you could take over for a God or Goddess, which one would it be and why?

  29. Where do you find the hysterical memes you post?

  30. I'll assume you have always been a Canadian. So what do you think America could learn from Canada? I don't think Canada's Walk of Fame inductee, Pamela Anderson, has offered any advice. So please offer the Americans some good advice.

  31. This isn't really a question.

    Tell me about your grandparents. If you had living great grandparents you can include them as well. I am not so much interested in what they did but WHO they were and what they meant to you.

  32. What do you look like? Can you post a picture of yourself? I know many bloggers are not fond of this (me included), but I like to put a face to the blog posts I'm reading ;-)

  33. Canadian Whiskey, Irish Whiskey, Scotch or bourbon?

  34. I thought I would ask a question too but I ended up reading all people's questions :)

    I'd go together with the question about the purple gloves. Are those your hands?

  35. Were you always wise, even as a child? I am sure you were funny!

  36. Has any man broken your heart?

    I hope I don't sound crass.

  37. Why are Albertans so dead set against a sales tax? (Seriously, unless you want to explain your fascination with Colin Firth).
    Actually either question will do. :)

  38. What is your favorite type of cheese?

  39. I agree with some of the people who asked. Can we see who you are?

  40. Hello, this is my first time here.. My question is ' Would you like to visit my blog ?

  41. o.k. Debra......How in the world are you going to fine the time to answer all these questions?? LOL LOL LOL


  42. I thought about doing this too when I saw heart's but then I have told everything there is to tell about me..I have no I'll ask you the same thing I asked Heart..when you coming to West for Westfest.????

  43. Why do you think people want to put faces to dialogue ?

  44. Wanna do lunch? You know, if I ever get up to Edmonchuk... Did I spell that right? It doesn't look right. You don't have to answer that last question. :)

  45. Talk about well behaved. These questions are great but rather innocent...except strangelynaked's poop question. I've gotta warm things up a notch. What three things/factors turn you on?

  46. Do you see any hope for the survival of woman/mankind?
    I know I am late. Ok not to answer, Debra.

  47. How on earth did I miss this? Since it's so late I won't mind if you don't answer.

    So my question is: (in two parts)Are you aware that Debra means The Bee, and is that why you chose it?

  48. Hi Jim and Jacquelineand.... It's never too late for questions! Your queries will be put in the mix!

  49. Willoughby's explanation of his behavior in Sense and Sensibility. Bollocks or utter bollocks?


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