Monday 2 March 2015

Binge, No Purge

You know that My Rare One and I are world-class athletes, don't you?

We are regular competitors at the Netflix Olympics.

Season 3 of our fave Netflix series, House of Cards, has just been posted! Let the binge begin!

There are many excellent parodies of House of Cards on YouTube but this recent one by Sesame Street takes the cake! Frank Underwolf gets his comeuppance here but will Frank Underwood get what's coming to him in the actual series?


  1. I haven't watched House of Cards yet but I do hear plenty of good things about it of course. Damn I need to watch House of Cards, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Gotham, The Walking Dead, Archer...By the time I'm done with those new shows will be up. It won't ever end.

  2. I have never watched House of Cards. I hear so much about it. I tend to watch the same things over and over again. Time to get adventurous and try something new.

  3. do you have to train for the marathon?

  4. house of cards is our fav!

  5. Marathons I could get into!!!!!!!

  6. hahaha...I do knitting marathons.

  7. Don't watch HOC but we've watched 7 seasons of BBT in the last month. Whew, what a work out.

  8. I haven't seen any of the Netflix originals, but we've used it to catch up on the classics with our kids - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dr. Who :)

  9. I can't binge "House of Cards" it would be to morally taxing. So, we're on episode 2 of the new season. I'm still bummed about the barbecue guy from last season.

  10. Oh yes, I have plenty of those gold coins in my drawer. We just did the 1st season of The Leftovers in two days. It's a crazy (and depressing) show, I recommend it.

  11. Oh yes. My husband was literally dancing from foot to foot in excited anticipation...he loves House of Cards. I am more Madam Secretary....

  12. Of course, you're a world class athlete. Aren't all super-heroes?

  13. I've never seen HOC. Love Keven Spacy and his strange southern accent. I first heard it when he was Jim Williams from "In The Garden of Good and Evil." Great movie if no one has seen it yet.

  14. We wasted no time getting the kids to bed Friday night and then settled in to start watching. We're not finished yet, but things aren't looking so good for Frank.

  15. Just binge-watched The Fall a few weeks ago, really good!! We are watching season 2 of House of Cards, and I'm finishing up binging on Land Girls. :) Love my Netflix!

  16. Oh and loved the sesame street clip, we saw it on the news. :)

  17. As of today we're already 3/4 of the way through our own House of Cards "marathon" and enjoying every damn minute of it. I love seeing how Frank manages to scheme his way to victory.

  18. I love this. I've only made it through ONE episode of HoC. Not one season, one episode. Though as you know, I have Early Onset Elderly Syndrome, so it's not the fault of the show. I hear a lot of good things. I'll give it a shot again when I have spare time before I Sun-Down :)

  19. i love house of cards. i actually ran a marathon and have been thinking about training for another one.

  20. I have not seen House of Cards. I am unable to marathon Netflix as my attention span lasts about 20 minutes!!

  21. Never done a Netflix marathon. Guess I'm just not fit enough.

  22. I've been wanting to watch House of Cards but I'm slow and only recently started binge watching Downton Abbey!

  23. Actually this makes me realize that I need to watch more Sesame Street.

  24. I'll wait for 'Sesame Street' version!!!

  25. I haven't seen it yet. I'm into CHUCK, at the moment.

    Happy New Week :-)

  26. Oh I used to do that and movie marathon too. I missed those times. You just gave me an idea, why not go back to the same old habit:)

  27. That would be my kind of marathon! I have been avoiding getting into "house of cards". I know I wouldn't get anything else done. I've heard it's great. Enjoy the next season or the last as it may be.

  28. I love doing a TV series marathon. I far prefer watching TV series this way, less frustrating.

  29. I can't stand watch 1... ONE EPISODE AT A TIME?????? I mean really, what's the point, glutton on down, my Big F and I used to do this, with VHS tapes and X-Files and Millennium... Now grab your popcorn and settle on down :)

  30. I'm about halfway through season 3 now

  31. Oh yes!
    Gonna dive I to the new ones when we go home!
    Linda :o)

  32. House of cards is on the list now. Meanwhile I'm doing "Fringe" - last season. Love my syfy.
    Loved the sesame street video!

  33. That was cute. Parodies are so much more fun than the originals (usually).

  34. My daughter got us a subscription to Netflix and I have dreams of breaking my TV addiction.

    Love the T-shirt !

  35. I've watched 6th one of third season.I love Frank and the show..but 3 at a time is about all I can do at a time..any longer and i can't get my ass out of the recliner..

  36. Love that show! Lol. And yes, Netflixing is definitely a verb! Husband and I have Acorn, a streaming service for the British shows we love so much. And I never thought of it as a verb, but there have been a couple of weekends during our rainy Oregon winter season, when we've Acorned almost the entire time! Even my iPad wants me to correct 'Acorned'. Lol again

  37. I am ashamed to say I have never seen it and don't know anything about Netflix. ???

  38. I am one of the last few Netflix hold outs. I'll get it eventually - I do love Kevin Spacey - it's just a matter of time.

    Love the shirt though!

  39. I'm more of a DirecTv Downton Abbey marathoner.

  40. You always make me smile! LOL! I have never seen House of Cards? I love the YouTube video ;o)

  41. Love love love it! Especially the Sesame Street clip!

    Am on episode 9 of House Of Cards 3.... almost there. Love it!!

  42. I'm totally Netflixing for my birhday. It will be Harry Potter until I drop!


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