Wednesday 4 March 2015

This Classic Chassis Ain't Old!

Jaz/Joyce of Octoberfarm and Leeanna of Can We Have a New Witch Ours Melted both want to know how old am I? Well, here's a hint, girls --

That's right! I was born in '57 and that makes me 57 at the moment! I hope this is a lucky year for me because of the Double 57 -- like a Harmonic Convergence or something, LOL!

Now, it's true that some mornings I look and feel more like this 57 Chevy --

[photo by TheMan268]

But that's easily remedied. All I have to do is just suck back a couple of black coffees from my special morning mug . . .

. . . and I'm ready to go out and take on the world again, baby!

[art by John Dyess]

And I still got nice fins too, if I do say so myself.

[Bonus points to Rosemary of Where Five Valleys Meet who noticed that I actually already spilled the beans age-wise in my recent post about the Canadian flag. Oopsie!]


  1. I wish that I was still 57 Debra - it is a good age to be

  2. You're not much older than me, my friend. Any any day above ground is a great one for me. Love your mug!!

  3. In my day, the 55 and the 57 Chevy were the car to have. If you were lucky enough to own one, you were so cool.

  4. I almost spit coffee out of my mouth...I laughed so hard with that mug!

    You are just a year older than my husband and I think it's a damn good age! He's still smoking hot :)

  5. P.S. My first car was a 57 chevy!

  6. I so love this series. I really enjoy discovering more about you.

  7. "Here's a hint: the direct answer!" You must be a great girlfriend/wife/partner/friend because you don't beat around the bush, nothing but straight facts! I love it. That really tickled me. I thought there was going to be a series of clues.

  8. I'm really enjoying these posts, I'm one year older, and my fins are definitely a little droopy!

  9. ha! i read that flag post and the age thing went right past me! you are a bit younger than i am!

  10. A Classic! :o)
    Hats off to us Crones!

  11. So, croneologically, we're close to the same age.

  12. I so want that mug. You young bee you. ♥

  13. Just a baby, Debra! Now please excuse me while I attempt to locate that mug for purchase somewhere. :)

  14. We are not old - just classic!

  15. If that is really your coffee cup, I want to be your best friend. I'm serious.

  16. I had a hysterectomy in 1985...haven't had sex I tell everyone I'm like a 1943 Chevy with a brand new motor.

  17. I love your mug! Want one, (hope you don't mind a copy cat.) I'm a little jealous of your age. You are likely through menopause, and that's where I want to be like yesterday. Patience is not my strong suit! :)

  18. Thanks for answering, classy chassy.

  19. I need a coffee mug just like that! You and I are 10 years apart exactly! I am a centennial baby! :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Dammit, I am older than you by five years (1952). You can lord it over me all you want. I will say to you the last three words on your mug!

  22. Double dammit. Somehow I double posted my comment. This is what happens when you get Old.

  23. Oh hell, your a spring chicken yet.

  24. Hahahahahaha, I seriously laughed out loud when I read that mug. Not an lol online laugh, but a real one.

    Great mug.

  25. I love 'chebys'... and that coffee mug rocks it.

  26. For a moment I thought you said you were born IN a '57 Chevy which would have been very cool. Maybe not so much for your mother, though. I vaguely remember my fifties. They were good years, mostly.

  27. Only a bit older than Stacey , dear Lady Debra... We were born in 63' (Six months to the day before the first airing of Dr. Who on BBC)

  28. Born in a year of cool cars! I love your mug. :)

  29. I am 60; age ain't nuthin' but a number!

  30. We're almost the same age! We are not old at all! Love your classic chassis!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. You're actually a tad older than my mother, she was born in 1959.

  33. That makes you just one year older than Madonna, so that must be something to smile about. ;)

  34. Lots of 57 and older chevy cars in Cuba. Since Canadians could go to Cuba I guess opening up the US-Cuba relationship is no big deal to you northerners. Of course, we might ruin a good thing you got going there.

  35. Love that coffee mug. Revelation continues :)

  36. I may be used; but I ain't used up.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  37. 57, you are a baby! I want that mug!! ;o)


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