Tuesday 17 March 2015

Happy Irish Heritage Day!

As I've mentioned before, pagans are ambivalent about celebrating St. Patrick's Day because St. Pat "drove the snakes out of Ireland" (i.e. ended paganism in the Emerald Isle) and we still resent it. However, I have no trouble celebrating Irish Heritage Day on this date! I've got a bit of the blarney in meself, after all.

In addition to sharing some Irish LOLs with you, I want to post this St. Paddy's Day limerick that my sister wrote especially for me last year. As you can see, she and I share a similar poetic sensibility and appreciation for the finer things in life:

                       There once was a man from Dover
                       Whose dating life was over.
                       He tried and he tried,
                       But finally he cried:
                     "Will no one stroke me clover?"

So with that image fresh in your minds, here's some more LOLs --

In all seriousness, there's no accent I like better than the lilt of the Auld Sod. So musical and beautiful to the ear!


  1. Sorry to say I am not much of an Irishman. Not one item of green in my closet and no corned beef and cabbage tonight.

  2. british, czech, and austrian here. and I don't like beer. just another day for me.

  3. Happy Lakota, English, Irish, Scottish and French madwoman Day!

  4. YeeHaw! Erin go something....;) ;) .....

  5. poor Irish people really hate the way Americuns see St. Patrick's :( But then again, Americuns see everything the wrong way...

  6. Off to the pub right now. Happy St Paddy's Day to you!

  7. HAHAHAHA! This post was great. I don't even know what to choose as a favourite. Although your sister's limerick had me laughing out loud. Looks like you've both got the 'nutty' gene :)

  8. The only celebrating I'll be doing is having a gin tonight and wearing my navy blue boxer briefs with green covers on them, and let the Lad try to find the four leaf clover!

  9. Best limerick ever! Lol

    And I'm not at all into Saint Patrick's Day. In fact, I'm tempted to be a soaking wet blanket and wear orange.

  10. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I love the 6 beers and a potato meal. I wouldn't be able to walk after 6 beers but it would certainly be entertaining to try!

  11. Well, I usually pass on St Patrick's Day, cause of the snake/pagan thing, but today was such a horrific one, I am getting an Irish beer after work and drinking it with a straw. And I wore green today, not even on purpose.

  12. So funny! happy St Patrick's day!

  13. Being one quarter Irish....kind of....long story.....a Happy Irish Heritage Day to ya, Debra.

  14. But that St. Patrick's Day explained is the best! :)

  15. I'm half irish. Wore green, didn't get drunk

  16. Dam(n) it woman, I think I wet myself!!

  17. Being of German extraction myself, I must say I'm glad Oktoberfest never caught on here the way St Padrick's day has.

  18. Hey Debra, thanks for the funnies.

  19. What a great sense of humour you have, so pleased to have read this latest blog, keep on writing in the same vein.... much fun..x

  20. What's wrong with snakes?!?

  21. Not a fan of the food..Loved Ireland and have some truly Irish friends..Fun funnies...

  22. What? No Irish Spring soap? The horror. :D

  23. I celebrate the day by rewatching the episode of Scrubs with Colin Farrell.

  24. Poor Medusa. It's not fair. I hope she at least got to drink a nice, cold Irish dinner.

  25. With so many funny things to choose from, it's hard to narrow it down, but I laughed the most at your sister's limerick, and the 6 beers and a potato meal! It's great to meet you Debra, and I look forward to getting to know you!


  26. Spent St. Pat's Day in Las Vegas this year. It was very disturbing. Not sure what people are celebrating. Drinking maybe but then I get the feeling those people do that everyday anyway. Well I do too.


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