Thursday 19 March 2015

Behold My Face

I don't know what you people think is meant by blogging ANONYMOUSLY but last month on my "Ask Me Anything" post, there were several requests for me to post a photo of myself. Linda of Woke Up, Got Out of Bed, Mary/mxtodis123 of Moontides, Vanessa of Vanessa Morgan and Linda of Life and Linda are the scofflaws and rebels who insisted that I reveal all.

I have in fact posted photos of myself in the past but all of them very coyly hid my face. Today, however, I'm giving in to public pressure and posting a FULL FRONTAL PHOTO!

The little butch with the pixie cut is me. The blonde girly-girl beside me lived next door. This photo was taken on the front steps of my house in the summer of 1960 when I was 3 years old. I insisted that my favourite toy be in the photo as well. It was a fake-fur-covered mechanical bear who turned the pages of a little metallic book when wound up. I think that's a bag of Old Dutch chips or perhaps Hawkins' Cheezies by the girl next door. My Mom took this photo on a Kodak Brownie box camera, looking downwards into the viewfinder. It was hard to get a level photo in those days.

Willow of Whimsy Willows Farm asked: "Why do you think people want to put faces to dialogue?" I think it's a very human impulse to want to visualize who we're talking to. It helps to have a mental picture of a person when conversing or even when just thinking of them. So I understand people's requests to post a photo of myself, I really do.

You'll just have to picture me as an eternal 3 year old, that's all.


  1. A cute wee butch with a pixie cut... yup, that'll work.

  2. so cute you were!!! i am horribly photo phobic.

  3. Well, you did say we could ask you 'anything' :-)

  4. What a cutie you were! I love this picture.

  5. pfftt... what's all this mystery about? :) Do you have moustaches? :)

  6. Aaaahhhh....such a cutie! :o)
    Aren't we all still 3yr olds in our mind?

  7. You were adorbs. We can only assume you still are. Unfortunately as someone who went from blogging to self publishing my face is pretty much out there now and I have very little I can hide anymore. At least my age is still fake!

    I'm looking forward to the day someone writes my Wikipedia page and puts the wrong birth date.

  8. What a cutie! Little girls with pixie cuts are absolutely adorable.
    I say maintain that air of mystery!

  9. So cute!

    I love old B&W photos :)

  10. So many memories! Pixie cuts, cat's eye glasses, red wooden steps (my mother kept me occupied during the summer by having me 'paint' them with water and a paint brush daily - hey, maybe that's where my painting obsession started?), Hawkins Cheezies, pedal pushers (bet nobody knows what those are anymore!) ... now I want to dig out my old photos except I'd need to find them first and that just sounds like way too much work for a retired person. :)

  11. Very very cute. I love your bear.

  12. Do you still have the bear???!!! Cute cute cute!!!

  13. Oh so very adorable. A little cutie.

  14. Only a very few have seen a picture of me. Then I hunted them down and had to kill them.

  15. This is a great photo! I kind of miss the days of photos like this. I love to go through my mothers old family photos. The hair. The clothes. The black and white photos with the crinkled edges on the frame. The old way of color photos. They seem more real in a way than peoples' perfect photos of today. I love my phone, but even I can take a great photo with it. It takes zero skill. Where's the fun in that?

  16. Without even mentioning which cutie was you I guessed!
    yes! never miss place the eternal 3 yr. old your bright spirt resonates through your words, now I will imagine your willful smile

  17. So darn adorable! I really like the first pic - that's what I'd like to look like....hat and all. :)

  18. Hey Debra...
    Guess that'll have to do...for now!
    You were indeed a little butch...even then!
    Thanks for sharing...I think!!
    Oh...thanks for the heads up on the posting...
    I don't seem to come here nearly as often as I should...
    Linda :o)

  19. I don't have a job so don't worry about anyone firing me if I post stuff they don't like..I've pissed off some kinfolk but life goes I have pictures of me from 6 months till 71..I have laid my entire life out on my blog..I have no life is an open I regret it? not one fucking is good.

  20. Well you Posted a photo of yourself... that's enough, dear Lady Debra...

  21. Sorry I've been away so long. I see I've missed some wonderful posts, like Lesley Gore, loved her. Irish jokes, I'm 1/4 Scottish so what can I say... you've posted a bunch of other great stuff. But I'm back to see you and your cute pixie hair cut! Adorable!!

  22. You were a cute little girl - I don't mind showing photos from my past but think that it is all a matter of choice.

  23. Awww! I love your 3 year old photo. Adorable.

  24. Awww so cute. I will forever think of you as a 3 year old.

  25. You look a thuggish member of the Little Rascals. You were the one who smoked and always stuck up for Buckwheat. You once slugged Alfalfa for no good reason.

  26. That's funny and I love the toy bear!

  27. Oh you clever girl you. I should do this and post a picture of me when I was a child as well.....cheater, your wickedy mind. xoxo Oma Linda

  28. Great picture. Love that it was taken with a brownie box camera - to cool.

  29. Well , never let it be said you never posted a picture of yourself, but I had the feeling you were a cute little thing, and I was right. I have posted pictures before, but very seldom my whole body. I like the anonymity of it all!

  30. LOL, I am going to have a three year old's voice in my head next time I read the blog. Very creative solution to the request. :)

  31. If one were to request an email photo? You know, in case I ever see you in the city, I'd know to say hi. :)

  32. You cheat!!! Have a good weekend

  33. Sitting beside the girly-girl with chips. :) I had a pixie cut too when I was little.

  34. Awww! How cute were you? Did you choose your haircut? My cousin and I always had pixie cuts when were were little.

  35. What a cutie-pie! And being so good with your hands folded together.
    Sweet photo, Debra. You must feel a tad naked now.

  36. Aaaaaahhhh! It's you, a real person! Hod on, what's a bob cut (this idiot asked over the internet)?


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