Thursday 12 March 2015

How Many Shades?

I guess it's time for me to finally get on the Fifty Shades of Grey bandwagon too. Consensual BDSM is not my personal cuppa tea, y'understand, but I'm not prepared to be a Judgy McJudge if it's yours. We've ALL got our favourite kinks, now don't we?

Of course there will always be the HIPSTERS who are keen to be blasé or ironic about the whole thing.

(Hey, I read the One Shade of Grey trilogy 3 times . . . so only 47 more times to go!)

But while there's nothing wrong with a little fantasy, eventually we DO all have to get back to reality. Unexciting, dull, GREY reality . . . .

Remember your safe word, everyone!


  1. Yeah, the old lady bladder thingy just kicked in...

    ... totally worth it though!

  2. never read the book, saw the movie, and never will. there's FREE porn on the internet for my pleasure!

  3. Never read the book or saw the movie, but I can certainly identify with the shades of grave in the hair.

  4. Hahaha! These were hilarious, especially the last one.... Fifty shades of reality! Bahahaha...

  5. Hold on, I have to take issue with the Gandalf one. Didn't Gandalf change colors and become Gandalf the White? Yeah, don't give me this "one shade" nonsense in reference to the Lord of the Rings. Nice try, Tolkien fans.

  6. I was fifty shades of grey before it was cool. I've been morally ambiguous for years now. My sister reads those books. She asked me about them. I inadvertently recommended them. I'm a terrible human being.

  7. I thought I was the only person on the planet who just isn't interested.
    no thanks - I'll pass.

  8. a couple of these will stay with me all day, allll day, lol!!!!

  9. love the grey kitty! Grey Kitty will see you now :)

  10. LOL! Love the one about living in a trailer and being part of a criminal minds episode! So true.....

  11. i didn't read it or see the movie. i like the one about if it occurred in a trailer park though!

  12. Yes, someone is making a bundle on all this.
    LOVED the 'shades of hay'!!

  13. I'm with Jeanne ... :)

    I barely made it through Book One. It was like it was written by a twelve-year old. Actually, I may have read better stuff from my offspring when they were twelve. :P

  14. Like the "living in a trailer" comment. So true.

  15. Read all three, went with girlfriends to the movie and all I have to say is it was entertaining, but the trailer park comment is totally true. Totally.

  16. Oh my.....the last one with the description of "real life sex" is more like my life. Can't help being unhipster cool when it comes to this grey thing. Much ado about ????? The trailer park comment is oh so true. I guess whatever floats your boat is fine. I choose to be a fuddy duddy with a "whatever" attitude.

  17. I had one girl mock the movie coming out, but said she read all 3 books.

    You don't read a whole trilogy if you didn't like the first one.

  18. These are all great. Especially the Reality one.
    Oh, you can take whatever you want from my blog dear. I don't mind a bit.

  19. These are great! It is hysterical how such a terribly written book gains so much attention and a successful movie. It sound like they are actually continuing with the movie series now too!

  20. Write terrible porn book, make a lot of money. Hmmm, maybe I finally found a niche.

  21. the books never appealed to me..and the guy in the movie looked like a 17 year old, and dont send a boy to do a mans work..

  22. Didn't read the book, didn't see the love, love the trailer park one! hahaha

  23. Trailer park one is spot on. Though to be honest in all truth, when the title first got toss about online, I thought it was about gray hair.

  24. They are pretty badly written books inspired by Twilight fan fiction. I couldn't make it past page 50.

  25. If people want to read S&M stories, they should stick to Sade. It's proper porn AND literature. I studied him at uni.

  26. Read part of the book. And quit. Even I could write better erotica than that with my eyes closed.

  27. You're doing the screenplay, right? Only you can do it!!! Oh man!

  28. The last one made me laugh so hard i woke up my child!

  29. Now all of those are funny, especially the last one, since we've gone through that phase multiple times.

    Father Nature's Corner

  30. Good ones..Loved the first one..

  31. Haven't read the book, and haven't seen the movie, nor will I do either.

    These images are all hilarious, especially the trailer park one. Perspective is everything, baby!

  32. Fifty shades of reality seem to be more appealing :) It was on the theaters on VDay together with sponge bob 3d...I went to see sponge hehehe

  33. OMG, I loved all of these. I read the book because a friend told me it was amazing. I hated it. Not only did it get my feminist dander up it was shit writing. I don't think it was even edited.

  34. The Criminal Minds episode comment made me laugh aloud. At 12:49 am. I hope you're happy.

  35. Twilight fan fic isn't my thing so I'll give 50 Shades a pass. That last meme reminded me of my kids' toddler years. I'm so thrilled they've grown out of it!

  36. Best 50 shades post I've ever read. Awesome!

  37. As always a good, fun and LOL posting. Haven't read the book or seen the movie. Don't want to,don't care to and nothing is as ever good as what you can create in your own mind and share with a loving willing partner.


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