Tuesday 10 March 2015

A Lava Cake, a Mickey of Rye, and Thou

Today I'm going to answer some food-and-drink questions posed in my "Ask Me Anything" post of last month.

Dawna of Dawna Lee -- Because It Matters asks: "What's your favourite food?"
This is a really tough question for me because food has always been my drug of choice. Forget booze, drugs, gambling, etc -- food is my downfall. Desserts in particular are my Achilles' Heel. I've really had to cut back on my consumption over the years. Now I try to satisfy my cravings just by looking at food porn on the internet.

Crystal of Crystal Collier wants to know "What is your favourite type of cheese?"
Like most Canadians of my generation, I was raised on Velveeta and Kraft slices, so it's a wonder I have a taste for cheese at all. As an adult, my cheese preferences remain pretty conservative. Asiago is about as wild 'n crazy as I get. I cannot abide strong-tasting goat cheese in any form. And thank you for asking this question because my favourite Monty Python sketch of all time is "The Cheese Shop" and now I have a reason to post it!

Dexter Klemperer of Dexter's Midnight Musings inquires: "Canadian Whisky, Irish Whiskey, Scotch or bourbon?"
Gimme a mickey of good Canadian rye with Coca-Cola as mix, of course -- the de rigueur cocktail of choice at only the finest of Canuckian bush parties!

This next question may not seem food-related but the answer will reveal otherwise. Mistress Maddie of A Day with The Mistress Borghese asks: "If you could take over for a God or Goddess, which one would it be and why?"
I would want all the perks of being Divine but without any of the endless work and aggravation that always seem to come with the job description. So I think I'd choose to take over for the Norse Goddess Idunn, She Who Renews. Her only responsibility appears to be keeping Asgard well-stocked with Apples of Eternal Youth and Immortality. How hard could that be? I bet there's lots of leisure time with that position.

And finally, the Insomniac of Insomniac's Attic says: "Want to do lunch? You know, if I ever get up to Edmonchuk?"
Sure thing! Just let me know when you'll be in #YEG. If it's summer, maybe we can dine at Edmonton's favourite food truck, eh?


  1. Something about that lava cake gif grosses me out. I think it's because where it loops makes it look like it's breathing. I used to LOVE Canadian Rye...a little too much, so I had to get out of that abusive relationship. That doesn't mean I don't miss it.
    Idunn is a good choice. I hear the Norse gods are making a comeback, they just built a new Norse church in Norway...I think, but I only read the headlines like any good philistine.

  2. sweets are my downfall also. but, WTF, YOLO!

  3. The Monty Python video! BAHAHAHA... Crazy show. I watched it all the time. What a fun post!

  4. Now I'm hungry. I satisfy my urges with Skinny Cow. Found out they make some pretty good stuff.

  5. Powered by sour cream and fried onions? Road trip!!!! ;)

  6. I'm enjoying this series of questions and answers and having a few giggles along the way. Great way to start the morning ... dreaming of chocolate. !!!!

  7. Ahhhh, the lava cake! I am maniacally moved by that molten menace!!

    Loved that Cheese bit. I also remember the Parrot bit too.

  8. Ah man! Now I'm hungry! :o)

  9. that lava cake is hypnotic for sure,
    rye and coke, I grew up looking at that on our kitchen counter, lol,

    is that a real food truck?

  10. Yes, Laurie, that's a real food truck here in Edmonton!

  11. Cheese please!
    lol Who doesn't like Monty Python!!
    So yer a rye gal are ya?
    I am heading out to find us some of that lava cake!!
    This was fun. Thanks.

  12. Yep, I'd rather have dessert than a proper dinner any day. Love sweets! I need to take a drive to visit that food truck! Wish we had a perogy one in the Peg!

  13. i never saw that monty python before..too funny!

  14. I think just about every book we've ever written has been partially fueled by Canadian rye and Coke. Good choice.

  15. Oh I do love good food porn. It's the only way to not get fat or arrested for anything indecent these days.
    You know what would really make me happy these days? If Monty Pythons Flying Circus would go into rerun on TV. I could die a really happy woman.

  16. Love that Monty Python sketch! We call asiago cheese "ass cheese" in my family due to its lovely fragrance. My tastebuds are quite fond of it though! Desserts are simply the best.

  17. YUM! Perogies and Canadian Whiskey! I may fly west yet! xoDebi

  18. What a devil for punishment you are watching oozing chocolate on the internet!
    I allow myself just a small portion of dessert each day, skilfully doled out by my husband, as I wouldn't dare trust myself.

  19. What a gorgeous Goddess! I think I'll invite her over for some pie. Apple, of course!

  20. Oozing chocolate..Yummy..I can't have anything sweet in the house..It has a very short life!!I almost never eat dessert...I think I get enough sweets without trying very hard..Have a sweet day..

  21. Chocolatey. That reminds me of some "fudgee bar" I 've been eating much before :)

    Apples of eternal youth - sounds great to me.

  22. I was impressed with the cake, then Monty, then Dexter... but the food truck is rad!! Hmm> rad, maybe pink?

  23. I cannot choose what is honestly my favourite type of cheese. I could say cheese curds, because this is what we make in Saguenay, but even then there are so many great cheeses I have known since.

    Great to see more Norse mythology being blogged about.

  24. Pierogies!!!!!

    Food of my family and oh so flippin' good.

    Thanks for answering everyone's questions. I probably wouldn't do this on my own blog, but I'm enjoying reading yours and Martha's.

    Thanks :-)

  25. Man I love Monty Python. I don't get why it's so funny, but it is :P

  26. I like the slow descent of the chocolate from the lava cake. I prefer sugar cookies, but lava cake will do in an emergency.


  27. First time watching that skit. Too many types of cheese for me.
    Norse Goddess Idunn - I learn so many things in blogland. thanks

  28. I would have thought Nanaimo Bars would have been a favorite.

  29. I'm very boring when it comes to cheese. Can't stand stilton or anything that as mould in it! I do love a very strong cheddar.

  30. That picture of the dessert made my heart skip a beat...

  31. Perogies! I have to say, my mom makes the best ;o) LOL! When my brother was living in England, my mom and I went to visit. My mom before leaving made a fresh batch and put them in a plastic bag for food. They went in the bag hot! She then put them in her suitcase! We got of the plane, met my brother, went to his house. And, roughly 10 hours later, he sat there and at them and they were still hot! Seriously! I took a picture! LOL! I am really enjoying these posts Debra! Thinking of doing it on my blog! Hugs ;o0

  32. What another nice installment! That lava cake is calling my name!!!!!! And I had the feeling a Norse goddess may have played into this.

  33. They used to advertise "Hunky Bill's Perogy Maker" on the telly from Thunder Bay a number of years back. Thought about it, but never bought one.

  34. Great post. fun to get to know you more. Love the perogy princess. My husband loves those things.

  35. Hmmm.. yummy..food porn.. yes that picture is very very seductive.. and quite porn like lol!. Deserts used to be my weakness too but I've gone all 'savoury' these days.
    I'm really enjoying your answers to the ask me anything questions :)
    Many thanks for answering

  36. Sour cream and fried onions fuels the truck? Can we do lunch when I'm in the neighborhood?

  37. I have had Newfy Screech, but not Alberta Premium - I will put it on my bucket list.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  38. I'm slightly horrified that people would put ketchup, Cholula, mustard, or what ever is in that godforsaken green bottle on a pierogi. I mean, when you have sour cream and fried onions do you really need anything else?


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