Saturday 7 March 2015

Spring Forward Tonight!

Daylight Saving Time is upon us once more -- don't forget to turn your clocks forward an hour TONIGHT before you go to bed!

You know two jurisdictions that DON'T switch to Daylight Saving Time? Saskatchewan and Hawaii. Believe me, that's the ONLY thing those two places have in common!

Ha ha, I leave MY car clock on Daylight Saving Time ALL YEAR LONG! Tomorrow it will actually tell the correct time again, YAY!

My cat Her Royal Highness HATED any fiddling with the time of her gushy food meal. Unless she fiddled with the time herself by nagging us RELENTLESSLY to push it forward.

Of course, don't EVER confuse "spring forward" with the arrival of ACTUAL SPRING. Two entirely unrelated concepts, especially here in Canada.

Have you ever forgotten to "spring forward" and then been LATE for everything the next day? Yeah, we've all been there!

I know the girl and her cat in this photo aren't late for their train to whichever fantasy land they're off to but I'm too lazy to look up a different image. After all, I've got to preserve my energy because I'm about to lose an HOUR'S worth of SLEEP tonight. GAH!


  1. i just can't tell you how much i hate DST. it is the dumbest thing ever yet everyone just goes along with it. time for me to crawl back in my cave and not come out until fall!

  2. I think they ignore DST in arizona also. my opinion - scrap the changeover; we don't "tend the crops" any more!

  3. Thanks for the reminder.. ! i have forgotten a few times in the past.
    It's looking and feeling very springlike here which is lovely

  4. I was going to forget about it this time. Thanks for the reminder.

    By the way, The Duke Of Burgundy was excellent. A little drawn out at the end, but otherwise beautifully shot, original, funny, and surprisingly recognizable. I'd definitely recommend it.

  5. oh, noes, already again? That will come to us two weeks after you methinks.... First we're celebrating Women's Day tomorrow

  6. " Yeah, we've all been there!"

    Speak for yourself. I never ever have been.

    There is no DST here :D

  7. Where we live in AZ, they don't change their clocks at all, all year. Weird.

  8. I am not fond of this whole changing clock thing. And usually after we have changed every timepiece in the house the power will go off randomly and you have to do it all over again. Grumble grumble

  9. I have a flight leaving in the morning, heading to AZ where they don't change the time. To say I'm having anxiety about this is mild. DST is so dumb! It's not 1918 anymore!!!

  10. I love when we change to this time. I hate the "fall back"....

  11. Very useful information.

    Best wishes

  12. I'm okay with this time change because the days will be longer. I wish it would be left alone and not change in the fall!

    My cats don't give a chucked-up furball about time changes. The only clock they follow is the growling of a hungry belly. They show up whenever that happens...4 AM, 5 AM, etc...

  13. I'm sure that all the people that are alive from 1918 are thrilled to death.

  14. Oh, I bet it's gonna happen to us here soon. If only I could protest against it. I am already very comfortable with my +1hour of sleep since we moved our clocks back at the beginning of winter.

  15. I like the one about the car clock. That's me to a tee.

  16. I would love to live in one of the places that don't change the clocks. I remember seeing a map once and realizing how many place don't engage in this change when I thought everyone did! When I was still in my teens, I forgot to change my clock back once in the fall and was an hour early for work on Sunday. That kind of sucked!

  17. Hello and a great Saturday to you , dear Lady Debra....
    Thanks for this reminder... we often just "loose track" of time... and had no idea when they were changing the clocks...

  18. I enjoyed your pick-me up humour here but I'm already tired and it hasn't yet happened.

  19. Franklin is so upset when his dinner time changes. I hate daylight savings time. When we lived in Indiana, many years ago, only part of the state had daylight savings. We got some channels on the TV that were in the daylight savings area, and some weren't. It was very confusing.


  20. Tell me about it - now some complaining. I have to drive the hubby to the airport tomorrow at 5:30 - NO DAMN MAKE THAT 4:30 am cause of the time change!!! I do not think part of Indiana changes their clocks either.

  21. It seems early in the year to spring forward. In my memory it didn't happen until April. It's hard to get into the spirit, as you note, when there's a foot of snow on the ground.

  22. What is that old Indian saying about DST? Something like..."only a fool would believe that you can cut a foot off the top of a blanket,and sew it on the bottom and have a longer blanket!"

  23. I think I am going to live in Saskatchewan! How come they don't have to do it? I have relatives there, I think I am moving! LOL!

  24. Another 3 weeks to go before we spring forward

  25. Indiana didn't have daylight savings time until a few years ago and I flippin' HATE it; one of the stupidest concepts government has ever come up with.
    Did you know that, until the mid-20's, it was illegal to observe DST in Connecticut? Know who fought against it? The farmers.

  26. I laughed so hard at that first one, when I was reading out loud to Tim.

    Hate this bulldonky of changing times.

    I changed ours at about suppertime, on Friday night.

  27. Now I'm gonna have to see if this is the time I do it too. Shoot - hate this. But you're so sweet for sharing. (Did I write that?)

  28. This is brutal. For one fleeting moment when the alarm goes at what is my new 0500 (but really is 0400) I wish I lived in Saskatchewan. Then I give my head a good shake....and carry on.

  29. I hate losing an hour of sleep

  30. this morning was VERY rough, as we begin work at 7am, and this morning it was dark again, and certainly felt like 6am. :(

  31. Cats have more sense: they get up at dawn, demand to be fed and then go back to sleep.
    What does time matter?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  32. Mealtime adjustment...hmm. Vasil still wakes us up, it just feels earlier.


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