Sunday 8 March 2015

Thanks, Lesley Gore

Today on International Women's Day, I want to pay tribute to Lesley Gore, the mid-1960s American teenage singing sensation who just died last month at 68. Most of her hit songs were typical of their day -- boy-crazy pop ditties heavy on female masochistic lyrics like It's My Party and Judy's Turn to Cry. But then there was You Don't Own Me, a 1963 song of defiance and independence that foreshadowed the coming feminist movement of the 1970s -- a song ahead of its time and one that still resonates today.

As an adult, Leslie Gore came out and lived her life openly as a lesbian. So in our community, we always sing her famous song with one small change to the lyrics -- "You don't own me -- don't say I can't go without the boys!"

May she truly be in lesbian heaven now, although I'm not sure it would look quite like this, LOL --

And in farewell, I'm going to post just one more of her bouncy tunes -- a particular favourite of mine and one that My Rare One and I still sing to each other all the time!


  1. Happy Women's Day. I knew the song but not the singer. You make me learn things every day.

  2. I first heard You Don't Own Me as a cover, back in the 80's (LOL, yep Dirty Dancing) but I like the original too.

  3. Happy International Women's Day! "You Don't Own Me" is one of the best songs. It's so, so good. I've never seen her perform it, so thank you for sharing that.

  4. it's a big celebration day in my country... all women get gifts and flowers :)

  5. Happy International Women's Day to you and The Rare One! :)

  6. I was just a kid back then but I remember hearing my two sisters listening to her songs.
    Happy International Women's Day!

  7. You Don't Own Mw, was my subconscious battle cry...I didn't know why this song touched me at a time when all the song s where about chasing love. The inner Rebel is still alive, I am sad this world is missing such an important example.
    I just wish Women supported other women better.

  8. I used to love that Lollipops and rainbows song.. never knew much about the singer!
    You don't own me is a great song
    Happy IWD Debra!

  9. Happy International Women's Day to you and your Rare One, Debra! It's wonderful knowing you and I hope to meet you one day.

  10. happy IWD!!! i hope she is in lesbian heaven too!

  11. International Women's Day! Lesley Gore's songs were so fun. You Don't Own Me is definitely my favorite from her!

  12. that last song is going through my head. What fun.

    Happy Day to you and your honey bunny.

  13. Women Rule. We just let men think we are the weaker sex.

  14. that you don't own me..really stuck with me when it came out..

  15. I grew up with Leslie Gore and for a while she was a mainstay for my generation in the early 60's.
    These songs take me back to a very special time in my junior high years which were the BEST!!
    Thank you Leslie Gore
    ....and Debra.

  16. I don't think I've ever heard of her, sounds like quite the lady though.

  17. I have always loved her songs. You Don't Own Me was probably my favorite.

  18. I enjoyed Lesley's music and all the beach movies she was in too.
    Too bad IWD gets little attention here.
    Thank you Debra!

  19. My generation's closest version of that is probably Alanis Morrisset with her song "You Outta Know".

  20. A happy belated International Women's Day! I'd only ever heard of "It's My Party", which I hate. I'd not heard of "You Don't Own Me." What a great song.

  21. I want to make a joke about lesbian heaven, but I probably shouldn't.
    Though I'll bet they live-stream the Ellen shows, both from the 80's (without the early episodes where she pretended to date guys) and the current talk show.
    I forgot about that song, and how powerful it must have been at the time. Thanks for reminding us.

  22. Farewell, Lovely Lesley. Congratulations on living an open and honest life.


  23. Did not know she sang that Sunshine and lollipops song. Brings back memories of a great Simpsons episode where Homer and Chief Wiggum are chasing after Marge and her friend as in Thelma and Louise, and Wiggum says, "we need some chase music" and he puts in a tape playing that song.

  24. She's awesome. I didn't know.
    Thank you, Deb.
    Have a great week.

  25. Thanks for showing this amazing tribute!!! Love us Deb!!

  26. It was women's day and you got shorted by one hour (daylight saving time.)

    The Irony.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  27. I love that song, and was sorry to hear of her passing.

  28. Another sad loss, I agree, but her live vocals on You Don't Own Me were a bit painful on the ear I have to say! Still, it is a great song.

  29. What a beautiful post! I hope you had a great Women's Day ;o)
    Now I am singing Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows! LOL!

  30. You Don't Own Me was great. It somehow reminds me of Lily Allen but it makes me think Adele should cover it.
    Interesting post. Thanks.


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