Monday 20 April 2015

Ever Have One of Those Days When . . .

You feel fat for no particular reason?

Nothing goes your way?

I mean, like absolutely nothing?

And everyone around you acts like you have cooties?

Here's how to get through it.


  1. Oh my gods, that cat's face when it slides of the filing cabinet. You can almost hear the "well THAT didn't work" as he slides down!

  2. LOL at the white skunk ending up in the trash bin

  3. These were adorable. I experience fat days quite a bit these days. :)

  4. Ha ha ha ha! Thank you for a little chuckle Debra!! These were awesome!

  5. The look on that one cat's face as it realizes it's going to fall off the counter makes me laugh every time it loops. It still doesn't make up for it being Monday, but I'll take what I can get.

  6. What a great way to begin a dreary Monday morning. Thanks so much for the adorable chuckles. These kitty pics have them all beat.

  7. Cats. So many awesome cats. And a ferret I think from the looks of it. I needed cats. That poor cat in the second one though. It can only stare as it slips slowly into oblivion. My cats would never stand for that. They'd run up it like it was a falling train in a Jackie Chan movie.

  8. And a good Monday morning to you, too!
    Hugs and purrs ....

  9. LOL! Yes, I've had a few of those days.

  10. LOL!

    I mean LOL as in I actually laughed out loud at these. Not your typical mundane lol that people give through a text or comment that offers no real sense of any true laughter.

    It's not Monday if you say it's not Monday. But whatever day it is it still sucks!

  11. Hahaha! Great way to start the week. I think that first kitty should lay off the cat chow for a bit. Or get a bigger door :)

  12. Great chuckle post....fabulous way to start the day.

  13. I feel like that fat cat ever time I try to squeeze my big tits into a large tshirt instead of slipping into an extra large.

  14. What a good laugh for a Monday!!!!! Co workers at thinking I'm going nuts with laughter!!!!!!!

  15. I just laughed my butt off! There is nothing better than silly animal videos to brighten up the day.

  16. I love the ferret gif, very funny. I have to borrow that Monday sign. I have such a great collection of these.

  17. Oh my goodness, that poor cat getting through the cat door! My Louie is that fat. He came from my sister, who is too busy to have a cat. He is massive, but our cat-door to the litter-room is bigger than that one! We were worried that he would not fit, though...

  18. Ah- and new blog :

    I just needed a fresh start... :)

  19. great set of images... and thanks for the "Smile"...
    A very good Monday to you dear Lady Debra

  20. Oh my gosh, these were pretty darn good.

  21. I feel like that fat cat.

  22. They're so cute!! :)
    Yep .. I'm glad Monday's wrapped up ( well almost)

  23. I hate to rub it in, but I am on holiday today and will be tomorrow as well.

  24. I still feel fat even though I have lost 18 pounds since the New Year, when will I feel thin?

  25. Today was a bad monday for me

  26. monday ALWAYS sux. but these GIFs were cute!

  27. Awwww, these are so cute! I actually had one of those days, but it turned out to be great! Hugs ;o)

  28. I act like that when I'm kissed :P

  29. It's not Monday it's Tuesday! Different day, same shit.

  30. So sorry about the Jets last night! :(

  31. Thank the calendar it's Tuesday now!

  32. It's not Monday!! Cute videos..

  33. But that cat's really has fat body.
    I don't really have anything against Monday, I just noticed thst I get so tired at the end of the day, seeing unhappy faces :)

  34. Thank goodness is Tuesday!

    (I hope someone found the ferret... *cough*)


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