Monday 20 April 2015

Yes, I'm Posting Twice in One Day!

So you know it's gotta be important. What do you get when you combine hockey with foodie culture? THIS VIDEO!

Okay, okay, I know the Jets have lost the first two games to the Ducks in Anaheim. But game 3 is TONIGHT in Winnipeg! Every Jets fan there will wear white and make the MTS Centre look like a total whiteout, exactly like a big mean prairie blizzard. And (just to mix metaphors) this "Fifty Shades of White" will leave the Ducks hurtin' bad and begging for mercy, but there'll be no safe word for them.



  1. I hate hockey with a white hot fiery passion but if I have to choose someone to win the playoffs it would be the Jets. After that, any team but the Canucks.

  2. Ok, I don't really understand what we're talking about, but go jets!!!

  3. go jets go! that is, unless you come up against the pens who i am watching right now!

  4. That was funny! LOL! Go Jets Go!!!

  5. I'd say you guys take your hockey way too seriously but over we here we play cricket for a tiny trophy.

  6. I'll definitely root for the Jets. How could anyone root for a team born out of corporate marketing? Ducks Shmucks. Go Jets!

  7. I loved that, it was hilarious :) I follow the Red Wings, not holding much hope against the Lightning :P

  8. Go Jets!

    Believe it or don't, we once had a hockey team here in the wilds of Indiana. My favourite game, an entire (opposing) team... including coaches... got tossed out for dropping their drawers and mooning the ref.

    Oh for a slingshot just then, lol.

  9. Good luck Debra! May the Jets win! :)

  10. Those two clowns are outrageous. Thanks for the laughs, especially when they put some anger in the bag.

    Go Jets!

  11. Who are the Jets? :D I thought they were a rockabilly band from the 80's?

  12. May your team sports harder than the other team! May victory be theirs! (I have lots of practice being confused yet supportive on these things). Woot! Sports!

  13. BAHAHAHA! I was going to say that it's too bad I missed this yesterday. But that's okay 'cause I started off my day with a lot of laughter. Ohmygawd...this was funny.

  14. Crossing my fingers for your Jets in the 4th upcoming game, Debra. They can do it!!

  15. No, I'm not commenting on your blog twice in one day. Which is why I waited until day 2.

  16. Pfffft. Jets. Man they sure do know how to disappoint their fans. Everyone at work today is rather subdued. Go Eskies! :) :) :)

  17. Looks like you're gearing up for another white out tomorrow night? They need a win!

  18. It's just like us and the San Antonio Spurs.

  19. Tim had to explain this to me :-)

  20. Ha, ha! This is a funny video! It's funny because it's not really about hockey or cooking... and I'm not really a sports fan or a cook so it's right up my alley.
    Parodies are funny.

  21. Hockey: Yeah -whatever you say.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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