Monday 27 April 2015

Ugh. That is All. Ugh.

In Canada, our income tax deadline is this Thursday, April 30th. I sat down to do my return on the weekend and discovered I'm missing a receipt and a T5 slip! NOOOOOOOOO! Now I'm under the gun to obtain them both asap and get my taxes in on time. So no more time to blog for the rest of April, I'm afraid. Crunch time is here!


  1. Yikes! Good luck finding the forms you need!

  2. Oh, that sucks... I hope you find your forms quickly. :)

  3. you're going to jail, Debs :))

  4. Hope you find your form soon. I know exactly what you are going through. Tax time always makes me anxious to begin with.

  5. Taxes are never fun under the best of circumstances.

    You'll find what you need.

    Hang in there!


  6. Oof, that sucks. Good luck to you. Through the frustration, just imagine that your tax money is going somewhere worthwhile, like puppy/kitten rescue or government bee farming or something like that.

  7. If it helps I still have no idea how to do my taxes. Plus there isn't that long left of April. Which is actually kind of bad for you. Go go!

  8. ha...when i saw the title of your post i was sure it was about hockey. but maybe that's just me.

  9. Good luck! If you don't return by May, we'll just assume that the tax man has gotten you and that your death was every bit as long as it was painful.

  10. Good luck! We'll be waiting to see if you return in May!!!! :D :D :D

  11. I've never been so anti-Canada.

    They need to get their tax forms so I have to go without entertainment?

    This is the end result of socialism!

  12. Ugh, indeed. I feel your pain! You'll get it done, despite the last minute scramble...

  13. I'll just go back and read some of your other stuff, while you're gone. It's a lot funnier than tax crap!

  14. Good luck at it all, dear Lady Debra....

  15. Tax time is always stressful. Here in the US we file online - with the forms available showing our income, etc - well, not receipts, but it is nice to have all the info right where we need it when we need it. We file the first week in February - our refund comes fast - in less than 3 weeks and we've already spent it.

  16. Crunch, crunch, crunch.

    When you're done, stop on by and I'll make you a stack of griddle cakes with REAL maple.

    Until then, good luck.

  17. Hope you find everything you need. I hate taxes.

  18. You can do it, Debra, you can do it!!

  19. Just find out how much you have to put in the T5 box and get the receipt later.

  20. Twice a year we have a tax bill to pay, I hate tax months.

  21. Maybe you can ask for an extension on your tax return.
    I let someone do my taxes for me. I just hate doing them myself.
    Good luck with the taxes.

  22. I feel your pain. There's probably nothing I hate worse than getting my taxes ready, except for having to pay more taxes on April 30th. Luckily, this year we both got refunds! :D

  23. Yuck. I hope you're crunching some yummies while crunching this ugly stuff.

  24. I will spit somewhere and think of you. How's that?

  25. Hope you made it right on time.

  26. Sorry you have to go through this, Debra. Good luck with everything.


  27. Been there. Done that. Glad it's over!

  28. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    I hope you will find the receipt and file your return in times.

    Best wishes

  29. Kind of ruins Spring.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  30. Good luck..Ours have to be in by the 15th..I have someone do them..I already spent my refund!

  31. Just follow Steve Martin's advice on how to get a million dollars tax free: "First, get a million dollars. Second, don't pay taxes. If the IRS comes around asking why you didn't pay taxes, just say, 'I forgot.'"

  32. Glad the tax system here in the UK is much simpler. Most of the time. They still bleed you dry.

  33. Hey human, Debra,

    You have brought back some memories about living in Canada for my alleged human, Gary.

    He enjoyed doing his tax return so much that he moved to England where he didn't have to fill in a tax form. His employer has to do it. Any mistakes and it's the employer's fault. Yay, eh and good luck.


  34. Oh dear hope you get it sorted.
    See my words at:

  35. Hope you've been crunching away, love. And that you got the rest of the paperwork!

  36. I've always hated forms. Think outside the checkbox. That probably will not work for taxes.

  37. Because of their big mistake , the deadline has been extended! So breathe!

  38. Debi is right! The deadline has been extended to May 5th I think? I hope everything goes good for you! I did mine, my mom and dad's and my brother's, at the end of March! I go nuts every time, but I am so happy when I have finished! LOL!

  39. Thank goodness our tax deadline has come and gone. I can breath again. Hope you found your stuff!

  40. Taxes are never fun. It is interesting that April seems to be the tax time in a few countries. In the US taxes are due by April 15.

    I hope you were able to get it all done.

  41. Taxes...ugh...the biggest pain in the ass!

  42. You got a bit of an extension as I "think" you've got till May 5 due to a tax dept error.

    Hope you're getting money back ... then lateness is not an issue.


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