Friday 24 April 2015

Keep a Happy Thought!

On my "Ask Me Anything" post, Jim of Ocean Breezes inquired: "Do you see any hope for the survival of woman/mankind?"

Now, you'd expect a cheery upbeat cuss like me to say yes, wouldn't you? But no, no, I do not actually see survival as a likely long-term outcome for the human race. In my opinion and from my decades of observation, humanity appears to be hell-bent on an irreversible downward spiral of self-destruction fuelled by greed and stupidity. I fully expect that, in due course, our fate will be annihilation via nuclear catastrophe or environmental disaster.

When I was young, this thought used to get me all bent out of shape. As I enter the autumn years of my life, however, I've become much more reconciled to the idea, probably because my own personal end is not quite so far off as it once was. It just doesn't seem as upsetting to me anymore that oblivion will be both our individual and collective fates.

Still, having said this, I also believe that while we are here, we should all strive to make this world a better place than we found it, even if our best efforts cannot in the long run prevent our ultimate downfall. Because isn't this precisely the crazy paradox of human nature and existence? We are simultaneously constructive and destructive, helpful and hurtful, angels and demons.

I look forward to hearing all your many views on this topic!


  1. Humanity is truly complex
    We have great capacity for good or ill
    Yes , I guess here dwell both angel and demon.. each fighting for supremacy
    lol!!.. Happy Friday Debra!

  2. Hello Debra,

    Yes, we would agree with you that the very essence of Man's nature will be his eventual downfall. Free will has much to answer for in so many respects and, yet, that is a basic principle that we might all wish to fight for.

    And, one's views on so many things do alter as the years advance. Indeed, when a life threatening illness entered one of our lives, the fragility of life became so clearly in focus with the strangely comforting thought that nothing.....the pain, the fear, the hideous side effects of treatment.....would last for ever, even life itself.

    Every day one is aware of the most amazing acts of human kindness together with the most appalling of human behaviour. Increasingly, we feel that the common humanity we share is being eroded as people lose themselves and disconnect into the virtual reality of the Internet. Once we view our fellow Man as an object or have no thought of him at all, then it really is the end for Mankind.

  3. "humanity appears to be hell-bent on an irreversible downward spiral of self-destruction fueled by greed and stupidity." - correct-o-mundo! and the stupid ones keep on breeding...

  4. We're the new and improved furless lemming; not only are we headed for the cliff, we're dragging as many other species as we can with us.

    And then you see, or read about, some brilliant kindness or instance of compassion and wish it could be different.

  5. I am of the opinion that the great multitude of bacterium that were here in the world before us will still be here when we are long gone.
    We know that antibiotics are no longer working against them as they cleverly mutate.
    The bacterium e-coli very nearly took my husband's life away.

  6. There's a whole lot you could say on something like this really. While I do agree with you that we seem to be spiraling towards a nuclear annihilation I do also think that in some form or fashion humans will live on. Even when new diseases come along there are people who are naturally immune to them. There are people naturally immune to AIDS and Ebola. The human race is stubborn and no matter what kills us, I don't think it will ever wipe us out.

  7. This was way too downbeat for me to have read first thing in the morning. I tend to agree with you, but I still hold out hope that some enterprising MIT students will save us all from our lethargic greed that's spiraling us toward environmental disaster (my choice for pending apocalypse). All I can do is my best not to add to problem (even though I'm sure I am). Ugh, this is why I drink.

  8. I fully share your view... although... there's always a hope that the sensible ones will rise against the predominant stupidity and take over the reign

  9. Exactly my opinion on the subject. And it's true that you get to 'accept' it a lot more as you grow older.

  10. People worry about the planet but she's a big girl. When she's had enough of us, she'll let us know.

  11. Good and evil co-exists in everyone.

  12. I Pretty much think that we humans were/are a blight on the earth. A cruel fluke of nature. :) Have a nice day! Lois

  13. Awesome post, and I totally agree with your view. It is sad that we have come to this.

  14. I am either an eternal optimist or a fool, Debra, but I truly live my life according to the former.
    I have full confidence in the human race. Yes, sometimes I beat my head against the wall when the stupid things humans do threaten this beautiful planet of ours, but I always manage to see through our collective mistakes and move forward towards a positive outcome for us all.

  15. it's amazing to see the forward movement mankind has made but also the incredible backward motion that comes along with it. people are scared of change so when mankind progresses, lots of people regress!

  16. I don't like what's certainty coming to us (as a species). If we are to harvest what we've planted over the years, we'll on the way to a table of poisoned everything...

    But, like you, I don't get to upset about it. What will that do anyway?

  17. I could not agree more! We have the potential to make the world better, cleaner and happier. Ignorance and big business get in the way of this.

  18. " Because isn't this precisely the crazy paradox of human nature and existence? We are simultaneously constructive and destructive, helpful and hurtful, angels and demons." I like the way you constructed this sentence. Both true and elegant.

    Like yourself, when I was younger I held the believe that if we all just cared more, loved more, thought more, we could save people from themselves. Making the world a better place seemed like something we could "do". Now I'm older, wiser or perhaps just more "worn out" and cynical.

    The big picture overwhelms me so I work to maintain my little corner of the Universe. I'm fanatical about my gardens being organic. I plant to ensure balance in my insect populations, wanting all species to have their niche. There are no bad bugs that need to be killed. I rarely drive and I rarely shop. I try to be kind to my fellow traveler. Raising my children in this manner, I've passed on my values. Can I save the world? No, but I can keep my bit of it in order.

  19. Sadly. I have to agree with you...:)
    Too little ..too late

  20. Greed... as we said ... if there is money to be made... "Screw the environmental damage"
    The is the way Humans are... Sad to say...

  21. My views are exactly the same as yours. I think that makes me a copycat. :) And like you, the coming destruction used to upset me. A lot. Maybe it's the fact that i've reached the half century mark? But the destruction is happening everywhere. Including my own backyard. A mile from our home here, some dumbass developer is bulding a new subdivision if crappy homes. Umpteen gazillion. (Not sure of the real number, but too many.) They had to cut down 1000 gorgeous Douglas Fir trees to do it, and much of the land is a flood plain. Assholes. Well, i guess i lied when i said i no longer get upset. Hence this rant of a comment i'm making on my phone in itty bitty letters. Sorry about that...

  22. Don't ever forget what happened to the Roman Empire......every civilization has such a short time in the sun. I, too, fear ours will run out.

    Interesting topic today.


  23. The fear of the bomb. An old fear dating back from the Cold War. I don't have this particular one anymore.

  24. Great post Debra. I agree with you 100%. These thoughts used to upset me as well when I was younger, (I didn't want anything threatening my illusion of a beautiful world I guess) but no longer. When this civilization collapses, I'll say good riddance...

  25. My mom used to tell me about the pendulum affect. So maybe there is hope for us all yet.

  26. Honey child, I couldn't agree more with you! I'm very cheery and upbeat and positive , but truth be told, most days I could give a rats ass about humans. I'm around people so constantly, I am about ready to sell everything and ho live in a secluded monastery. I haven't figured out the gin and sex part yet. And what appalls me most is how animals are being treated and wiped out or endangered. Makes me sick.

  27. I wholeheartedly agree with you Debra, and oddly enough my husband and I were discussing this over the news tonight.
    My additional fear is the religious unrest in the world.
    I can't believe that we as human beings sharing the same planet,can't live and let live?
    Where else can we go? We can't just move to another planet.
    I used to think if earth were attacked by another planet, that would be the only way people would all pull together, and no one would care what colour, race or religion you were. All that would matter is that you were a human being.
    Now I don't have as much faith in fellow human beings.

  28. I do think we're doomed, but not necessarily because of anything we're doing wrong. Eventually natural selection will target us and we'll become extinct just like every other animal (despite our best efforts).

  29. I worry what kind of world we're leaving for my GG's...that scares me.

  30. extinction in inevitable for every species

  31. Strangely I see it the way you've described. I figure a piece of bread and some water, every day, is miracle enough.
    I best go find my cat shades :)

  32. Mankind is a conceded animal – we believe that Earth and everything on it exist solely for our benefit (…on the sixth day…) Like Schrodinger’s cat: if we can’t see or experience it, it doesn’t matter. We even invent gods in our image.
    Mankind’s tendency for war, man’s propensity for genocide, the existence of nuclear weapons, corporate exploitation of the environment, over population - if we follow the chain logically it leads to extinction.
    We are not invulnerable, we are just another species: and accidental outcome of chaotic evolution.
    However, we are so egocentric that we talk about man’s extinction as the end of the earth; but, earth will be here for billions of more years. We just won’t be on it.
    the Ol’Buzzard

  33. I'm not sure you'd really want to hear my views on this subject! :D

  34. I agree, whilst keeping my fingers crossed that I don't live to die that way.

  35. "Downward spiral fueled by greed and stupidity."
    Yep, you pretty much hit the nail on the head there!

  36. Well, Debra, Jim certainly knows how to ask a provocative question, and you certainly know how to answer it provocatively!
    I think we are in a pivotal point in human history this century, and it could go one way or another. However, I am hopeful humanity will bungle its way through.
    We face tremendous problems, some of the worst within our own human nature. But I see great hope in the connectivity and synergy of so many people, as well as in technology.
    Humanity has been threatened many times and will be again. The biggest threat I see right now is a global pandemic.
    But I think our species will survive in some form, especially if we can move off the planet and into space.

  37. Well said, sister. While I am starting to think in a more nihilist way, I also think we're put here to help as much as we possibly can.

  38. Laughing at the comment "Stupid ones keep on breeding".

    I heard my friend said when we were discussing about changes, on peoe mostly, he said nothing changes coz the idiots just give birth to another idiots. That might sound funny but it is a sarcastic truth.

    I do agree with your point in this by the way especially at making tge world a better place while we're here - we accept the ugly truth but we don't give up bringing beauty.

  39. I also agree that we all have to do the best we can. Let's try being more helpful and less hurtful, though it's easier said than done.


  40. If tv is any guide (and when isn't it?), it will be some sort of zombie/vampire/werewolf apocalypse.

  41. Amazing post! And we're on the same page. I'm not bothered by the potential end of humanity. If it happens, it happens. What are you gonna do? And yes, we should take care of our world while we're still here.

  42. I don't want you to be right ... but ...


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