Monday 18 May 2015

Happy Victoria Day!

For Canadians too, it's ALL about having a paid day off work when it comes to celebrating the Royal Family. And today is a favourite statutory holiday in Canada -- Victoria Day! So let's go camping, have a BBQ and drink beer! "Queen Who?" Who cares?

But we should feel sympathy for Victoria's unfortunate descendant, Queen Elizabeth II. It's hard to be Queen these days. The world is so full of upstart wannabes --

Even poor little Prince George isn't safe from the mockers and pretenders.

But even if the Queen doesn't like our disrespectful attitudes, she can't stay downhearted for long . . .

. . . because she has a cunning plan! Yikes!

So all together now, let's hear a rousing chorus of --


  1. The last photo left me with a distinct desire to cough up a hairball.

    Thank you for your kindness Debra.

  2. WOO HOO! BBQ and beer! no tim bits?

    freddie mercury - LOVE IT!

    have a nice holiday; we in the colonies have next monday off for memorial day, the "official" start of summer.

  3. Wow, that guy...That guy has enough body/facial hair to cover every square inch of his body. There aren't enough lasers in the world to help that Sasquatch. Wait, is that guy Sasquatch!?! Also, unrelated, the Freddy Mercury one caught me in the smiles.

  4. funny how they celebrate the queen who was worse than Hitler and who enslaved and then exploited half of the world and killed dozens of millions.. but since she's a Western ruler... nobody notices this....

  5. The dude who shaved his chest into the flag is the manliest act of patriotism I've ever seen. The best part about the royal wedding was indeed that it was a paid day off. I didn't even watch it. Enjoy your time off though.

  6. now that is some body hair! too funny!

  7. Enjoy your (paid) day off! Now pass a burger, please. :o)

  8. Have a great day off. Some great photos there, but that guy with all the body hair takes the cake.

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! These were hilarious, especially that last one. Hey, as long as it's a holiday, it's all good.

  10. Ha ha ha That was a good one Debra!! Loved the last pic! Happy Victoria Day to you! I'm only in for a day off btw... lol

  11. I couldn't help but laugh at this post. Thank you for a delightfully silly read on a holiday Monday.

  12. oh my,,

    still laughing!!!
    Happy Victoria Day to you!!!

  13. Happy Victoria Day to you. These photos were all a hoot.

  14. I love that costume. So creative. What I don't love is that shorn hairsweater. Dude looks like a yeti that got attacked by a lawnmower.

  15. A bit " saucy" I see! Cheers! To my neighbours , thanks for the crappy weather from your Orange province!
    We had one sunshine day, poured rain otherwise!
    Paid holiday! Yippy! With fireworks! I loves Queens!

  16. Enjoy your holiday.

    By the way, I find the man-scaping trend kind of ridiculous, but if that last guy was my son, I'd drive him to the salon myself. Dang.

  17. Retaking the Colonies is my favourite. I've heard that every time she visits the US, it is protocol to invite them back into the Commonwealth. Of course she's not holding a weapon when she makes the offer.

    Enjoy your day off dear!

  18. I think we'll never get bank holidays, but they might all close soon!

    My squirrel, Ruby, says she's the queen.

  19. May you enjoy a lovely Victoria go have that beer!

  20. Usually with a string of funnies like this, I have a favorite. All of these are my favorites. Thank you for the laughs, Deb.

  21. We are snowing today. But I'll take a beer and the day off for sure!! Happy Monday!

  22. That royal baby Halloween costume is hysterical! And I quite admire Canadians' views on the holiday, lol!

  23. Happy Victoria Day! That is a fantastic Halloween costume that dude has on.

  24. God save the QUEEN! Always loved Victoria Day holiday! And I can say I am happy to live in Canada!
    That last pic left me speechless!

  25. that last one was just too creepy for words.

  26. gawd!!! too funny!!! and ewwww that last one. hahaha! Thanks for my daily laugh~snort

  27. How do you find these photos!?? They are just hilarious! Love the one with the transforming image on the money! But all of them make me LMAO!!

  28. Have a great day off! Enjoyed the photos. lol

  29. I like that clever costume of baby George

  30. In Québec we celebrate la Fête des patriotes. Before it was something else. Good, because I don't like any queen, except those played by Cate Blanchett.

  31. She could probably do a better job at running things here if She did "retake the Colonies"...
    ans liked the gif.. of money....
    a great day to you dear Lady Debra...

  32. I keep forgetting it's a holiday let alone what holiday it is. Happy Victoria day except that last guy, he's just creepy!

  33. Hahaha! Hilarious!
    Hope you had a great long weekend....
    We sure did!
    Have a great week Debra...
    Linda :o)

  34. Thank you for the wonderful "Birthday Comment"....
    ...Yes we are "Creepy"... and thank you for the "complement"...
    Bless you a great week to you and yours.... Stacey / "the Doctor"....

  35. I didn't realize until mid morning why so many Canadians were stopping in to shop. Then I looked at the calendar. Personally, I wouldn't mind being a British subject. After all, me mum was a Brit.

  36. This post is hilarious, except the last photo makes me feel a little bit like throwing up. I want a Victoria Day. I saw one of her bonnets in a museum. It was so small. Does that mean she had a very small head because she had a very small brain? I don't intend my question to be an insult to royalty. It's mere curiosity.


  37. Hope you had a great Victoria day - at least you know who she was

  38. The manscaping made me gag. Ugh.
    Happy Victoria's Day!

  39. Beer AND wine for me, plus sitting around a fire! No camping though .. I'm too old to sleep on the ground.

    I do love the May long though. Always makes me laugh when it snows (like it did again this year) and I remember all those good times when the tent roof caved in from the white stuff. :)

  40. Haha, this is great! I live in America, but I'd always heard nobody really cared about the royal family all that much.

  41. I think we here in America might be better off if she did retake the colonies.

    And in honor of Victoria:

  42. OMG, I never knew there was a Victoria Day! And you get the day off work. That is awesome. I

    Americans get Memorial Day this weekend! I didn't even realize this until yesterday but I am psyched.

    I hope you have a wonderful Victoria Day.

  43. Hahaha, I love Freddie, so this really made me laugh. Brilliant.

  44. Enjoy the day!

  45. The Freddie Mercury one is perfect!

  46. The last pic-patriotism to the next level!


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