Wednesday 20 May 2015

Bunnies Behaving Badly

It's not a well-known fact but rabbits swear like sailors. Especially when they miscalculate and things don't go their way.

Rabbits can also be bloodthirsty little savages. Don't be fooled by their cutie-pie sweet features.

Rabbits are also notorious thieves. Never trust them!

Of course, their sexually inappropriate behaviour is well known.

Time to take stock, Bugs. Are you sure that you're headed to heaven?


  1. for a moment there I thought this post was going to discuss the evil duggar family and WHY they breed like rabbits.

    speaking of killer rabbits:

  2. The most disturbing thing about bunnies is that their digestive system is so terrible that they have to eat things twice to truly eat something. That's right, rabbits eat their own poop constantly just to get the nutrients out of their food.

  3. My sister in law had a huge rabbit that I was totally scared of. He must have sensed it because he would always come and nibble at my feet. I love the video of the rabbit stealing the baby's cookie. Priceless.

  4. What anne marie said ^^.

    Killer bunny; run away! Run away!

  5. BAHAHAHAHA! We get fooled by how cute they are but bunnies have a dark side!

  6. Too cute! We have caught a glimpse of what I think to be a 'killer bunny' on our trail cam..... lol

  7. They have terrible tempers. We had a couple eyars ago, and when they didn't get what they wanted they would throw things and make as much noise as they could.

    Still, it would have been worth it had we gotten gifs of things like that thief bunny.

  8. I had a good chuckle when the bunny stole the cookie

  9. My in laws have always lived in heavily wooded areas and have had quite a few cats go missing. They always thought it was coyotes that got them. Now I know better-it was the rabbits.

    Thanks for tha laugh today!

  10. My neighborhood has a ton of rabbits! Ever walk a hunting dog when she sees a rabbit?! It's like getting shoved from behind when that leash snaps! Enough to make an old girl pee her pants.

  11. Too funny! Love the cookie stealing bunny. Heehaw!

  12. That cookie stealing is one bad egg. I had a good chuckle over that one - thank you for sharing.

  13. I am not sure what was funnier, the rabbit stealing the cookie or the baby trying to follow the rabbit to its hiding spot. Thanks for the giggle!!

  14. We had rabbits when my daughter was young. I learned so very much about those soft and cuddly beasts......and have the scars to prove it. Fun pix

  15. Bunnies: Come to the Dark Side; we have carrot cake.

  16. Ah, rabbits. It's my favorite to make something so cute into a psychopath. :)
    Funny post! I love the gif of the bunny stealing the cookie. The kid's just like 'wait, what? he's not coming back?' hahaha

  17. I always knew there was reason people eat rabbit!

  18. A great collection... and thank you for the "Smile",dear Lady Debra..

  19. Hysterical! The evil bunnies in our yard ate a couple of baby trees over the winter that we planted last summer. Now they are dead!

  20. me thought that second lil bunny was gonna poop on the white sheets!

  21. Thieving bunny! lol!
    the last pic is so funny :)

  22. Bunny on the bed.
    Cookie monster bunny
    Blow me bunny.

    Good stuff, Debs!!

  23. Why do animals like Ritz crackers?? Must be the salt..My stepdaughter has a farm and the pigs, goats,and horses all eat Ritz crackers..Cute post

  24. I don't believe a word of this! I don't care what you say, Debra!
    A little fluffy soft little rabbit is nothing of the sort.
    Are they really?

  25. A bunny having an existential crisis.
    Don't worry bunny:

    1: Recognize that you're having an existential crisis.

    2: Acknowledge that this is a common problem.

    3: Stop comparing yourself to others.

    4: Remember that tomorrow is a new day.

  26. Wait? Did I miss something? Is it your birthday? Or am I way off? If it is, Happy Birthday, if it's not, than Happy Birthday for when it is.

    PS: Just got back not long ago from our walk and Wiggy (the bigger dog), knows where the bunnies lives. And let me tell ya' she really wants to catch one.

  27. Hi Happy Whisk -- No, it's not my birthday but thanks anyway for the good wishes!

  28. When I was younger, my friends and I used to love a book called The Big Book of Bunny Suicides. I still find a lot of them to be quite clever.

  29. Bunnies!!

    That video of the bunny jumping off the bed is just too adorable. Makes me want to get one. Never mind the round turds they leave behind - my dog will eat them anyway. The turds. Not the bunny.

  30. Lol! Hilarious. I'll be laughing about this off and on all day. Bun buns are mischievous little devils for sure. And they get away with so much bad because they're so darned cute!

  31. AwWww! They're so cute! We have 3 cats and 7 fish so we are always at the pet shop and I am always tempted to get one, but I think the cats might be a teeny tiny problem. Or according to this post have a huge one!

  32. No wonder so many crazy people are obsessed with creepy rabbits. I had no idea they were so sinister!

  33. OMG I love these! Now I know what I was in my former life.

  34. Hilarious compilation! I had a friend once who collected psycho bunny stuff. I was too mature then to appreciate it. Lucky such things change with old age :)

    Ps. That bunny on the bed totally thinks he's a cat.

  35. Ahahaha what's he doing in his life, right!!!

    Bunny's are great!

  36. Truth! We had a rabbit. I wonder who she is terrorizing now.

  37. The cookie bunny cracked me up. We have more than our fair share of bunnies in our garden. One got under our house, so I trapped it, and of course it died and the smell was terrible for months.

  38. The bunny and the baby. That was the baby's first, "What the fuck?"


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