Friday 22 May 2015

Monster Chiller Horror Theatre

Hello, kids! Count Floyd here. Be prepared to be frightened to death by this week's monster chiller horror offering! Now give a big howl of welcome to our guest host, Debra She Who Seeks!
On my "Ask Me Anything" post, Dr Theda and/or Stacey of Dr Theda's Crypt inquired: "Who are your favourite Villain and Monster?"

While I'm awfully fond of existentially-tormented Marvel villains like Magneto and Loki, I must confess that there's a special place in my heart for a certain old timey musical villain, as cosplayed here by various cats --

Now, I suppose there could be an argument that the Phantom is not only a villain but also a kind of monster. But why quibble?
Listen to the music of the night . . . .

As for my favourite monster, I'm a big fan of Japan's gift to the world, Godzilla! But poor Godzilla is a very misunderstood monster, you know. He's really just a regular kinda guy who likes an occasional drink, good snacks and a fun time like anyone else --

Some even see a kind of . . . spiritual . . . significance in Godzilla. Are we misinterpreting Godzilla's message? God knows it wouldn't be the first time that ever happened!

Hey, if Scientology can be a tax-exempt religion, why not the Church of Godzilla? Send all donations c/o this blog, my children, that you may be greatly blessed, yea verily.


  1. Eat in or out ... that's great.

    Happy Weekend.

  2. AND if the church of godzilla is tax-exempt, THEN the church of me-myself-and-I is also tax-exempt!

    can I get an a-fucking-MEN, somebody!

  3. OMG Godzzie and the fridge is highlarious!

  4. I'm so happy to see Debra She Who Seeks joining forces with your blog! Debra's great and I love this blog so...wait a second.
    I love Godzilla too. My work had a showing of Jurassic Park, and a person dressed in an inflated Godzilla rubber costume showed up, uninvited. While I really like Godzilla, this just seemed like an excitable Furry.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a church to Godzilla already. There's churches for just about everything else. The Phantom also holds a special place in my heart. It's my favourite love story.

  6. Godzilla is ancient! I remember him from my childhood!

  7. Count Floyd and Monster Chiller Horror Theatre! LOL Yea verily. :)

  8. Hahahaha! I love that last of Godzilla would be awesome!

  9. I so love your photo choices! I am a King Kong fan, such a brutal tale of furry friend abuse.
    My chi is in the snail express, I'm a believer!

  10. These are great! That cloud formation is amazing!!!

  11. I always had a fondness of the 50's Frankenstein and the wolfman..

  12. Now I have Music Of The Night in my head...thanks!

  13. I'm with Martha....'Church of Godzilla' makes more sense to me!! lol

  14. I'd join the church of Godzilla. I imagine every Sunday they build city models and smash them down. That'd be cathartic.

    The picture of the Godzilla sings album got me! Hahahaha

  15. I love me a nice rainy day and watch a god ole Godzilla cheesy movie marathon. I am huge into horror movies though.

  16. I was shocked to learn as a teenager that the original tale of Godzilla, he was the villain. I liked how the newest reboot which starts the story over has him as a hero.

  17. Love the Kitties..Eat in or eat out ? Ha!! Clever post..Have a wonderful weekend..

  18. Phantom of the Litterbox! Scary indeed. Especially when it's time to clean the boxes. One of our kitties is on a high fiber diet. I've never seen such loooooong kitty poops. (That might be tmi. Sorry about that.)

    Godzilla v. Mothra is my fave, I think!

  19. Godzirra, he not a monstah, he just missundastood. My brother (yes the same one who loves to sit with me and recite word for word every line in Monty Python's The Holy Grail)and I used to watch Godzilla movies on "Saturday Morning Monster Mash" they would show three movies each week. Usually Godzilla.

  20. Great dear Lady Debra.....
    Got a good "Laugh" about Godzilla at a Bar...
    ... The Phantom... poor tormented Erik" as the author would lament....
    and up till his death ,..... the Author of "Phantom" insisted that the Phantom was a Real person...
    ...and to me "Lon Chaney Sr. will Always be "The Phantom"...
    .. Great answer dear Lady Debra...

  21. Your 'ask me anything' post has given you lots of fun working out inventive answers. I think your creativity knows no bounds.

  22. LOL, I think he should have some screaming people in his Manhattan too!

  23. I far prefer the original Gaston Leroux novel than the musical. But my favourite villain is Dracula. Monster? Not sure.

  24. Have you actually heard that Godzilla Sings album? Is it as amazing as I think it would be?

  25. LMAO! Thank you for the chuckle Debra! :D

  26. I love Count Floyd, but then again I'm one of those oddballs who thinks the early days of SCTV were better than the early days of SNL.

  27. I also loved Count Floyd and the rest of the SCTV characters! I remember watching SCTV immediately after SNL on Saturday nights in high school.

    Phantom Of The Opurra was hilarious! The Godzilla cloud formation in Michigan was incredible!


  28. LOL! Godzilla on the sky. But I like godzilla on the fridge. :)))

  29. Hey Debra!

    You bring back memories of "Second Kitty Television."

    Take care, eh and nicely done. You and the witty kitty :)


  30. I've never been a Godzilla fan (don't tell him) but I'm with you on the Phantom - especially if it's a cat-Phantom!

  31. I'm also a fan of Godzilla (the older the better). You must like Gamera too then.

  32. I can definitely relate to your Phantom of the Opera love. The same goes for Godzilla--there is something about monsters that can't help themselves, which makes them just lovable (even if not cuddly).

    The last picture made me howl!


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