Friday 5 June 2015

Don't Be Judgmental

It's a Brave New World, kids. Besides, "they" always said the Gay Agenda would lead to this!


  1. Hilarious stuff indeed. Thanks for that!

  2. It's just cat love. The people I feel sorry for are the ones who are rejected by even cats. One of mine doesn't like me as much as he likes my dad but that's just because my dad is the one who feeds him. We effectively have a cat each.

  3. I mean, I guess if you like Toxoplasmosis, then, go ahead and marry that cat. Definitely no funny stuff before marriage. Only a marriage recognized by God will allow for non-sinful bestiality.

  4. I'm sneezing just looking at all this pussy, lol.

  5. OMG that cat that returns the kiss is adorable!

  6. Too funny! I wish my cats would massage me like that. Damn.

  7. Miss Minga used to lie next to me and massage my legs. Cats are such special creatures.

  8. Aaahhh yes.... Kitty Love! ♥ Can't complain about a warm vibrating object in bed! :o)

  9. Purrrfect, Debra! Especially the cat kisses one!
    I got such a kick out of the kitty massage photo ~ Person-to-Text connection! Whenever I have a massage I go to my friend Kathy's home. She is an amazing masseuse. She also has an adorable kitty named Angel. Whenever I come, Angel comes running to great me. While Katty is warming rice bags, Angel will hop up on the massage table, snuggle up next to me, and purr. Of course she wants some cheek rubs and behind the head scratches too. Kathy calls Angel her massage assistant!

  10. Thanks for the laugh! Have a great weekend Debra!

  11. Hello dear Lady Debra.... Hope that you and yours are well today.....
    ...we posted that "Thing" image and another backwards song that we get a laugh from as well... "Back-masking" makes for some cool
    and thanks for the "Smile".... the cat gif is funny....

  12. I've never cared much for cats. But if others like them and treat them well it is all fine with me. I never cared much for weasels either.

  13. I love pussy...............................cats.

  14. Lol! Love this.

    And yes, tolerance all the way. It's the only way as far as I'm concerned. I've heard so many rude, hateful things said about Caitlyn Jenner in the last week. I just want to yell, GET OVER IT! What is WRONG with you People!?

  15. "Deal With It". Need to show that to Martha Stewart. She needs to develop the proper attitude. Being the only cat in the house now she is way too complacent!

  16. I second Jackiesue.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  17. Our lives have been empty for too long...we need to get a cat again!

  18. I wouldn't mind marrying my cat.

  19. Where did you get that picture of my orange cat at the top? Cats rule!

  20. Hey Debra!

    Thanks for this! However, I know have to remove the slobber from a certain dog. No, not me! Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! Adored by cats and the Gay Agenda.

    Have a nice weekend, eh.


  21. Haha, yes, I can definitely recognize myself in this. And thanks so much for having bought my book on Avalon. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on it. Happy Caturday :-)

  22. It's not my thing (Aaaaaaaaaa-choooooooo!) but have at it! LOL

  23. love the cats post! specially the ginger one..being a owner of a ginger cat myself :) not the one in my blog as I have 2 cats :) ...

  24. I am never judgmental towards cats. I adore them all.

  25. How can I get ahold of that masseuse?
    Great, timely post.

  26. MEOW!!!

    Too funny!

    Love the gif, so sweet!!

    Sophie wants some of this too, any chances of including non-kitties!?



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