Monday 8 June 2015

Out of the Mouths of Babes


  1. GREAT way to start the day! now go out and be FABULOUS!

  2. That last one is PERFECT. I cracked up.

  3. I wonder which one of those three will be fabulous :)

  4. So great! I love the dialog with the child. Adults can learn a lot from kids!

  5. I really like the science one

  6. Y'know, when you title a post "Out of the Mouths of Babes" and start with an image of sperm, it becomes a much more disturbing title.
    That Kindergarten teacher one, I've heard adults have that conversation.

  7. I was going to say,"Fabulous post' but I see the word has been used a few times already! hahahaha

  8. Just what I needed. A chuckle before the day really begins. Love coming here in the morning.

  9. What Pickleope said. It showed up in my dashboard that way - Title: "Out of the Mouth of Babes" - preview picture, some sperm. I cringed. And then laughed. Because, you know, we're sick like that.

    Also, I kinda wish I could play video games with another dude all day long. Being straight is the worst.

  10. To Pickleope and ABftS boys -- D'oh! You're right! I never caught that. I bow to your superior filthy minds. I guess I owe you after all the grief I've given you in my comments on your blogs, LOL!

  11. This is all way to funny. Great memes!

  12. If only the Supreme Court could be so open minded. We wait to see.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  13. Hey Debra!

    How;s it goin', eh? You know, just like The Flintstones, I had a gay old time reading this post!

    I feel fabulous, darling! ;)

    Gay, um, Gary

  14. Dang it, I wanted to fabulous but all I got was the stinkin' tshirt!

  15. BAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh...every time I thought I found a favourite, the next one made me laugh even harder. These are hilarious. Kids...the best. Little clean slates with no hatred or prejudice until adults get their hands on them!

  16. Hm, I wonder which of those three boys will turn out fabulous?!
    Have a great week, Deb.

  17. That last one! hahahahaha!

  18. Some funny stuff here love your blog, following now!

  19. That dog and baby meme always cracks me up! Seriously though, kids amaze me. They really are just so accepting of many things adults judge about. My kiddo surprises me all the time with stories from school. And then they group up and start being craps.

  20. I particularly love the one about how scarring it was talking to her kid ;)

  21. I don't know how you come up with this stuff, but it makes my day...every time.

  22. Love them all! Kids are so awesome! They know where their priorities are!
    Have you seen the show Grace & Frankie on Netflix?

  23. Oh my.....this was a perfect way to start the day. Best chuckles here at your blog. xoxo Oma Linda

  24. I shall giggle for days... especially after seeing that onesie!

  25. @Jeanne --

    Yes, we just finished watching "Grace and Frankie" on Netflix and thought it was hilarious! Apparently it's been renewed for a second season, so there'll be more episodes in 2016.

    And heads up, everyone! The 3rd season of "Orange is the New Black" starts streaming this Friday, June 12th!

  26. I just read the video game one to Tim. So funny.

  27. They are great..Thanks for sharing!!

  28. I am all for same-sex marriage: why should only straight couples suffer? Anyway, I find all these memes hilarious.

  29. Ha ha that last one cracked me up. :D


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