Monday 15 June 2015

Going Straight

"Never!!!" is indeed a good and proper response when a passenger in your car gives you directions to "go straight" -- but there's a better one, LOL! As a baby dyke, I was taught that the correct response is to always say:

"No! I only go GAILY FORWARD, never straight!"


  1. A friend of mine used to say the only the only thing straight about her was her hair. Which was funny because it was curly. So she switched to not even her hair is straight.

  2. I just saw an FB meme this morning about a gay teen coming out to their dad with some sort of pun about "parking straight". The dad's response on it was the teen should have waited - because the dad had a bet with his mom he wouldn't come out to him until college and now he owed her money!

  3. I've never heard a GPS tell me to "go straight." It's always, "continue on this road for X number of miles." But screw me for ruining the joke.

  4. This is awesome. I'm still giggling at the term 'baby dyke.' I imagine an infant with a mullet and a plastic set of power tools.

  5. I'll take "Go straight."

    It's when the GPS starts telling me that its sincerely held religious beliefs prevent it from giving me directions that I draw the line.

  6. Morning Coffee, and my morning smile! xDebi

  7. ha! gay pride parade was held here yesterday.

  8. Too funny. Love my morning visits here.

  9. hahahaha perfect response.

  10. "Gaily Forward' :o) gotta remember that!

  11. from the time my kids and the granddaughters can remember I have always said ..go forward...never go straight..some times they listen some times they don't..

    the other day while in the car with Jamie to go to the store, I said something about directions and with out even thinking about it (she said) all you have to do is go forward...I burst out laughing and said 'you did listen to me all those years.'..she said she always says go forward never go straight...all her friends think she's nuts...she is and I love her for it.

  12. GPS should have a gay mode too as it does speaking in different accents.

  13. Happy Monday! I have been using the term gaily forward since the birth canal.

  14. True story.

    My son came out to me at age 13. Now I knew since he was about 11 that he was gay and was just waiting for him to figure it out and talk to me. So he tells me and right away say's "I hope your not upset or disappointed in me." And I said "No, I was just afraid you were going to tell me you were straight."

  15. Gaily forward works as well as anything. Maybe better!

  16. I think my gps says "keep straight" then turn at the badly pronounced road.

  17. That's funny. It never even suggests "Go either way."

  18. Ha! Mr. RK had never heard that expression until I made a reference to it about a month ago.

  19. I can't wait to say, "Go gaily forwards, please!" ;-D


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