Friday 12 June 2015

Hateful Christians

Unfortunately, there are still plenty of hateful Christians to go around, aren't there? However, as the moral authority of Christianity continues to erode through the Church's own abusive actions towards women, children and the LGBT community, let's hope that they will increasingly be replaced by Christians who are prepared to practice love, equality and tolerance in the 21st century.


  1. I'm glad you're taking a sensible, almost humorous approach to this kind of thing. There are some hateful Christians yes, but they are becoming the minority. People need to focus more on the majority that might not speak as loudly. There are hateful people from every background. There are even hateful people in the LGBT community. No community, no group of people, no anything, is free from hate.

  2. i love the guys that stole the S!

  3. We live in an intolerant world, and I believe things are going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

  4. ain't these the truth! ain't got no time for h8!

  5. Sometimes you have to laugh at teh stoopid. Looking forward to a time when no one will get all worked up over what people they aren't sleeping with are doing.

  6. Yeah, the "Bible says it's a sin" argument is pretty thin and highly selective. The Bible (not the "Straigtble", loved that) also says you're not supposed to cut your hair, to stone to death disobedient children and have a couple of slaves, but no one follows or advocates for those. It's a translation of a translation of an interpretation, y'think they may have gotten a couple words wrong here and there?
    I joined an LGBT advocacy group in the small rural town I live in (not bragging). It was started by an 80 year old retired preacher. He has single-handedly renewed my faith in humanity and people of faith.

  7. As an anti-theist, I just rest my case.

  8. Best way to ruin a protest.........


    I would so do that and DARE anyone to try to call me on it!

  9. that Joel sure is a psycho!

  10. Love what those two guys did to the sign! {{snicker}}

  11. Sadly, there are very hateful people in the world that hide behind religion. And unless someone is being extremely aggressive with their intolerance, I like to engage individuals with differing opinions in honest and mutually respectful conversation to truly understand what goes on in their mind. I find that healthy dialogue helps to bridge differences and even invite change. And when we can't see eye to eye, I will agree to disagree. As long as it includes live and let live. I have no problem with people who view the world in a different way from the way I view it as long as they do not hurt others or try to restrict their human rights. Sometimes entire generations have to die off before you see substantial change. Individuals can be very set in their ways and no amount of reason/conversation can change that.

  12. those tea bagger Christians give good Christians a bad name...

  13. Almost choked on the Osteen meme.
    (pun intended)

  14. The last one would be my plea for humans...........

  15. I have to say, at least the hateful Christians are up front about who and what they are. It's easy enough to avoid them and their nonsense. What's hard is dealing with family members, otherwise kind and generous people, who belong to churches that preach peace and love here at home, then funnel money and operatives to places like Uganda to help craft hateful anti-homosexual laws.

  16. Well you have burnt my frail retinas out ! Stop! lolol I looked forward to getting older at one time, I thought the world would be a wonderful place after all the bullshit.......I was wrong AGAIN! Our world is revolving in reverse! When is that flight to Mars?
    xoxo Debi

  17. LOL! Those are all so perfect, I CANNOT pick a favorite. True Christians are tolerant and loving. I know a few. Unfortunately I also know a couple who are like the ones in this post. Who appointed them judge and jury I'll never know. They can shove it up their fake Christian asses.

  18. Those are great..I tend to stay away from people who profess to be Christians..So many are back stabbers and hide behind their faith..

  19. There are many intolerant people in the world who curiously wish to impose their will on others. I am a great believer in us all having choice as long as it does not hurt anyone else.

  20. These are a riot. Too many churches are nuts! You have probably seen this clip that is so classic of a pastor "curing" a gay man and making him straight.

  21. Hahahahaha, Miss Val! No, I haven't seen that before but it's hilarious -- both the original footage and the host's commentary on it! Thanks for the link!

  22. Haaaaaaa on stealing the "s"!! I'd do that too.

  23. AHAHAHAAAHAHAAAAA! I love these! Girlfriend, you make me laugh!

  24. Martha's line "Sometimes entire generations have to die off before you see substantial change" was something that I was mulling over in my mind just last week.

    The times they are a changin' (as the song goes)!

  25. Everything wrong in this world is because someone's God needs appeasing. This world would be so much better without religion - and here in the U.S. without Christianity. I don't believe man is able to move away for God fairy tales for it feeds his need for bigotry and authority over others.
    The only reason religion exist is to convince oneself there is a reprieve from death.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  26. I love the people who say the only reason they don't like gay people is because they're Christians. I've never seen a person with a rational mind become hateful because they joined a new faith.

    Me thinks their homophobia existed way before they looked up reason to justify it in the bible. The same way they used the Bible to justify slavery in the old days, it's very pro-slavery even the parts with Jesus in it.

  27. So many, hate so many others. It's odd, really. To hate so much.

    Loved the stollen S.

  28. That is a terrific collection! Jesus comes first. Bwaahahahaha!

  29. Fake Christians drive me crazy. We have way too many. Thanks for sharing an important topic. Happy weekend.

  30. Hateful, intolerant Christians have no place in an understanding, compassionate, all different, all equal society.

    Bring on the born-again hypocrites. In my world, there's no religion to begin with!

    Have a good weekend, eh!


  31. I'm still trying to find a personal spiritual belief.
    The formal religions make it impossible.
    ~John M

  32. Hateful people just have no place in this society - Christian or no. The hypocrisy of those folks makes my blood boil. I live in Texas and see this kinda crap too often. :( I love these pics though!!

  33. So much wasted energy used in hating.

  34. These are good!

    I'm not sure that humor nor reasoned argument is going to change these folks. To me, it's all about politics but disguised as faith.

    But it's also a generational thing.

    In 10 years, the next generaiton will have moved on and found someone else to condemn.

    I wonder who it's going to be! I'm guessing it will be dwarves and hunchbacks who have approached altars, which is specifically verboten under Leviticus 21:20!

  35. Not to be a Danny Downer, but in regards to your opening statement, you should clarify that a little. Simply saying "The Church", while a majority of your readers (including myself) would get the inference that you're talking about the Catholic Church, some who may do a drive by read of your good blog may not. Some may misconstrue the meaning as if you're talking about say, the Mormons, Protestants and Baptists (for example).

  36. This.
    This boils my very blood.
    How can you hate anyone "in the name of religion?"
    No deity would be like, "Yep, that's totally what I meant."
    God hates those that claim to know what God hates.
    People who spout off about same sex marriage say the SAME kind of ignorant, ridiculous things they said against interracial marriage.
    Literally the only people that would even care? Are the people that are afraid they are gay, and are trying to hide it. Those closeted Republicans and conservatives that really are gay, but are so afraid they won't be honest with themselves. So like everyone who tries to be what they're not, they slowly go insane and try to take as many people with them as possible. Sad.

  37. OMG! That one with the letter stealing is THE BEST!!

    Those people aren't Christians. They're hateful idiots.


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