Sunday 28 June 2015

Love Wins, YAY!

Welcome to the same-sex marriage club, America! What a great victory in the United States Supreme Court on Friday. What an amazing transformation has occurred in American society. There could not be a more perfect culmination of Pride Month!

To prevent a nation from withering and dying, its Constitution must be treated as a Living Tree, not as Dead Wood. It needs to speak to the present and the future, not the past. The majority of the US Supreme Court made that abundantly clear in its ground-breaking decision and they are absolutely right.

Celebrate, all of you who have worked so hard for this day! You deserve to party! U - S - GAY! U - S - GAY!


  1. I work with a guy whose daughter just had a baby recently and she is gay. I saw her on the news and she and her partner were one of the first to get married in our county!
    US GAy. Just wondering, when did the word "gay" come to mean homosexual? Do you know?
    "We'll have a gay old time!" That's from the Flintstones, you know. I loved them, didn't you?

  2. Did you see how Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi celebrated together? :) Such fun! Freddy proposed to Stuart in the last episode of VICIOUS this week :)

  3. Congratulations to our American friends and neighbours!! :)

  4. it was a good day to be a proud american. i wish we had won by a wider margin but i will take what i can get.

  5. It's was such a great day until that BASTARD Cruz came on the news saying he was going to counter everything that the Supreme Court has done. Texas is screaming that they will refuse to marry anyone gay. So many people including my husband and I, are hoping Cruz drops dead soon.

  6. You're right, I didn't think of the timing but yeah, what a capper to the end of Pride month. My brother-in-law is gay and married and I'm so happy that now wherever he and his husband go, they are recognized as a married couple and it's not just state-by-state anymore. Then, for the White House to make a statement like that, it was truly a great day.

  7. U - S - GAY! U - S - GAY!
    U - S - GAY! U - S - GAY!
    U - S - GAY! U - S - GAY!


  8. What a great day Friday was here!!!!!! And your right about damn time!!!! I guess now this means the Mistress will have to become a honest woman!!! Lolz! Have you seen many of the landmarks here that were illuminated with the gay pride colors. Amazing. Now....we need to concentrate on gun laws. And just so you know, I have swiped some of your pride cats pic to share!!!!!!

  9. @ Kay G -- In the 1700s, "gay" started to be used to mean immoral and promiscuous behaviour (like "he's a gay blade") but was used largely in a straight context. "Gay" started to be used by homosexuals as a code word for ourselves in the early 20th century and by the 1950s was used almost exclusively to mean queer. Of course, straight people knew none of this. That's the nature of coded language -- it's used for safe communication in a dangerous setting. We chose the name "gay" for ourselves, whereas the name "homosexual" was imposed on us as a term of medical diagnosis. That's why that term is not favoured in our community.

  10. @ Leeanna -- Don't worry about Cruz and Texas throwing a fit. Alberta did the same thing when same-sex marriage was legalized in Canada 10 years ago. It was all hot air and bullshit though because a Supreme Court decision binds everyone. It just means there'll be some more lawsuits in Texas for awhile but eventually it will all be fine! Alberta made a big stink but pretty quickly folded like a house of cards.

  11. Finally THATS! settled! 👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🙋🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


  13. Now maybe we can get on with it instead of dealing with asshats who spend too much time worrying about that other people are doing in their bedrooms. Congratulations to all my gay friends!

  14. So now we can drop these beards and be truly happy? Rejoice! ;)

  15. Very happy the SCOTUS voted for this!! Made my heart happy! :) I thought that exactly as well, perfect news for your month of blogging! :)

  16. Isn't it the best news for this year? Or this decade?

  17. Thanks, I knew you would know.
    We have a gay friend who lives in D.C. and he prefers the word "homosexual" rather than "gay". I never asked him why, I just remember him telling us that. He wrote a book about his life but he was told that the "market" wasn't ready for his book. Maybe it is now! (By the way, he gave us a copy of his book and it was really good, should be required reading, I think.)

  18. HELL YEAH! for a change we did something in the name of LOVE!

  19. It's about time! I am disappointed the vote wasn't unanimous as it should have been. Luckily majority rules!

  20. 4 of my 6 siblings live in the States, and while none of us are gay (we're so BORING!) we are all very excited about this! Hooray for America!!

  21. SO stoked about this! I have some very happy friends right now! But since the ruling it's been non-stop hate on my facebook feed and I've been feeling the need to comment back. Decided to stop because it's been giving me a headache and you can't fix stupid. So. WHATEVER! PARTY TIME!

  22. Equal rights, the freedom to love. What a wonderful thing. I knew our friends to the south would eventually catch up with us :)

  23. It's a good week for America. Some of my friends and family members on FB were not so happy. The most pathetic was one of my brothers, and one of Daisy's cousins. Daisy's brother is gay, and her cousin knows that and I thought they had a good relationship. They wont' if he reads her multiple post rant.

  24. Australians are now screaming that they're the only English-speaking country without gay marriage.

  25. It's about time.....suck it, retroverts!

  26. I love the way you put it - the Constitution should be treated as a Living Tree. Marvelous!

  27. I keep smiling about this...Amazing! I'm thrilled our government is doing some exceptionally good things.

  28. It was a great day for equality and freedom. I don't have gay American friends, but I do have gay friends and I am happy for them that the greatest nation in the West recognized same sex marriages.

  29. It was hard not to cry that day. FUCKING FINALLY! And we're not done, as you know. I'm gonna stop typing now before I write a fucking book.

  30. It's about time, for sure. I don't even see why it had to take so long. Stupid but now it's done and thank gosh for that. Everyone should be able to marry and get insurance and all that.

  31. Yeh, so happy for our American friends ;o) It's about time!!!


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