Monday 29 June 2015

Celebrity Roundup

It's a real perk of power that Vladimir Putin gets to define what's "gay" or not under his own anti-gay laws --

And in America -- FINALLY, a Tea Party conspiracy theory that's legit!

Well, Barack, he IS the vice-president, you know . . . .

So, Prime Minister Cameron, I see it's true what they say about all British men --

Now for one of my most favourite kick-ass bisexuals!

 Corporations need to get with the program!

And now, let's pause to remember Freddie Mercury. He will strut forever in our hearts.

The final word, as always, belongs to George Takei . . . .


  1. that statue IS fab, george is ALWAYS on point, barack and joe are AWESOME leaders, and putin and cameron are dicks.

  2. Freddy has a statue??? We have a statue of Michael Jackson in one of our villages... for no reason..... utterly hilarious

  3. That Freddie Mercury statue is pretty great, way better than that Lucille Ball statue that was in the news recently. George Takei is great. He was the first Twitter account I went to when the Supreme Court made its decision. I think that store, whatever its full name is, created their cock sign specifically for that reason.

  4. Oh Angelina, I have had a girl crush on her since forever.

  5. Great statue, and some of those Memes are hilarious.

  6. George Takei has it worked out. I sometimes forget just how fabulous that Freddie Mercury statue is. Even in death he is the most flamboyant and fabulous thing in the world. My mum had the biggest crush on him when she was younger. She was devastated when she learned he was gay.

  7. Congratulations on another successful Gay Pride month! Possible the best one yet because of the barriers hat fell. Equality was never so sweet!

  8. Ah, Freddie Mercury. One of my all time favorites. I hear the parade here in the city was fabulous. I don't ride the subways anymore so I didn't go.

  9. Freddy Mercury has a statue??? OMG!!!! And I just saw that music video this weekend. :o)
    George is such a hoot! He always tells it like it is....

  10. Your right.......just another reason to love Angelina!!!! Boy, do I love her. A entertaining post as always.

  11. The controversy list is shrinking! John Lennons song " Imagine" slowly coming true...........unfortunately Men Love to War! So the fight continues! xo

  12. Wonderful post with plenty of interesting quotes. Have a great week!!

  13. A hilarious mix to start my week, Debra. Thank you. I laughed the loudest at the Coke that was corrected to read Caitlyn. Too funny.

  14. I have a mad crush on Angelina..sigh*

  15. I heard her dad Jon Voight is pretty conservative, I wonder how he feels about his daughter liking both men and women. That's usually the one times Republicans cave towards gay rights. Either their children comes out of the closet and they don't flip out about it, or they feel the irony of being part of "big government".

  16. Haha! That is one fabulous Freddie Mercury statue!

  17. Yeah we Brits know what David Cameron is really into, but really we all just think he's a bit of a cock. :D That is a great photo and whoever took it did well!

  18. Freddie Mercury was fabulous and one day, maybe, Putin will enter the real world.

  19. These were great! I especially liked the one of Obama and the pizza comment. And Cameron...HAHAHAHA...

    Freddie Mercury is amazing. And Angelina Jolie? Oh my... :)

  20. I am going to miss Obama when he leaves office. :-(

  21. Hey Debra,

    Obama is having a Gay old time
    David Cameron is a man of crime
    Freddie is Queen
    A statue living the dream.

    Take care, eh
    Until another day.

  22. Where is the statue? Fabulous!

  23. It has been a good week
    the Ol'Buzzard

  24. @ Riot Kitty -- That fab statue of Freddie Mercury is in Montreux, Switzerland (home of the famous jazz festival) and overlooks beautiful Lake Geneva.

  25. Straight couples making gay babies, you are too much. But the Freddie one, that's just my most favorite.

  26. PERFECT ending, Debra!
    You are the master/mistress of this!!

  27. I love every bit of this post! The Freddy Mercury statue is so epic!

  28. I so love George Takei; in a totally platonic way, of course... *cough*

  29. Great post!!! I love that statue of Freddie Mercury!

  30. Donation received...Goddess bless your sweet heart...


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